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What is involved in appointing "medical power of .......?


I'm assuming this party would need to be of "legal age".

Does not need to be a relative.?

In the state of there any certain circumstances?

Exactly, what kind/type of "power", would this appointed person have and be able to use?

To obtain this documentation......does one need to seek the services of an attorney?

Intelligent/well-informed answers welcomed only, please......thank you for your time.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can find forms for this on line. Yes, the person exercising the power of attorney would have to be an adult (and wouldn't you want him to be?). It does not need to be a relative, but it must be somebody you trust to make decisions for you. The powers that the person would have would be those which you give him or her in the document you sign. However, the usual use of this is to allow somebody to make medical decisions for you if you are incapacitated. This is sometimes called a "springing" power of attorney, because it cannot be exercised until you are unable to make your own decisions, when it "springs" into operability.

    You should not need an attorney to do this IF you AND the person you are designating both fully understand the form and the implications of giving and accepting the power. Remember that this person is literally going to be able to make life and death decisions for you, so be very clear in the document what kind of decisions you want him to make (e.g., should he have to wait a particular length of time before "pulling the plug"?).

    That said, it is extremely important that everybody have this kind of document (as well as a will) prepared and signed. My mother gave me her medical power of attorney, and this made all the difference during her final illness.

    Source(s): 30 years experience as a criminal defense attorney and as the recipient of a medical power of attorney.
  • Sir J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, you can download the form for your state at

    The POA allows you to make medical decisions as if you were the person. If they are currently unable to sign such a thing, due to medical or mental ailments, it's too late. That's why you need one when you're healthy.

    The person can make all *legal* decisions about a person's medical treatment and condition.

    It need not be a relative but the person in question needs to consent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The person has to be of legal age, they can be anyone, it does not have to be a relation. The power is what ever power it names, but would normally allow them to speak on your behalf if you are not able to, it would allow them to ok operations, medication, treatments and also to terminate treatment (pull the plug)

    States very as for as number of witnesses and/or notory

    You can get forms done on varoius web sites, is just one of dozens

    You can get forms form staples or office depo

    And there are dozens of legal programs with these forms available.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sir J's answer above is a good one. Also any hospital physician should be able to provide you with a form and tell you about it.

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