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Lv 4
kim asked in Entertainment & MusicJokes & Riddles · 1 decade ago

Riddles?? 1st one to get them ALL right gets 10 points?

1. What row of numbers comes next in this series?








2. A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?

3. You have a barrel of oil, and you need to measure out just one gallon. How do you do this if you only have a three-gallon container and a five-gallon container?

4. If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?

5. What is broken every time it's spoken?

6. How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying?

7. Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in


8. What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

9. If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?

10. What work can a painter never quite finish?

11. Why wasn't Bertha put in jail after killing dozens of people?

12. Why wasn't John able to take a photo of his mother with curlers?

13. If there are three cups of sugar and you take one away, how many do you have?

14. What has a mouth but can't chew?

15. How many letters are in the alphabet?

16. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

17. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

18. Food can help me survive, but water will kill me. What am I?

19. Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?

20. What stinks when living and smells good when dead?

21. When is it bad luck to meet a white cat?

22. If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies can you put into a empty piggy bank?

Update 2:

23. Which of the following statements are true?

1. At least one of these ten statements is false.

2. At least two of these ten statements are false.

3. At least three of these ten statements are false.

4. At least four of these ten statements are false.

5. At least five of these ten statements are false.

6. At least six of these ten statements are false.

7. At least seven of these ten statements are false.

8. At least eight of these ten statements are false.

9. At least nine of these ten statements are false.

10. At least ten of these ten statements are false.

Update 3:

1. A woman proves in court that her husband was murdered by her sister, but the judge decides that the sister cannot be punished. Why?

2. A woman is found hanging by her neck from the high ceiling in an otherwise empty locked room with a puddle of water under her feet. How did she kill herself?

3. A man is lying drowned in a dead forest, far from water. How did this happen?

4. Two men are served identical drinks at the bar. One lives, but the other dies. Why?

5. A man dies of dehydration in his own home. Why?

6. A man runs along a hall with a piece of paper. When the lights flicker, he drops to his knees and begins to cry. Why?

7. A pipe, a carrot, and a couple sticks are lying together in a field. Why?

8. A woman lives on the tenth floor of an apartment building. Every morning she takes the elevator all the way down, and goes to work. In the evening, she gets into the elevator, and, if there is someone else in it she goes back to her floor directly. Otherwise, she goes to the s

Update 4:

1. A woman tries to drop her husband into the ocean, but he blows back into the boat. Why?

2. A man wakes up and sees that his brother is dead. Though they are alone in a quiet room, he immediately realizes that he will be dead soon too. How does he know this?

3. Why did running out of gas save Jacks life?

4. A married couple went to a movie and the husband strangled the wife during the show. How was he able to get her body home without attracting attention?

5. A man was doing his job when his clothing tore. Why was he dead ten seconds later?

6. Why was the man able to pass three cars going 70 miles-per-hour, while he was going only 60 miles-per-hour?

7. A man woke up in the middle of the night and turned off the light. Ten people died as result. Why?

8. A man saw a large goose through while looking out the window. Why were both he and the goose soon dead?

9. A woman was on an elevator. When it stopped, and the lights went out, she began to cry, knowing that her husband was dea

Update 5:

1. Find the next number in the series: 1...2...5...14...41...122...?

2. Agatha spent several days in the hospital. She wasn't injured, and she wasn't sick, but she did have to be carried out when she left though. Why was she in the hospital?

3.How did John get his name in light at every theater in the country?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    First of all, you have WAY to much time on your hands. But so do I, so I'll answer the question.


    1. Confused

    2. He said something that was neither true or false??? "I am innocent?"

    3. Take 2 gallons off of the 5 gallon container using the 3 gallon container. With the new 2 gallon container, take off one gallon using the 3 gallon container. You are left with a one gallon container. In simple math: 5 - 3 = 2, 3 - 2 = 1

    4. I have no idea, but if you pull out all of them, you are guaranteed to have a matching pair, or 20.

    5. silence

    6. How is that even possible?

    7. 10 people are in the family... i think.

    8. *_*

    9. A lie??? no, it's the truth, no... wah!

    From now on, I will only answer questions I KNOW the answers to:

    13. You have one cup of suger.

    14. Several answers I guess, a tunnel, a river.

    15. 26, 11 if it is a trick question

    16. a towel?

    19. nothing

    21. opposite day?

    22. one, then it isn't empty any more.

    2. just a guess: she flooded the room and swam to the top and then opened the window and hung herself, the water went out the window or door or something and a puddle remained.

    8. She is really short and can't reach the number of her floor.

    6. They were going the other way.

    Why do so many of these have death in it. It's very depressing.

    I better get best answer for this... please? That and the fact that nobody else is crazy enough to answer all of them.

  • Ms. H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. 1113213211 After the first line, each line describes the previous line

    2. He said, "You'll sentence me to six years in prison." If it was true, then the judge would have to make it false by sentencing him to four years. If it was false, then he would have to give him six years, which would make it true. Rather than contradict his own word, the judge set the man free.

    3. Fill the 3-gallon container with oil and pour it into the 5-gallon container. Then fill the 3-gallon container again and use it to fill the 5-gallon container the rest of the way. One gallon will be left in the 3-gallon container.

    4. Five. There are only four colors, so five socks guarantee that two will be the same color.

    5. Silence.

    6. It's part of his job - he's a justice of the peace.

    7. Seven. The four daughters have only one brother, making five children, plus mom and dad.

    8. Queue.

    9. A lie. It can't be the truth without contradicting itself (and therefore being a lie), but some of my statements can be lies, and this is one of those statements.

    10. Her autobiography.

    11. She was a hurricane.

    12. You can't use curlers to take photos! You need a camera.

    13. You have just one - the one you took away.

    14. A river.

    15. There are eleven letters in "the alphabet."

    16. A towel.

    17. A stamp.

    18. Fire.

    19. The word "wholesome."

    20. Bacon.

    21. When you're a mouse.

    22. Just one - after that it won't be empty.

    23. they're all false


    1. The sisters are Siamese twins.

    2. She stood on a block of ice to hang herself.

    3. A firefighting plane filled its tanks with water from a lake, sucking a scuba-diver in. He drowns while the plane was in flight and was dumped onto a burning forest with the water.

    4. Poisoned ice cubes in the drinks: one man drinks slowly, giving them time to melt, but the other man drinks fast and doesn't get much of the poison.

    5. His lives on a houseboat, and was out to sea when he ran of drinking water.

    6. He is running to deliver a pardon, and the flickering lights indicate the convict to be pardoned has just been electrocuted.

    7. They're what's left of a melted snowman.

    8. The woman is a midget. She can't reach the upper elevator buttons, but she can ask people to push them for her. She can also push them with her umbrella.


    1. Her husband was cremated, and she tried to pour his ashes into the ocean, but it's a windy day, and his ashes blow back into the boat.

    2. His brother is his Siamese twin, and since they share common organs, he cannot survive alone.

    3. He was in the car in the garage, trying to kill himself with the carbon dioxide from the engine running.

    4. The movie was at a drive-in theater, and their car had tinted windows.

    5. He worked at a factory. His clothing got caught on a piece of machinery, dragged him in, and killed him.

    6. The cars he passed were going in the opposite direction.

    7. He was the lighthouse keeper, and turned off the light, causing a ship to wreck on the rocks.

    8. The window he was looking out was on an airplane, and the goose was being sucked into the engine, causing the plane to crash.

    9. She was on a hospital elevator, and her husband was on life support, which would also fail when the power went out.


    1. 365

    2. She's a baby and was born in the hospital so she had to be carried out

    3. He changed his name to Exit

    Source(s): That increasebrainpower site is pretty cool.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The drink replaced into poisonous, however the guy that drank it speedy had a small element, and the guy who drank it gradual had a extensive element... on account which you didnt point out the scale of the drink, it is my wager.

  • 1 decade ago

    why did u put so many riddles on here tht is way to much to read for me rite now

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    UMmMmMmMm, Toooo much, my brain hurts, no ones gonna answer all of that.

  • 1 decade ago

    who's gonna answer all of those?

  • 1 decade ago

    that's too much for me.

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