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looking for a christmas miracle! any ideas!?

I am very sorry about your lose, and we wish we could assist this year, but due to overwhelming request for help and donation being down we have closed registration in all areas for the season

Roxanna Lockridge

Regional Coordinator SEMI T4T

For Support information call 313-526-2477 x1

registration information call 313-526-2477 x2

i have 5 kids ages 18 girl 17 boy 16 girl 14 girl 12 boy and my grandson 4 months old i tried toys for tots as u can see! and salvation army seems like im too late for everything my hubby got laid off from his job this month any ideas to make this holiday bright for the kids! im from michigan

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The gift is not what's in your hand but in your heart. I am sorry for your husbands lose of job. Have you a crisis ministry in Michigan? Ask churches, call & explain the need.Food bank? I went directly to a store to talk to the store manager, explained all agencies had disbursed their funds already for the season, and a family with terminally ill cancer Mother, no insurance, needed help. The manager was more than willing far & above the call of duty! PS I did pray before I went to ask for this family that the Lord go before me & behind me. Check with DSS also or a Volunteer agency or a local civic club, Sertoma, Lions Club, Shriners? Have someone else ask for you, talk to the newspaper. Peoples hearts are more open this time of year. There are people who still care & want to help your family. Be persistant, explore every avenue. Pray!, miracles still happen every day. Believe ! May God Bless you & yours!

    PS Give Thanks to God in everything every day,even in this situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind that love cannot be bottled, boxed, stuffed or wrapped. Yes, I say this as I await wrapping presents for Christmas. I wish I had the $$ to buy some more presents and send them, but I have knees surgeyr coming up and have to pay a deductable. :( I could advise a few things. A) Make presents. What do your kids like? Make presents around that. B) Family and friends. Yes, Christmas is upon us, but my sister had a hard time last year. She was in a wreck which broke both her arms, the nutcase at the hospital (the bandaid center) did not set her arm, so her arm bone pushed her elbow out of socket. Anyway, the wreck happened right after she was fired from work, she was out looking for a job when the wreck happened. Anyway She was trying to get on welfare, but of course,t hanks to the goons who abuse the system (those "welfare kings and queen") she did not get help until January. The store where she use to work put out a collection bottle for her, the store bought her daughter presents, (my older brother and I helped out as much we could) So maybe you could go to the community? C) Have you tried some of the other Christmas help orgs? Angel tree (which is for prisoners children) and Operation Christmas Child. They will not turn anyone away, I don't think.


  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately the Christmas holidays has set us up to feel like there is a standard to live up to (Presents for all, fake smiles, peace on earth and good will to all mankind)...., all seemingly good grant you.., but the fact is there is no peace on earth, more people on the planet live meagerly and it all sounds so dismal ONLY WHEN we compare our lives to people better off.

    Consider, as bad as things look in your life, I promise you there are scores of others that would almost kill to have what you have, to live your life.

    If there is a Christmas Miracle - look at what you do have. FAMILY and friends! Togetherness is much more important than gifts, much more important than any of the commercial guilt tripping big business loves.

    Realize you have more than people in other regions of the world and you will see, you are truly blessed. Your husband may have lost his job - but he has his life and reasonably good health. You are not living out of a cardboard box, you and your family are not in the streets panhandling in tattered clothes and so on. You and the family are blessed when you refuse to let some false standard dictate your happiness.

    The Irony here is that Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of Jesus birth. Consider that Jesus taught that wealth and material things don't matter. Big Business created all this "give me" and "I need" syndrome. It lines the rich man's pockets, and fills yours with a false idea of life and what it means.

    Make your Christmas Miracle by following Jesus, lead. Its not about material possessions. Its about your family, its about your friends, not selfishness, not greed, and that miracle is right in the palm of your hands if you just open it up and look at it.

    *Best Wishes*

  • Give up your internet connection, get off the computer and get a job? Making the holiday bright for your children shouldn't be about material things. Make it "bright" by being a wonderful & loving mother and show them the strength to endure the difficult time you are facing - with a smile.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Toys aren't important. As long as you have food, and family. An just try to live the spirt of Christmas. Even through the toughest times. It should be a good Christmas. I hope the bes of luck for you. An prayers for your family. Be safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry, I have faced this all my life my grandchildren have been without heat and hot water for over a year.I live on disabilty in a one room place and am penniless.All my family in deep need.Very hard to get help.I will pray for You.God does wrok miracles.Call all the local churches,You do not need to be a member.The church gave us a wonderful dinner last time we asked. God Bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may want to try the local churches in your area, most churches have local campaigns just for this time of year. Good Luck and Merry Christmas.

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