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lizarddd asked in Computers & InternetInternet · 1 decade ago

Anyone else sick of eBay?

Ive closed my account as I'm sick of the extortionate charges for selling, plus you're always at the mercy of other people, blackmailing you to leave them good feedback, it sucks, there must be other web aution sites out there that dont rip people off?

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I sold four things totalling about £80 last month - my fees were £12.54, postage was around 25.00, paypal took about £9.00 - less than 50% of the money I got from sales was eventually downloaded to my bank. A complete waste of money and time.

    Ebay is now only good for big sellers, and ebay itself of course.

    I'm jumping ship in January.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been an E bay seller for just over a year and have gained a feedback score from selling of 1200 in this time. I Bl@0dy hate them. The subtle price increases in fee's for sellers, always tweaking and changing rules for the what would seem to any sane person to be for the worse, and their treatment of people when things go wrong is outragous and not what they promised.

    They really hacked me off when they changed the shop listing fee structure so shops would get less exposure ( ie forcing everyone to sell more at the higher auction listing fee rate) Then had the audacity to inform me in a e mail where they tried to make it sound like they were doing me a favour!!!!! Sod's. If they just said, "were putting the prices up, this is so we can screw a few more pennies out of you" then at least I cpould respect their honesty. Whats more they managed to time this to coincide exactly with the post prices going up (U.K) so yeah selling something for a £1 any more is an act of charity. I'm getting out an if anyone wants to set up another site, I'm there, a;though E bay won't let that happen, they'll just bully it out the market place or buy it out like they have already done with their competitors world wide.

  • 1 decade ago

    there are quite a few auction sites, its just ebay is one of the more well known of them. Unfortunately they all suffer the same flaws. While ebay does have a lot of bad sides (my annoyances - pple that sell from Hong Kong but dont state it, pple that sell an item for like 5p but have either hidden mandatory insurance charges - buried inside long terms n conditions that are sometimes two/three screens long - pple with extortinate p&p - pple that raise their own listing prices by getting their friends to bid, pple that leave neg feedback without bothering to contact the seller, pple with poor or misleading listing, pple that take ages or dont post the item at all, the list goes on, but the fact remains that even with all these pitfalls many of people still buying and selling successfully on ebay and making a lot of money doing it. I still use ebay for both selling and buying.

    I have to say I still use ebay, but I am a lot more cautious now, and even now and again I still get dissappointed, but the fact remains if you need something you can still sometimes get a really good bargain on ebay, or get hold items that would be normally hard to get hold off.

    For example I managed to buy an industrial laser printer at £70 a few years ago on ebay, yes its reconditioned but I can still buy the consumable parts for it, and I wouldnt have dreamed of buying it new or second hand as I just would never have been able to afford it, and its still running well. I think that was one of my successful aquisitions at ebay, but yes I have been stung with many smaller items, which either didnt turn up or item not as described or simply just rubbish. I think you just have to tread cautiously.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amazon has an online marketplace but I've not tried selling on that yet. Ebay is ok if you find a reputable seller and I've used it a lot over the past two months to sell on my unwanted stuff. I wish people would leave feedback though otherwise whats the point of the whole system? I'm lucky though - I've not been ripped off ..... yet! Had an email this morning though from someone wondering where his stuff is that I posted on Monday................. don't they realise its Christmas?? No patience!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bought a set of 9 golf irons for £410 that are selling for £800 for 8 irons in your local dealer shop right now. And, oh yes, they are genuine and not fakes like some on eBay. That's why we use eBay, like it or not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to love Ebay, but now its full of sub standard products, black market rip offs and fake goods and the people selling them are not much better. I'd rather pay a little more and just go to the shops.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I feel the same way. I tried to sell a mobile phone and it took me three attemps as i had spoof emails and con men trying to get my phone.

    Bring in new sites that's what i say - greater control and less opportunities to rip people off!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I never use it much nowadays. In 4 years I still have to see anything that is much of a bargain on it.

    When they started carrying those stupid "classified ads". that was the beginning of the end for me.

    I think it's just a phase we all go through... It IS good for selling all your old junk though!

    Source(s): 160 transactions
  • 1 decade ago

    i have brought quite a few things of ebay, mainly clothes and have sold a few things but the prices are getting silly now, ive seen items of second hand clothing selling for more than what they cost when they were new and its stupid. i used to be able to get a few bargains but now peoples prices are just unrealistic and when you do see something selling for 99p the p&p is £6.00, no way :)

  • b97st
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My sister loves ebay but I have never warmed to this site. I always read horror stories in the papers and plus I like to buy my things brand new.

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