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Is there a wrong reason to join the military?

I joined because I just got kicked out of college and had nothing better to do. Bottom of the barrel recruit.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesnt matter why you join the military. I have heard many varied answers over the years from "I thought my recruiter was cute," to "I wanted to quit doing crack."

    When it comes down to it, what matters is what you do once you are in the military. I really dont care WHY you joined, I am more worried to your PERFORMANCE once you do join. If you were the scumbag of society before you joined, but you set the example as a soldier once you are in, I would never hold it against you.

    Also, to Des, concerning reason #10, it is fun to jump out of airplanes. Landing sucks though...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well there are wrong reasons and good reasons.. It all depends on you and your life style..

    Some people may join so they can take orders and learn discipline while others hate taking orders and will never ever put up with a drill sergeant yelling at them..

    But make sure that you are sure that your going to join the military because there is about a 6-8 years of commitment you have to put into this. If you don't like it getting out would be VERY hard, so if your just joining for the fun of it then think about it. Talk with your friends and families and VETERANS NOT RECRUITERS.

    Those recruiters will sugar coat anything to make you join, it's their job, while some recruiters are honest and good, others are salesmen trying to sell you anything... It's just too hard to find out now days..

    Good reasons are such as that you want to serve your country or learn a new skill... But horrible reasons are reasons that are not thought out, one may go for college money and didn't think about other options and would hate taking orders and end up rebelling.. While another thought about other options and went for college money and loves it, he picked the right jobs, and now he's a Lt. in the Air Force..

    It works for some people and doesn't for others.. Military want people that are dedicated and such... They'll instill discipline and leadership into you, but dedication is something YOU need to think to yourself.. Will I go through with this kind of commitment?

    While others join to pick up a job they'll carry to the civilian life such as Law Enforcement (MPs) and become policemen or SWAT officers later.. But most military jobs don't carry unto civilian life but they are military careers..

    And to all the people who have negative comments (you know who you are..), the military gives and defends your unalienable rights. Blame the government, not the military. This is America, it's the people's government and the people's military, it's the military of the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure there are a lot of wrong reasons to join the military. There are also a lot of good reasons to join the military.

    Basically, if you are joining for any other reason than you want to serve your country, it is a wrong reason.

    How wrong a reason depends on the reason and who is judging the correctness of the decision.

    Are you joining for the free benefits? Not the exact correct reason to join...but you need a job and the military has a very good benefits package....not a very wrong reason to join.

    Are you joining to get away from your parents telling you what to do? Kind of a dumb reason because you don't know what having to do what others tell you until you serve....not an extremely wrong reason. The military has made a lot of kids into men and women.

    Are you joining because you want to kill? Very wrong reason and you should seek counseling.

    Are you joining because you love your country and want to protect it? Right reason. Good luck and God bless you.

  • 1 decade ago

    DreamyAngel, you are an idiot. How dare you say such a thing about the fine men and women who are risking their lives right now so that you can sit on your duff and be worthless.

    Joining the military is fine aspiration. The military has provided a job, training, and financial backing to many young Americans while they are starting out.

    Just because you joined when college didn't work out for you, that doesn't make you "bottom of the barrel." People who join to "get chicks who dig the uniform" or to "kill people" are the ones who join for the wrong reasons.

    I support our troops. God bless them all. They are the finest examples of the bravery and pride that has made America the wonderful place it is.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There are wrong reasons to do a lot of things, but people do it anyway. Your situation sounds like a good reason to join the military. But what are you going to do when you get out? You would have been better off trying to get back into college.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've seen the best soldiers, that have joined as a last ditch effort, even a few that were told, jail or the army. It is a proud occupation. You can go career, or get the life experience to do something else after you get out. There is only one wrong reason I've heard of for a man to join the military, for a woman.

  • 1 decade ago

    some people say that most people join because they have nothing else to do with their lives they either didn't go t college or cant find a real job so the military takes care of that but personally i think the military should have higher standards for who they let in

  • 1 decade ago

    Your case is a prime example of a wrong reason to join. Among others are "only for the money", "can't get any other job" and "my parents said I should". Rockhound's reasons for working on an oil rig are better than joining the military because you have nothing better to do. I bet you make a really devoted soldier, huh.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO there is not. You have heard the winey little hippies cry out for you to do the right thing. They don't know crap. They can just bring up some stupid and perverted thing just to make the military look bad. The truth is, they don't realize that the war can come overseas to the western hemisphere or even America! Who's the "Innocent lives" Now?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there is!!! If you go into the military to just "KILL PEOPLE", then you are WRONG!! So what if you got kicked out of college. I probably would have been kicked out of prep school as a young'n. Heck we have to find our own roads. College may not have been right for you at this point or never. You can still be successful as long as you find the road you want to go down on and go for it. It's about how you contribute to your country man. Good for you!

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