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For the record, it's Italian for "wish", not an ethnic indicator. I'm just a white girl from the Midwest, Army wife, 28, mom of one so far. My (beautiful) daughter was born on March 3rd, 2007 at our local German hospital. The staff was great, but I will say that childbirth is, to date, the single most bizarre experience I've ever had. I loathe politics, they give me a headache. I think voting is important, but I don't blame people for NOT voting when I went to highschool with people who were more mature than today's politicians. I'm not a fan of the war in Iraq (why would I be? My husband's a soldier), but I think it's important to support the troops who are there regardless. Enlistment is still voluntary, but war is still no pleasure cruise, so please have a little consideration. I don't imagine myself ever wanting an abortion, I don't believe in it personally, but I do believe in a woman's right to chose what to do with her own body.

  • Who has a 30-year-old cookbook that can look up a recipe for me? ?

    My mother has a Betty Crocker Big Red Cookbook from the late 70's, possibly early 80's, but it's in storage in a different state than she is in now. I am dying for the cherry pie recipe out of it. I've looked on their site and there's nothing, the recipe in my book is different, and I will NOT put tapioca in my pie (textural thing, sorry). Can anyone help me?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What environmentally friendly dishwasher detergent does not leave a white film on your dishes?

    I'm looking for a good dishwasher detergent that is phosphate free and won't leave residue on my dishes. Even with rinse aid, I tend to have issues with this. I've tried the Palmolive Eco and the Seventh Gen liquid (though I don't think one was so bad). Any suggestions or tips would be great.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Can I delete previous versions of Sims 2?

    I have mulitple expansion packs of Sims 2 and was wondering if it's safe to delete the previous versions from my program list. I have all my information backed up, but I don't want to cause issues with my game. I'm currently running Bon Voyage, can I delete Nightlife, Open For Business, etc.?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What would make my cell phone turn off by itself?

    I have a Razor V3 and three times in the last week it has turned itself off. I had a SLVR before this, and it would do that, too. Why could this be?

    It's not a power shortage, one of the times was when it was plugged in charging. It's not a time out, it can happen in a matter of hours when previously it had been on and inactive for days. I'm not hitting the button accidentally, it's a flip phone.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Where on-line can I find a mascara that won't uncurl my eyelashes, in brown, for under $10?

    I realize that "you get what you pay for" also applies to cosmetics. That does not, however, mean that my budget allows me to buy a $20 tube of mascara, even if I were insane enough to do so. There are plenty quality products available for less.

    I also hate when I get a great curl in my lashes and the mascara I'm trying uncurls them into straight spikes protruding perpendicular from my head.

    And what it is with companies not making brown mascara anymore?

    Please don't tell me to curl my lashes after I apply my mascara as a fix to this problem. Not only am I not masochistic enough to want to pull out my lashes in this fashion and strip the mascara I just applied off the lashes that remain, bald spots in your eyelashes isn't quite my style.

    3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • What do you like most/least when folding laundry?

    Not that folding laundry gives me any joy, but I like towels becaue they're simple, methodical and easy to stack. Socks are my least favorite because doing the match-ups can be so tedious.

    9 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Which nursing bras are the best?

    I'm shopping online for nursing bras and with so many, I'm wondering which are best. I'm looking for something without wire, that doesn't give the torpedo-boob effect, that will hold its shape through the day and through multiple washings, and that comes in a color other than white (beige would be a great start).

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is the best back-pack style baby carrier?

    My husband and I plan on doing some traveling in a few months with our daughter and I want to buy a back-pack style baby carrier to eliminate the need for the stroller when in crowds. I want something breathable, comfortable, and adjustable to fit myself (5'6") or my husband (6'1").

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When is a good time to toilet train my cats?

    I have finally my limit with cat litter. It's suddenly EVERYwhere, not just on the floor by the box, but tracked into the hall, in my rocking chair, on my dining room table, etc. I've always swept, but this is nuts. I want to train my 2 cats to use the toilet. I have a half-bath that is already exclusively theirs, so I won't be losing out on any personal convenience (won't have to move a tray every time I need to use the bathroom).

    The dilemma I'm facing is timing. I have a baby due in a week and I know that is going to be stressful for them. One of them also might need surgery that I'm going to need to time with the baby. I'm not cracked enough to re-train them while one is recovering from surgery, but should I try to get it done now or wait until afterward any recovery period I might be facing with my oldest? I could also be moving in as little as 9 months. Should I just suck it up and deal until we move? Any thoughts, except the mean ones, are appreciated.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to dry apples?

    I'm making apple chips (spiral cut slices) in my dehydrator. Approximately how long will I need to run it? I can't find my book.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What would make my car heater smell like Maple Nut Goodies?

    Every time I turn on my heater in my car it smells like maple candies. Could this be residual from when it was leaking antifreeze?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why do people feel the need to justify their name choices with complete strangers?

    I see so many people ask "What do you think of (insert any and all names here)?" Does it honestly matter? If someone on Y!A comes on and says "That name is horrible, your child will grow up wanting to smother you in your sleep," are you really going to change it if it's something you really like? Or if you like it, but say your parents don't, or your grandmother doesn't, does the postive feedback of people you'll never meet make you feel better? What about the abusive comments? Wouldn't you rather just roll your eyes at Grandma complaining than get chewed out by strangers for what they perceive to be a dumb name?

    I guess I just don't get it. My husband and I picked out names for our baby and said, "This is it." Our parents like the name we have for our daughter, good for them. My extended family is more on the side of "Alrighty then," and my opinion on that is "Too bad for you, it's my kid."

    To all who ask: Name your child what YOU want--it's YOUR child.

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How can I get my husband to dress nicer?

    I love my husband to death, but he is a notoriously casual dresser. On a normal basis, I don't really care, but even when we go out, his idea of dressing up is his cleanest jeans and a newer T-shirt under his hoodie. I understand his wanting to be comfortable after spending all day in his uniform, but I would like him to look nice for me once in a while, too. Any suggestions?

    I tried buying him some clothes, boy did that backfire! I sent most of them back and the rest he's never worn. I tell him how nice he looks when he dresses up, but that doesn't seem to help. He even has a pair of jeans that make his backside just delicious, and I tell him every time he has them on, but he doesn't even wear those anymore (he has some newer grandpa pants that he wears now) unless I pick them out for him when he's too lazy to find his own clothes. He just looks at me like I'm nuts.

    13 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Is this heartburn or indigestion?

    I know that sounds dumb, but I've never actually had either. I have had a slight warm or acidic feeling in my lower esophogus since yesterday morning. I didn't eat anything abnormal, but I did have too much to eat the night before it came on. I had plenty of water and a cup of tea before bed. I felt thirsty but very full. When I woke up, instead of feeling better like I do on the occasions that his happens, I felt like I had to burp but couldn't, and when I lay down and/or roll over, I can usually feel the "heat" rolling with me. The burp feeling hasn't really gone away either. It's not constant, and the intensity varies.

    I am 35 weeks pregnant, and I know heartburn is a common 3rd trimester symptom. I'm just wondering if this is it or something more like indigestion. I had some icecream last night and it helped a little. Milk with breakfast has minimal effect. I'm trying to stay upright, but when I feel things moving I might burp, more often than not nothing happens.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Do AF personnel really get compensated for staying in Army barracks?

    I've heard that if Air Force personnel are training in an area where they're required to stay in Army barracks/billeting, that they get compensated for sub-standard living conditions. Is that true?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Am I pregnant?

    I haven't had a period since May and I had 2 positive HPT's in July, and a positive blood test 4 days later, and my belly has gotten big and every time I go to the doctor they give me pictures of a baby. Could I be pregnant?

    Okay, I know I wasted my 5 points here, but it's better than screaming at all the girls that keep asking the same question over and over and over. Do they know how ridiculous some of them sound?

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Print Shop Deluxe 22: Can't open my address book?

    I recently purchased and installed Print Shop Deluxe v. 22 and I can't open my address book to input addresses. I can edit my personal profile info, but if I try to open the address book, the initial little box pops up for a split second but nothing happens. I can open my event calendar, but I can't get into the address book through there either. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Have they STOPPED teaching sex ed in school?

    There seem to be an insane number of young people who have NO idea how their bodies work and how to avoid getting pregnant, or how to tell if they are. I had 3 sex ed courses by the time I was a freshman in highschool, then a whole section on reproduction in 10th grade Bio. I'm not even from a "liberal" area, so I was just wondering how all these people are so clueless about how things work.

    12 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Is it the iron, a pregnancy symptom, or am I just losing my freaking mind?

    I'm 33+ weeks pregnant and I feel like I'm going insane. I sleep as much as I have since I've been pregnant, but around mid-late evening, I start getting really antsy (and bored and sometimes irritable). I don't personally consider it nesting, since there isn't a desire to clean or decorate. In fact, there's not compulsion to do ANYthing specific, just a sheer and utter need to be moving around, or at least doing something besides whatever I happen to be doing at the time. Any thoughts or ideas?

    I hadn't been taking my iron like I should, and now I have been for the last week, but this actually started before I got back on the iron. Could the iron be exacerbating the problem?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What ingredient gives Listerine that smell?

    No matter what color/flavor you buy, every single one has that classic brown Listerine smell. Which ingredient is it that gives it that signature odor?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago