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If women started their own religion.......?

where girls were educated and trained thier bodies (so they could defend themselves), pulling together to help each other and so on.

How long do you think it would take men to start calling it evil??

And what do you think? Could something like that work??

This was a topic with the girls and we were wondering what other women from around the world think. Please state your country when answering.


15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Would it really be a religion if we didn't worship a great leader or protector? I would be interested in the training and education, but not in "hero" worship. I believe some men may call it evil (like maybe Pat Robertson and religious right winged fanatics), but other men would probably think it was cute like we were getting together for Tupperware or Mary Kay parties. It would work if you had a moral code of ethics, what you stood for, and a structure that included everyone of different races, religions, body type, and sexual orientation; so no one felt left out or picked on. It would not be a brainwashing idea or anything like a cult. Call it Woman's Time Out or something inconspicious.

    United States

  • 1 decade ago

    USA Here! The Expialiadocious SuperCalifragilistic Nation of Divadom...Juanita Bynum Prime Minister of Religious Studies, Judy Tenuta Pope of Divadom, Janet Reno Prime ArchBishop, Hillary Clinton Prime Potentate, Capt. Janeway of the USS Enterprise/Miltary and Religious Defense, Nancy Pelosi Supreme Directorate, Beyonce Knowles Minister of Music, Lady Sala as Minister of Supreme Education, Dr Patricia Bath Minister of Health. Jacki Chan and Jet Li would be hired to train girls in the fine art of Self Defense.

    Each woman would be worshipped as a goddess in her home and place of employment! Men would have to write a 20,000 page, coherrent thesis on why they think it was evil, before it would be made public.

    It's a great fantasy, it would not work in Moderen culture, even though it did in ancient times!

  • Croa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First to Jared G.--go on witcha bad self! I really loved your post.

    Secondly, I am aware of Goddess cultures past & present, but I think that the minute there is organization, there is trouble. Maybe

    it's my cynicism, but if there have to be rules, and an order of worship, times of meeting, etc, then there are bound to be troubles ahead. I live in an area of the US where Wiccans and other Pagans abound, but they are loosely organized on purpose, just to avoid such conflicts. There is also the Society for Creative Anarchy (SCA) where any and all may participate, but it's still pretty divided among gender lines. I don't have any answers; I just wanted to participate because it's a very interesting thread.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the Bible it says woman was created as a helpmate for man. What I want to know is when did it get switched? Women, if we can learn to stop being snotty with each other, work together better than men. Men all want to be chiefs.

    As for the one guy saying men would all think the women were gay. That's fine. Because we would lock all men in cages and take them out only when the lawn needed mowing. As for me if we were gay we wouldn't want you anyway.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Would that be considered a religion? I think it is a great idea and we should be doing that now but doesn't religion have to have some sort of belief?

  • 1 decade ago

    certainly, the Goddess has been venerated for millennia, and is still, today, notwithstanding inroads made by the "popular" fascisto-patriarchal "religions" and practices. i'm one of the growing number of (heterosexual) men who is fed up with the "testosterone ridden" , hypermaterialistic, sociopathically directed, visciously aggressive, clueless BS being perpetrated by the "ruling elites" on this planet, including their psychopathically run religions and other major institutions and businesses. i'm sure that anything you start which proves popular will in no way be approved of, if it seems to the psychopaths that it threatens their desire for yet more power and money. nevertheless, courage to proceed with your plan would be in order. it wouldn't have to be a "religion" per se, just a movement to help raise consciousness would be of great service. actually, i believe there are groups around the planet who are already moving in this much needed direction. perhaps you could add your energy to those programs already underway. and, with a special emphasis on returning the feminine, balancing energy to the corrupt western religions, in order to heal them. i vote for it, absolutely!! viva, sisterhood ;-) btw--from CA, of course ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    i'd be the first to join. men would call it evil the minute it started and probably try to stop it just as soon.

  • Joe C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I encourage these acts, although I don't see the point in establishing a religion for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off we're already called evil! Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm ready!


  • 1 decade ago

    I think it will take about 1yr. Plus we will think that they are all gay. And they don't want a man because they will think we will hurt them and they ca survive on their own.

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