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Tea_Girl asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog flea problem, how do I get them off of dog, out of carpet, and out of back yard?

My doggie got fleas from our back yard, my poor little Cocker, how do I get rid of these beasts?

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The 4 stages of the life cycle of the cat flea are the egg, larva, pupa and adult phase. The length of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from 12 days to 4 months, and an adult flea lives up to 115 days. The length of the complete life cycle depends primarily on the temperature, humidity and availability of food.

    Adult Fleas can live and breed on a dog. A female flea lays up to 20 to 40 eggs per day, producing several hundred eggs during her life. When separated from a host, adult fleas live only a few days. For nourishment, adult fleas feed on the host by frequently sucking blood from the dog. Fecal matter found on the dog in the form of pellets that appear as black specks slightly larger than flea eggs, is a byproduct of this feeding. These fecal pellets are made up mostly of partially digested blood that rapidly dissolve into a reddish fluid when dampened with water.

    Flea Eggs appear to the naked eye as tiny, ovoid white specks which are laid on the dog and then drop off. A dog infested with fleas will leave behind a debris that looks like salt (eggs) and pepper (fecal Pellets) wherever it lies.

    The flea larvae hatch out of flea eggs in 2-10 days. These larvae then feed on the fecal pellets and on any available food or organic debris. These larvae pass through two more larval stages which range in length from 1-2 weeks. Flea larvae do not actually live on the dog but in floor cracks, rugs or any damp areas frequented by the infested pet.

    The third stage larvae spin a cocoon inside which they pupate (metamorphose) for 1-4 weeks. After development fleas will remain in the cocoon until stimulated to emerge. This period of inactivity can range from 1-140 days. When the adult fleas emerge from the cocoon, they seek out their host to feed and breed on, thus completing the flea life cycle.

    Adult and newly hatched fleas usually confine their attention to any available household pet. Unfortunately, many pet owners have had the unwelcome experience of returning to their homes from a vacation during which their pet had been boarded, to find their ankles covered within minutes with scores of tiny fleas.

    Vibrations from footsteps on carpets or floors are sufficient to cause scattered flea cocoons to hatch. Since a blood meal is essential to these creatures, they hop on the first warm-blooded host they can find. If a tenant with a flea-infested pet vacates a house or apartment, fleas will often be the first ones to greet new tenants who may not even own a pet. Continual flea control is important for family comfort as well as for the dog's health and well being.

    Until you break the cycle the dog will have fleas.

    Vacuum and get the bag out of the house.

    Borax around the house will help.

    Good luck

  • Jon W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    For the dog, first a good flea-killing shampoo, Followed by a good flea collar and frontline drops.

    For those that'll say that's too much, I've used too much many times with no ill-effects. (The dogs seemed ok too)

    In the country, "Sevin" insecticide (spray bottle) is also used quite often (the powder says you can use it, the spray doesn't but it works much better than the powder). "Off" also works to a degree.

    Out of the carpet. Get a case of flea bombs (usually 3 or 4 cans to the box) and bomb the whole house (don't scrimp). Don't use 1 big can. Make sure it says or has an IGR in it.

    Outdoors, spread a granulated insecticide that says it will kill fleas and ticks. Don't know what size the yard is, but a twenty-pound bags a good start. You'll have to water it down or wait for rain. Can't think of the name - red plastic bag.

    If you apply it right it will work and will be cost no more than pelleted lime (which should be about $3 a bag - Orsheln's is high).

    Source(s): Experience. Out in the sticks in a heavily tick-infested area. Like walk outside, go fifty feet, come back in and pull off 3 or 4 ticks.
  • 5 years ago

    Unless you could have noticeable fleas..... it sounds extra like a MITE main issue.... At any cost.. get a few sarcoptic mange liquid(in a bottle) and use that at the puppy... It does scent a little bit so plan to maintain the puppy external all day... Wet the puppy wholly and whilst with rubber gloves on.. practice the liquid wholly and reasonably rubbing it in.. flip the puppy free within the again backyard.. the mites underneath the epidermis will move loopy and reason the puppy additionally to leap, run, scratch, and so on... If the scent isn't too unhealthy, you'll allow the puppy bacvk into the condo later.. BUT... in approximately every week's time(7-nine days) do the identical factor all over again to the puppy and this moment tme will kill the eggs of the mites that could had been laid underneath the epidermis.. Where to get the sarcptic mange stuff.. Do now not get that low priced and now not well stuff at PetSmart or Walmart's.. move to an animal retailer.. Every town has a town feed retailer in which they promote saddles, bridles for horses, feed for horses, farm animals, and likewise puppy and cat presents.. that's the first-class situation to get the sarcoptic mange medication... I have used this many typically... now not most effective on my puppy as soon as however on many neighbor's puppies.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can not get rid of the fleas outside but you can protect your dog from them by getting your vet to perscribe Advantage. This is a flea and heart work treatment that will kill any fleas present, and deter future fleas. the advantage will evetually make all the fleas in the house die off too - with nothing to feed on - However I would also spray some flea spray on the areas th dog is most often - couch - carpets in certain rooms. Wash any bedding, stuffed toys that the dog frequests in the hottest possible water.

    good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    the best is Frontline for your dog.You can get it from the Vet or order it online from pedmeds.

    Now the carpet is a different problem.

    I work for Terminix and know what can be done. We have a treatment for carpets and the rest of your home. You need to vacuum before the tech comes out and for 5 days after treatment every day to get ridd of the eggs. Make sure the bag is emptied after each use. The only negative thind is, you have to stay out of the house for 2 hours. We have had alot of calls here in Florida.

    The warm weather lets them breed.. Over the counter stuff doesn't always treat the problem. Because they are not in prof. strength

    Here is my email if you have any questions :

    Source(s): I work for Terminix
  • Diana
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    After you read the response about the flea life cycle and understand what is going on there, here are some tips on how to control an infestation and rid your home of fleas.

    1. Get 3 days worth of capstar from your vet for every animal in your house. Give 1 to each animal today.

    2. Get some Frontline from your vet for each animal. Apply it today.

    3. Continue to give the capstar once daily to each pet, until gone. (this will kill all the fleas on your dog for 3 days while the frontline starts to work and completely active).

    4. Wash all pet bedding in hot water every 7-11 days. What you can't wash - you will need to treat.

    5. Vacuum - under cushions, under tables, baseboards, anyplace the dog likes to sleep or lay. Get the bag out of the house and into the dumpster. Repeat every 7-11 days.

    6. Treat the house and unwashable pet beds with premise spray (bombs do not work!). I like Knockout spray, but whatever you get, make sure it has an adulticide and an IGR (insect growth regulator - birth control for fleas). If your pet(s) like to lay in certain areas, then spray in a 3 feet radius (the distance fleas travel) around the area. Do this every 7-11 days.

    7. Treat your pets every 3 weeks with Frontline for at least 3 treatments, then once every month.

    8. The yard? Treat shaded areas (flea larvae don't like light) your pet likes to lay/visit with the premise spray every 7-11 days until the second killing frost (if you have one). Fleas live on dogs, not out in your yard. You may have eggs or cocooned flea larvae in your yard, but they are impermeable to pesticides, so treat after mowing your yard (the vibrations stimulates them to hatch out)

    Be sure all pets in the house are treated -- any untreated pet acts as a source of reinfestation.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can somewhat control them outside with pelleted lime. I get mine at a farm and home store(Orscheln's) Just spread it over your yard like grass seed. It helps a lot. Use Frontline or Frontline Plus on your dog and get a flea powder from wal mart or somewhere and cover your carpet with it and let it sit as long as you can. Then vacuum twice a day for a while and that should fix your problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can treat your dog with Ivermectin Pour on preparation and on the carpet and backyard do some ectoparasiticidal spray like cypermethrin/deltamethrin in recommended concentrations according to your country standards or you can go to the vet to have Ivermectin injection or further advise

    Source(s): vet
  • 1 decade ago

    Put frontline on your dog,,it works great,,and it sounds like you may need a flea bomb for your house.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is stuff you buy and put on the dog once a month, k9 Advantix. It works.

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