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I need information on CPS, DHS,DSS, and how the States use these children.?

I've heard of innocent families, who's chidren have been taken away, because of an allegation of abuse, Even if the allegation wasn't true or proven, these children are abused by the state for revenue. Could you please give me more information.

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    There are many sites that give valuable info for parents. You are correct in what you have heard.

    All it takes is phone call from a mad child, or an unknowing neighbor. It is horrible what happens to these children that have never been abused in there lives.

    Once the state gets ahold of them, They are bounced from foster homes to group homes, while these innocent parents are trying desperatly to prove their innocents. You heard me right. There is no justice in this type of court, You are guilty until you can prove yourself innocent, takes at least 6 months while your children are being used for revenue by the state.

    Please check out the link below. From there you can access whatever you may need to educate yourself. Good luck on this.

    Parents need to learn!

    Please, if you are not educated on this issue, do not leave your guess's or opinions. I am very educated on this matter. I was a parent who was falsley accused. I beat the system, but my children suffered big time. So think twice before you go giving bad advice!

  • Amy S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, it sounds as if you've misunderstood something you've heard along the line. Here's what I know from experience.

    Child Protective Services will remove a child from the home when a complaint of abuse or neglect has been made and there is a reasonable belief that the Court will order the removal at a hearing conducted shortly after the removal. During that hearing, according to Federal Law, it must be found that the removal is in the best interests of the child. Following the removal the social worker or probation officer conducts an investigation and files charges with the Court.

    From that moment on, the agency that has removed the child, whether it is Protective Services or probation, must have a "service plan" in place that shows how the child will be cared for and what the "reunification" plan is. Reunification efforts must be completely exhausted before a long-term placement plan will be approved by the Courts.

    You will often hear of parents who's children have been removed from the home being billed for foster care services, group home services, or the like. Guess what? It's their responsibility to pay for the care of their own child. Group home placements cost roughly $3,000 per month. Higher end treatment-based facilities cost even more. If parents won't take care of their children.. or are abusive to their children, then why should they get out of paying for their care?

    As for the States making money off the foster system? Gimme a break... we're all just trying to take care of as many kids as we possibly can... with the limited means we've been given.

    Source(s): Juvenile Probation Officer for 7 years...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WOW, It is amazing the amount of ignorance that flies around these pages. How can anyone even think to answer a question without being educated! That sends false signals to all that read. I am aware of how the stae functions, No they do not rey to keep families together. No they do not have to prove anything! All they need is an allegation! The sites posted above are good! I've been there. Very touchy subject so many haven't a clue. Only what they hear. Every one needs to get educated on this matter, as it will only get worse!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people with children's services are good decent people just trying to give the kids a better life. Sadly, though, there are indeed people who take in foster kids just for themoney and abuse the kidsin their care. These few, probably less that 5%, are the ones you hear about, since these are the ones today's press jump on. Most of thecases where the kids are taken away in error are because of new, unexperienced workers being overzealous in trying to protect children, and they almost are always rectified by the courts.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Lol. Ive never heard of that. Ive heard of parents being wrongfully investigated.

    The state and government LOSE money on having to provide care for children. Its in their best interest to try all they can to keep the children with their families.

    If the parents or home is unfit for children, then yes the children are taken away, but in all those sorts of cases parents can regain custody by fixing the environment, or completing child care courses and being monitored by a case worker.

    What you're discribing simply isnt true.

    Source(s): Completed the work to become foster parents, but moved before we could take in kids. Been working with kids who end up in state care for years. The foster system sucks, but the states really do all they can to avoid putting children there.
  • KathyS
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've never heard those stories. DSS and those organizations try to keep families together and unless a social worker is crooked, a child is not taken away without a full investigation. DSS has to have reasonable proof of abuse.

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