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why do ppl avoid friendship or even chatting when they discocer my nationality?
im a 33yr old guy from Pakistan and ive noticed ppl tend to scram as soon as they discover this.The more polite just say brb(be right back) and thats it ,the next thing you know theyve signed of,it is simply disgusting!A friend of mine had suggested earlier that if i wanna make friends and want them to stick around i should lie about my country of origin,i almost puked at his suggestion,im a Pakistani and im proud of it, period.God bless the western media!!
22 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
I dont know what nationality are you? maybe they are only trying to get you mad, dont get down its them with the problem not you. I am sure you are a very nice person whatever nationality you are.
Source(s): My life, MY BRAIN - Anonymous1 decade ago
Well, I've read the answars you've received. Now I'm going to do what nobody else has: be brutally, brutally honest.
Many Americans openly say they don't have a problem w/ arabs and muslims but that's only so they won'd be called racists. The truth is, when we get alone amongst our own kind, we openly discuss arabs and blacks. We think arabs are close minded, ignorant, and treat their women like crap. We question why arabs don't take to the streets and openly reprimand their country men for terrorizing our country and murdering our men and women. We want to know where you people stand when it comes to our country. Are you with us or against us. For those arabs that try to openly be pro-American, deep inside, we know you're just doing what we're doing so that you don't get your *** kicked in the parking lot. Sorry pal, but until I start seeing the arab/muslim community standing up for America and Americans, you're nothing more than an enemy. And I'm not talking just bullshit words, let's see some heartfelt action.
- 1 decade ago
How soon and how often are people discovering this fact?
I find people who are overly proud of their nationality, no matter what it is, to be very unpleasant. I believe you should be more interested in who you are as a person, an individual, not on the spot of land you happened to be born in. If you're constantly bragging about this pakistani pride, it can show you as a narrow minded indivudual with nothing interesting to add to any conversation.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I think its should be understood to some extent. Even you should agree with that. However,its a generalization. I had muslim neighbors. VERY nice and the woman seemed to have a life. She wasnt all covered up and he showed lots of affection and she went out alone,never saw bruises. I also had a friend from Iran. Also,very nice and calm. But youve got to understand that in general Pakistan is a pretty violent country that blatanly degrades women. I had a neighbor from their growing up and that man was sooo violent. Didnt even try to hide it.
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- ArtLv 41 decade ago
Be proud and stand tall my friend-sorry to hear about some small minded individuals who are ignorant or just plain stupid-I feel hatred on a daily basis in America because of how my race is being vilified by the media because I'm Mexican/American-and gay too--that's always an issue though everybody seems to hate the gay population because we threaten them somehow?????But everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people..PEACE.....And Respect
- 1 decade ago
They just might be shy. Just be outgoing. I'm Asian-American and I've been in cities in Texas where I'm probably the only Asian they've ever seen so I have to be very outgoing and let them realize that I'm a friendly person. People are shy in situations that they are not familiar with. It is not you personally. I have a friend from Pakistan and he is a great friend. I'm sure you'll make a great friend to non-Pakistan persons once you become outgoing-ly friendly.
- drshortyLv 71 decade ago
Are you sure it's because of your nationality that they are signing off? Maybe they just have to suddenly get offline. I have a friend who often signs off while we are having a conversation simply because she's done with using the computer. I find it disconcerting sometimes, but I know she doesn't do it to offend me.
That said, it's perhaps possible that people are prejudiced against you. You wouldn't want to be friends with that kind of people anyway, right?
- 1 decade ago
I have to admit, I'm one of those mean people that does that.
And a lot of the times, it has nothing to do with the person, it's that men overseas typically IM for one of two things.
1. Pester me about getting them a visa (There's one man who constantly asks me to marry him. It's to the point where I 'block' him as soon as he IMs, but I made the mistake of allowing him to add me, so he'll be able to see me online until I change my settings or delete my account!)
2. Pester me to watch them do dirty things on their webcam.
I'm not saying that you do either of those things, but when you get a billion IMs like that every day, your first instinct is to generalize and go "oh, that's all this guy wants too."
- MedusaLv 41 decade ago
I don't know. I generally like to talk to talk to people of different nationalities. I like to hear from real people what life is like in other places, what their customs are. I don't trust what I see on the news, and prefer to get information from people who are living it. I tend to balk at people who seem a bit like flag-wavers, regardless of the country they are touting. It creeps me out. Maybe you should just be yourself, polite and welcoming, and not pray to God over the internet (and about the internet). That's a little weird.
- mike sLv 51 decade ago
Wherever you go you'll find narrow minded people. I have found it interesting to meet different people; that's a key reason for travel. Initially, when I was young & sheltered, I was biased just because I hadn't met people of different races/nationalities. Since then, I find everyone has much in common.
- 1 decade ago
that is a wrong apporach if you would start a friendship with lies. i have one advice for you is to be yourself and worry less about others. take time to know yourself and be true to yourself and you make many friends who will be there for you and stand behind you through every storm. friendship are like relationships. you have similar characters in order for it to work. meaning that you might like the smae music with the person or enjoy the same politcal view with that person. it takes time so don't worry and be yourself. i am a nigerian and i have friends from asia including india and your country when i was in high school .