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Jim G
Lv 5
Jim G asked in Food & DrinkBeer, Wine & Spirits · 1 decade ago

The best wine to accompany pasta?. I prefer the red ones?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pasta in and of itself doesn't have a great deal of flavor that will be effected or brought out by one wine or another. A big part of the interaction between food and wine is based on the ability of the tannins and other acids in wine to clear fat solids from your palate and freshen the flavors of the food. I would pick a wine based on the components of the sauce or the other ingredients in the dish.

    Sauces/dishes with red meats, pork, and/or heavy flavors: medium to full-bodies Italian reds, such as Barbera or Chianti

    Sauces/dish with no meats and light/vegetable or herbal flavors: lighter bodied reds such as Beaujolais are a good choice, although some Pinot Noirs out there would also work well. Try a Pinot from Oregon, see what you think. Be wary of spicy dishes and red wine, as the heat of spices can be enhanced alongside the flavor.

    Cream sauces/dishes with lots of cheese or oil: middle-of-the road reds, like a reasonably fruity merlot, would work best with a high-fat, but creamy-flavored dish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would suggest a Barbera. Barbera is often used as a blending grape. As a varietal it can exhibit aromas of berries, plums, or cherries with hints of vanilla, toasty, or smoky flavors. Barbera is the perfect complement for tomato-based pasta dishes.

    Another excellent choice would be Sangiovese. Sangiovese is a medium bodied dry wine with earthy aromas and berry, plum, spicy, or floral flavors. It has a smooth texture. Sangiovese is the main grape used to produce Italian Chiantis. Sangiovese goes especially well with pasta and other Italian foods.

  • arun d
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Barolo, Barverseco, Chainti are excellent red Italian wines that should go along well with Pasta!

  • 1 decade ago

    The best red wine is Shiraz! Get you a bottle of Yellowtail Shiraz to go with your pasta and believe me, you won't be disappointed!

    Source(s): Shiraz is all that I drink! :)
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  • 1 decade ago

    depends on what the sauce is. I like Malbec or Shiraz for meat sauce and Chardonay for a clam sauce. Pinot Grigio is good for a light seafood and veggie pasta(no cream in the sauce).

  • 1 decade ago

    I really like a Sangria (red wine)!

  • 1 decade ago

    I like Chianti, coz it's not too dry and it goes well with past too. Just my preference.

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