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Is it the iron, a pregnancy symptom, or am I just losing my freaking mind?

I'm 33+ weeks pregnant and I feel like I'm going insane. I sleep as much as I have since I've been pregnant, but around mid-late evening, I start getting really antsy (and bored and sometimes irritable). I don't personally consider it nesting, since there isn't a desire to clean or decorate. In fact, there's not compulsion to do ANYthing specific, just a sheer and utter need to be moving around, or at least doing something besides whatever I happen to be doing at the time. Any thoughts or ideas?

I hadn't been taking my iron like I should, and now I have been for the last week, but this actually started before I got back on the iron. Could the iron be exacerbating the problem?


Lol, some cute answers so far. It's definitely NOT in my legs, it's upper body and arms mostly. My car has actually been out of commission for 2 months now (getting it back tomorrow, FINALLY), and since we are stationed in Germany (Bavaria region), there's nothing to do outside my house when this all hits. Everything here seems to have bank hours.

I am least accomplishing something (well, tonight I am), but it's so bizarre to feel this way nearly every night.

Update 2:

Oh yeah, and since Baby seems determined to make me nocturnal, once I'm asleep, I stay that way until I have to pee or bust, then I'll go back to bed and sleep out my quota. If I had a normal schedule this would be more like my afternoon-early evening, so it's not messing up the pre-established pattern there.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    im 34 weeks pregnant too. this sorta sounds like me, i do think im loosing my mind though. i have all these ideas i want to do, but, no comulsion to actually get off the couch and do them. im bored, and want to do stuff.. and go around and look at things and know that they should be done, buit the thought of doing them, well. that just doesnt happen. i find that i like to drive... just get out of the house. then when my husband comes home from working all day, all id like to do is go out and eat or to the store to walk around. i get ansy.. im at home all day, about 75% bed rest or sitting. i cant really lift anything, or do physical stuff... i dont know, maybe its the hormones, they seem to blame everything on the Hormones. good luck... congrats... happy baby. -- stephanie.

    Source(s): soon mom to be. professional chef.
  • 1 decade ago

    The main symptom of too much iron is constipation....not antsyness. It is more in your legs though, like your legs have a constant need to move? If that's the case then it is Restless Leg Syndrome. It's actually very common in pregnancy because of the circulation in the legs. I complained about it during my first pregnancy and the doctor explained it all too me. But, much to my dismay....none of the medications for this are safe during it's a waiting game. It does go away after delivery I will say! I never did find anything to help the problem, but it was good to know baby and I were safe! My doctor had recommended walking (before settling down for the evening) and calf rubs....along with a couple other things that I have now forgot! Good Luck though!

    Source(s): Mommy of one, second GIRL on the way!! (22 weeks!)
  • 1 decade ago

    Iron would make you tired if you didnt have enough, and consitpated if you have too much. You're going to get tired in your 3rd trimester because you're bigger and the baby is rapidly growing again, like in the beginning.

    Hormones, and boredom are the issue here, if you ask me. I get like that at night all the time even when iam not pregnant. Thats just the time of day when iam more energetic and want to be around people or doing something entertaining.

    So get out of the house and walk or go shopping or something.

  • 5 years ago

    I am virtually 10 weeks and such a lot of my signs have long gone away this beyond week. I have had moderate being pregnant signs, however had moments of nausea, sore breasts, exhaustion, pimples. I'm nonetheless experiencing exhaustion and pimples however the sore breasts and nausea are long gone. I had been very apprehensive approximately miscarriage however had a usa eight wks and there was once a powerful middle beat and the whole thing appeared well in order that made me believe bigger. Hope you believe bigger after your u/s. I suppose it's common to begin having signs fade as you get in the direction of the top of the primary trimester.

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  • 1 decade ago

    im not sure what it is from, i have been takeing my iron pills since i was 5 1/2 months and never miss it, i take the amount im suppost to no more or less, i have also been expierencing the same things as you, i dont have certain things that i want to do i just want to do anything. mine i can say is because im partly impaitent and i want my baby here already.. partly because my husband works alot and i get lonely. yours might be something totally different but thats what im guessing mine is from.

    Source(s): almost 36 weeks.
  • 1 decade ago

    its just PG mood swings!!!!!!!!!!! you will get through it. I had the same problem I would wake up at 3am and cook a huge meal and shove it all down!! congrats on the baby

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe you overdosed on iorn, since your body was not used to it.....i i get like that too though, then suddenly i get all tired and just have to go to bed

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