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soccersyc asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What is wrong with me, possible mental disorder?

I think that I may be suffereing from some mental disorder...but can't really find anything that describes it. I am very stressed-out. I feel as if my life is not real...very if I am watching someone else. I feel as if I have no control over the outcome of my life. I feel as if I do not have a baby soon it is going to be too late...I am 30 & I already have an 8 year old. I am constatly worried about the things going wrong in my dad is in the hospital, my daughter is having some behavior problems, my husband lost 1 of his 2 jobs, we need to add on to our house before we can have another baby and we are on a very tight budget due to finances.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Feeling disconnected like you describe is a sign of a panic attack, brought on by anxiety caused by the stress in your life. And not so much the stress, but the way you choose to handle the stress. Not to minimize, at all, but we choose how to react to the things that stress us out. I am working on this same thing right now, so I cannot prescribe a cure, just encouragement. Take some time every day (make everyone leave you alone, even for just 10 minutes) for yourself. Read a book on positive thinking/stress management. The key is to change how you react, because you cannot change the situation right now, only how you handle it. A good book is "From Panic to Power". Once I read it, I went from feeling cut off from my life to realizing there are others out there like me, and I learned from those others how to handle the stress to keep it from being anxiety, but it's no easy fix. It's something you need to work on daily (again, the 10 minutes to yourself...or, hell, make it 20!) Good luck.

    A good keyword to repeat to yourself when all hell breaks loose: UNDER-react!!

  • 1 decade ago

    You need a break! Go someplace new with your husband and kid. I'm sure there are plenty of places around locally that you haven't tried out yet.

    Don't get stressed over stuff that you can't change, and get together the initiative to change what you can. Dad's sick, all you can do is make his stay more comfortable with visits and maybe a book or something. Husband lost his 2nd job- try to make do without the income and enjoy the holidays before you stress too much. As far as the kid- she may be acting out because she feels the stress and tension in the house and doesn't know how else to cope. Spend some time together and do something fun. And maybe wait a year or so before you try having another child- that will jsut add more stress to your life when you really don't need it. 30 isn't anywhere near too old to have another kid! Maybe the next job your husband gets will be good enough to move someplace larger.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to let go, you need happiness. You don't have a disorder, you simply need a bit of balance in your life. Spirituality perhaps, or a nutrition plan. Perhaps both. Clearly only going for the economic and the industrial factors of live aren't very soothing to the system. Especially being female with the raging hormones that come forthwith, you'll need a bit more balance than others. Have some of your time for yourself to relax.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, seems like you have alot on your plate. It sounds like you are stresses out and overwhelmed! Sometimes when you have alot of stress, you can "dissociate" and experience that feeling of not being in your life.

    Perhaps you need to take some time for yourself and just relax. Do something fun. Go for a walk. Get a chocolate sundae.

    Then talk to your husband and tell him that you are feeling really stressed and need help.

    This is a hard time of year for a lot of people. Hang in there....

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  • 1 decade ago

    right now a baby is not what you need. your stressed out and maybe go to the doctor and tell him your unreal feelings, sounds like anizity . worrying and not getting your mind off of everything. get some exercise a walk or maybe a job part time would help

  • 1 decade ago

    Stress and maybe early panic attack. Step back and you control your thinking , if you can't fix it now why worry?Soround yourself with friends and family.Take a hot bath or shower then sleep for a while.Try to take on challenges one at a time.

  • 1 decade ago

    thoughts ordered for family social relationship is stressing you out.

    get some rest. re-evaluate. you may benefit to realize in this that for to be greatfull of what is given to you in family.

    have security in the responsibilities of thoughts and feelings to these as they enter your conscious. that you and family may go slowly and share responsibility for family consciously.

    accept responsibilities which are priority for maintaining self and family first and second .. and in that order .. for you and they benefit in your health and good conscience.

    for other responsibilities and dreams such as a new-born.......

    let the sharing of its' truth happen as conditions provide.

    be well you and family

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This isn't a mental disorder. It's just a lot of stress...I know how you feel.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can you say, "That's Life?" Your problems are no more serious or special than the majority of people. There's an old saying, "Life sucks... and then you die." Best to tough it out and move on!

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