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desiderio asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

When is a good time to toilet train my cats?

I have finally my limit with cat litter. It's suddenly EVERYwhere, not just on the floor by the box, but tracked into the hall, in my rocking chair, on my dining room table, etc. I've always swept, but this is nuts. I want to train my 2 cats to use the toilet. I have a half-bath that is already exclusively theirs, so I won't be losing out on any personal convenience (won't have to move a tray every time I need to use the bathroom).

The dilemma I'm facing is timing. I have a baby due in a week and I know that is going to be stressful for them. One of them also might need surgery that I'm going to need to time with the baby. I'm not cracked enough to re-train them while one is recovering from surgery, but should I try to get it done now or wait until afterward any recovery period I might be facing with my oldest? I could also be moving in as little as 9 months. Should I just suck it up and deal until we move? Any thoughts, except the mean ones, are appreciated.


To clarify, they ARE already litter trained, I DO have a covered box, and outside isn't an option, we live in a 3rd floor apartment with a secured front door.

Toilet training a cat wouldn't be as intensive as house-training a puppy, only a matter of switching the training trays and keeping the litter in them clean (which I already have to do), but I DO realize I will have a baby to look after.

Update 2:

I also appreciate your concers about the toxoplasmosis. I assure you that I know about it, I'm clean, the cats are clean, and if I had a choice (hubby's deployed, sorry), I wouldn't be anywhere near the box.

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Well i would say not to train your cats now because it will be hecktic and it will be very stressful on you and your old cat Just wait to you move and they get adjusted to the new house and everything is settle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems like a good idea to wait until afterward. Probably be a good idea to have someone else deal with the litter box, too, as it is possible to contract toxomasmosis from cat feces.

    In the mean time, to cut back on litter being tracked through the house, perhaps you could put a little piece of carpet (we bought samples from Home Depot) under the front of the box so that loose litter gets caught there, and is less likely to be tracked throughout the house.

  • 1 decade ago

    It does depend on the cat, however, it will probably take up to 3 weeks to totally toilet train the cats. Some things to think about: are you home all day? You may have to monitor the progress.

    I've seen several products on the market that claim they can have your cats trained in one week - and although I don't doubt some cats can - I don't know your cats as well as you do.

    Think about it and if it would be better after the baby is born, then consider that time as more appropriate.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): cat rescue volunteer and lifetime cat(s) guardian
  • 1 decade ago

    You might want to consider letting them go outside. This may sound strange, but if you put peanut butter on their paws before putting them out, it will help them find their way back. It is pretty difficult to train cats to use the toilet at the best of times, but with one cat recovering from surgery and you expecting a baby, I wouldn't recommend it right now. Many cats freak out at the sight of water, which will make it extremely difficult for you to train them to sit above it where they can easily fall. They won't, but they may refuse to go near it. I would say that the best time to train them would be when they're kittens, not too little, about ten-twelve months old.

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  • 1 decade ago

    litter is a pain use a rubbermaid bin for the litter since the sides are higher and less litter will go all over the place. training a cat to use the toilet is not going to be easy especially since you will be having a baby soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    im not too sure about toilet training the cats but you definately shouldnt be messing with the cat boxes because of the possibility of contracting toxoplasmosis. look into it. good luck with the baby and the cats :0)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dude! you cant teach a cat to use a toilet! not with a baby coming! you will have to take care of the baby, all the time! just forget it, and let em' go out side. and, woah! your cats have their own bathroom?! good luck with all this! lol!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you can get cat litter trays with lids and a cat flap on them put it in the normal place show them it and you should be good to go.

  • Avaria
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    wow yeah im gonna start training my kitten!

  • 1 decade ago

    it is better to train them younger so that they learn better.

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