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daliaadel asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

What have you learned over the years?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That change is inevitable.

    Things are not always as they appear.

    The greatest joy and pleasures do not cost money.

    Not to judge a "book" by its cover.

    Sometimes wolves dress in sheep's clothing.

    A real friend will be there for you when it is not convenient also.

    Truth is sometimes very very hard to come by.

    Love is by far the greatest thing one can give and/or receive.

    Dreams, Hopes and Imagination reign supreme.

    That I don't know much of anything.

    I've learned alot more too, and am still learning everyday.


  • 1 decade ago

    this box isnt big enough for me to say what ive learned in the last 18 years, but i will say that it will never be enough for me to stop trying to learn something new

    just to name a few,

    to weld

    to walk

    to speak


    french, just for the hell of it

    to read

    how to treat people

    to draw and paint

    to drive

    to smile- fun one

    to dance

    to type sort of

    to sing

    to play trumpet, piano, baritone, trombone, tuba

    and i want to learn

    how to fix a car

    how to fly

    how to pick a decent guy

    that list never ends

  • 1 decade ago

    I have learned to let someone know - kindly - if they have offended me as it is usually a misunderstanding of their words or actions.

    I have learned to not judge, as to do so incinuates that I am faultless... and to do that makes me a liar and NOT faultless.

    I have learned to love the person, dislike what they do. It is a far better influence on them to be a loving example than to be one who condemns.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That there are so many fantastic, miraculous things on earth and in the universe that cannot be explained and we can't even begin to know in our lifetime.

    That life sometimes really sucks, but the times of suckage always pass and things get better.

    That Karma will get you if you are a negative, crappy human being.

    That male rockstars ALWAYS go for women that have big boobs and blonde hair.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm in my 50's...don't tell anyone..but what I've learned over the years is respect for others...and be able to tell myth from fact...

  • 1 decade ago

    That the grass is green and the sky is blue.

    Life isn't always fair but it's still the only game worth living for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Growing up in a settled enviroment, i always thought the best of people

    but now at the age of 24 i am disappointed in people, to be honest they are a bit of a let down. People will always act in their own best interests, well most of the time.

    Source(s): pesonal experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) God loves me more than I will ever understand

    2) No matter how far I go away from God he will not let me go without showing me how much He loves me

    3) Alcohol and drugs are not fun or cool in any possible way

    4) To stop relying in my own strength but to let Jesus carry my burdens for me

    5)To value my relationship with God over any earthly posession.....or relationship

    6) Some hairdyes make your hair waxy

    Happy new year friend!! God bless

    Source(s): me, each one!
  • 1 decade ago

    That some of my teachers are weird and that you should always look were your going or you might walk right into a pole, and to appreciate life and what I have today

  • 1 decade ago

    That I belong in Hong Kong!

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