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What represents evil to you?

Evil is some times linked to the Devil and things of a vile nature. But sometimes so called evil things happen to people and it has actually had a good effect on them. Examples please. One example would be the man named Job in the bible. Does this example happen today?

13 Answers

  • B SIDE
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Job is a funny example of evil! It's perhaps the only time the bible admits directly that God is himself EVIL and makes deals with Satan!

    Job 42:11 "Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him. "

    The world is evil. Nature is evil. Man is evil. God is certainly evil. All good things come from the same place as all evil things. They are both causal and coincidental. The examples you are seeking are everywhere around you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evil is an ACT that causes intentional suffering in the world.

    It is always committed or intentionally allowed to occur by a human being or a human being is the root cause or origin.

    Only actions can be evil.

    People are not evil.

    People commit evil acts and they become "evil" by what they do.

    People who crave power and control over others are most often the perpetrators of evil acts.

    Believe it.

  • 1 decade ago

    In order to perform an evil act, you must do it without emotion or conscience. Real evil does not spring from passion. Passion is the underlying force behind both love and hate. Evil, in its purest form is an act springing from apathy; a lack of any real caring. So, to answer your question,

    Were the actions taken against Job apathetic in nature? Not sure. You'd have to ask the Judaio/Christian god.

    Do we learn from evil? To answer your question, "Does this example happen today?" I believe we all learn from suffering. We are either crushed by it or we take the lesson and become stronger for it.

  • FUNdie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Satan represents evil to me. The example of Job in the Bible shows that God can make lemonade out of lemons. Job was so near-perfect in God's eyes, that He allowed Satan to test him by allowing all kinds of bad things to happen to him. But eventually, Job passed the test, so God blessed him.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evil is anything that keeps you away from God. That is true evil. Circumstances in life, like something you think bad happened to you, etc.. are not true evils, they are things that happen that depending on your faith and the way you view them, you can shift your position and actually use them to your advantage and personal growth. --- I was sick for ten years, but when I recovered and realized all that I had learnt from that experience and how it made me a mature person and much stronger, I actually praised the Lord for that. It's part of me, my most important achievement.!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    George W Bush

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Regarding the question: Evil is usually considered anything, action or influence-wise, that takes away from or reduces life and moves us away from the purpose or design of life; it is the opposite of life, and brings death in some area of our human system, either physically, mentally or spiritually. Satan is considered evil incarnate or personified, and the Bible identifies him as the originator of evil. His very nature is described as that which is against God and life.

    When good comes out of an evil action, it is not because the person experiencing it has a different definition of evil, but because God says that He can bring good results out of intended evil actions for those who love Him. This is not because evil is anything less than evil, but because good and the love of God is so much more powerful than evil.

    In Job's case, satan had a legal right to bring limited evil into his life because of Job's pride in his righteousness with God. In the end, God brought good out of Job's losses by allowing Job to see his pridefulness (chapt. 42) and bringing him to humility. God then restored all that Job had lost because of his responsiveness to the revelation. The resulting "good" wasn't that Job lost daughter, property and health, but that in the end he gained true righteousness before God, which opened to door to recceive restoration.

    The best example is Joseph, whom God promised many great things, then allowed him to suffer evil at the hands of his brothers, Potiphar's wife, and the Egyptians. But in the appointed time, God used it all to bring out the promised good to Jospeph. Joseph recognized this and told his brothers "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."

    A Good God can allow evil to operate because it is confined to the boundaries He establishes and can be used to bring about the good that He determines to come in the end. That is the privilege of sovereign control.

    Example for today? The nation of Israel. They rebelled against him, He allowed evil to scatter them among the nations, promised to return them to their land over 2,520 years ago, then brought them back as a nation to their promised land precisely on time, despite satan's efforts (through Hitler) to prevent just that.

  • 1 decade ago

    darkness=the lack of light

    Cold =the lack of Heat

    Evil=the lack of God(Jesus Christ)

    And yes God will permit bad things to happen so that it will humble you, and you will come to realize that you need God in your life

    Although in the cas of Job. That was a bet between God and Satan as to weather Job would curse God. And fortunately he didnt; and God prospered Him more than he origanally was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The idea of god is evil.

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