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Noodles asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Does anyone feel we live in interesting times?

North Korea with nukes.

Iran talking smack about the Jews. (can you say "HITLER")

Iran threatning to wipe countries off the map.

China playing economic Sally with US.

Russia and China doing War Games together.

Iraq in a mess.

A Nation divided.

An enemy willing to do things in the name of a "god".

I'm not saying it is the end or anything. Just want your take on the current situation that we all have on our hands.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Molly seems to perceive the thing correctly... the world has survived the devastating world wars... the famines and epidemics, cyclones and tsunamis .... the communism crashed in Russia and turned de facto capitalistic in China.... the developing countries are getting more expressive and confident... HIV /AIDS are already restraining the drug addicts and sex mongers to behave (in their own interests)... nature is playing its part of checks and balances...

    Prophets of doom have often sown fear and distrust in the past and continue to create confusion... not only from astrologist and numerologist groups... from economic and political schools as well...

    Self styled protectors of world peace had not cared for the endless deaths in Sri Lanka and Kashmir, nor raised a word of sympathy for the poor Tibetans, and so forth, but raised the alarm when terror broke in their own living room... the ethnic / religious perversion is felt only when it affects harmony at our home country..

    Notwithstanding all these harrowing events, the future shall still be good for the children... the present generation will be forced to learn its right lessons from nature (these are not random events that happen around - the good and bad ones) ... the will of God will save the whole world...including the foolish bullies as well as the weak and the innocent...

  • Molly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm just amazed at how many people there are that think all of the current chaos is new.

    We have always had a truck load of drama going on, worldwide.

    It will be interesting to the generations that follow us but only about how we have sloppily handled these matters.

    Hopefully, our children will grow up and do a better job of putting an end to the rediculous.

    All we can do is wait and see. If it ever stops????

    Now THAT would be something to marvel at. It would be the first time THAT ever happened.

    The wordl's problems today, are not new. They are as old as time itself.

    Oh! About you forgetting something? That is a fantastic list you came up with. You did better than I could.

    I can only think of one, you didn't mention.

    The hurricane Katrina in New Orleans incident.

    Good grief. This happened on our own soil and the government STILL hasn't done enough to rebuild the city, so they can go home.

    I live in Dallas and we have thousands of refugees still living here, waiting desperately to go home to New Orleans.

    Wow. If we can't even help our own people, how can we help another country?

    Isn't that sad and a little bit scary? Geesh.

  • 1 decade ago

    You forgot a selected fool in the White House.

    Spending is overheating our debt going to our grand-children.

    Jobs going overseas.

    Presidential lies to get us into wars to steal oil.

    Public and private debt at an all-time high.

    Baby-boomers about to start retiring.

    Our President planning more wars.

    Israel making our policy through AIPAC and PNAC.

    Foreign investors not trusting the dollar.

    China, Russia, European Union, Brazil, South Korea are dumping dollars from their Central Banks.

    Free-Speech is being lost in America.

    Civil Rights held at a minimum.

    Housing going down like a rock in 2007.

    Did I forget any?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Think of all the technology we have in the world today as opposed to 30 years ago.

    You tell me...isnt that interesting?

    The more the world CAN communicate, the less it DOES.

    Its all about more POWER and less communication.

    Sad but true.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Interesting Sad times, yes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And the Mayan calendar due to change in six short years...

    Interesting, indeed.

  • JAN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh, for a little boredom! It is totally mind boggling, which is way past interesting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i do. its hard just to wait and see what happens when there is so much chaos going on in the world

  • 1 decade ago

    yea we do, since we are living in the end of time, yea it is interesting

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we live in interesting times indeed.

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