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Honest Question?

When we walk by a house but do not see the builders should we assume the house came to order over millions of years.

In the same way when we look at the complexity of "life" as we know it should we assume it evolved by itself because we do not "see" a creator?


Most of you are missing the point! How can LIFE come out of non-life

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are asking the 'blind' to see.

  • 1 decade ago

    We know that a house is not a natural thing because we know who makes them, and how. If we go to the right place, we can even see some in the process of being built.

    Evolution, on the other hand, has given evidence of the way it happened, even though the picture still is dreadfully incomplete; the trends have been clear and become all the more so since Darwin launched the idea. And there are no signs of a master builder, worse, the concept goes counter to the bible, unless you interpret it in the most symbolic way possible.

    In a way, it is assuming "it was made because it's too complex to have happened on its own" that is an intellectual cop out, unless we find scientifically and universally acceptable factual proof of the existence of god.

    Beside that, I'll vote for a continued separation of church and science. no praying in the lab, and no measure instruments in church.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You say you see the house but not the builder, The builder is long gone, why should they stay there, now you say you see life & not the creator, Ask yourself why did the builders leave, they knew that house will fall down in about 200 yrs. & the Creation of life has been around for million of years, Why should the creator leave, do you still see life, the sun, the moon, yourself. And I am glad you sid the complexity of life, what man can build that, it has to Be the Creator. So you still see the Sun, Stars, Moon & everything else, that has been around or millions of yrs. so the Creator is watching over his creation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is best not to make assumptions. But if you want to, you can spend your entire life living that way. I would not make the choice to go by assumptions. A house is not analogous to life. Evolution is not an assumption to many people. There are many things that humankind attributed to a God because humankind could not understand them. Then science explained them. I believe that science at some point will explain life itself. You believe in a creator and I'll believe in science. Have a great day!

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  • 1 decade ago

    No because there is a answer answered back.

    No we don't assume the house came to order over millions of years ago as the builders may not have left of free will. And No we don't assume there is no creator as the creator is in each and everyone of us one way or another

  • 1 decade ago

    There is and was no beginning to anything. Nor is there an end to "life" as you call it. It, Life is eternal. And eternity has no beginning and no end.

    Why the recent discoveries in human science is not more public is beyond my understanding other than they may be afraid of the general human response. They know now that the smallest particle is not the atom, and that is 3 to 4 particles smaller. In fact, the smallest is not a particle. It appears to be an energy mass that appears and then disappears, but happens so quickly the human senses see it as continuous. Actually, they are just scratching the surface.

    Some Optometrists for example, KNOW that there is nothing really OUT THERE. It all takes place within you. I stumbled across one, AFTER I WOKE UP.

    I know you are saying, this guy has lost it. Well I am not a guy, and not a gal.

    There are (people) if you must label the beings that you experience, that experience a totally different "Life" as you call it.

    If you are of the Christian persuasion, a Heavenly World.

    Your Christ said, "Behold Heaven Is At Hand". Why humans think that this thing called heaven is after death or somewhere UP THERE, I no longer understand. (actually I do) What the human mind tells us, is just the opposite. Opposites are needed to be able to experience things. Example:

    Without sadness, would you know what happiness was? What would happiness feel like, if you had never been sad? Without hunger, would you ever be hungry to be able to experience the enjoyment of eating? Do not just blow these statments off, test them for yourself. Have you ever cried? Have you ever laughed?

    The next time you are upset, (not at peace), just wait, be still, and notice that peace will return. In fact, THE SOONER you "Notice" that you are not at peace, AND CAN STOP, the sooner you will notice peace return.

    Quit Harming Yourself, And Stop Harming Others. And see what happens. This is not hard, but it is not as easy as it seems, because we like to expereince different things in the human experience. You probably will not try that hard, until the life "You are creating" gets more difficult. You will then grow tired, in this experience, or a few thousand more, and you will eventually want to go back home, LEAVING HEAVEN, which you chose to come to.

    You see, heaven is a place for ("You, a spritual being) to experience yourself in a fisical form.

    If you are in doubt, DO THIS.....

    Take ONE DAY OFF, TOTALLY OFF. Do not think about YOU, Your Family, Children, Work, Bills, etc., etc., and the million other things that your mind keeps you busy with.

    Go somewhere away from the human wasteland that You, (they) are creating for you in your experience.


    Just look around...NO JUDGEMENT... Just LOOK, LISTEN, SMELL, TASTE, and TOUCH.

    Notice the infinite (or at least it seems that way) things in nature to see, experience, hear the sounds, smell, even taste and touch.

    Put a leaf in your mouth. Taste it, smell it, feel it.

    Be very still...See the animals. Listen to them. Watch them. If you are very still and at peace with yoursel, they will stay with you and more will appear. Have you ever fed a Canadian Goose out of your hand? You can, if they sense NO HARM IN YOU. Even the wild ones.

    Breath the air of life. Feel your body. EXPERIENCE THOSE FEELINGS. DON'T JUDGE-Just feel.

    See the infinite number of faces, nationalities. See them as you would the infinite number of beautiful flowers that are provided for you to experience. You see, people do not see other people as beautiful creations as they see the wonders of nature. But if you look deeply into their faces you will see a beauty that is beyond but is inclusive to all of creation.

    You will see the beauty in them, when you realize the unbelieveable beauty of your own self. You are not separate from all that you experience. The feeling of separation is what keeps you from experiencing the heaven that you chose to come to.

    I know. You say I did not choose this. Of course you did, or you would not be experiencing it.

    Look deeply into the story about the prodigal son. You left home. A place where you had everything, love, that you needed. You came here in search of MORE, which the father (if you must have an image of something-and the father, God is not a thing) to experience the heaven of the senses.

    A child has no enemies, worries or pre-determined notions about life. Do they? Then they are taught things. This is good, that is bad, or even they begin to experience hunger. Is hunger bad, or is it an experience?

    You see, you chose your experience, and as any loving father/mother would allow, you will learn from this experience.

    What do you learn? How to enjoy the creation, which you, through "his image" if you need some teaching to understand, that you wanted when you began your human experience.

    Why is it so far fetched for humans to understand that if they experienced a life in the past that was easy, that they wouldn't want to experience a life that was hard. Do we not wake up each day wanting a new experience?

    Source(s): Source-You-There is no other-Question? Where does love come from? When you feel it, did someone or some thing inject you with it, or did it arise from within you?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You make a good point but why do you think evolution goes against the bible? Peter said a day to the Lord is as a 1,000 years and a 1,000 years as a day so who are we to say that the 6 days of creation were 24 hour days or thousands of years?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    While I agree life did not just happen by blind chance and I know there is a God, I don't really accept the ceramic model of the universe many follow that believe in "a creator".

    For more info on the ceramic model - try searching those key words and Alan Watts.

    ~ Eric Putkonen

  • Phil
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You've seen the intricacies of a snowflake, I'm guessing. Are you telling me that a creator assembles each one?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would still know that the house was built by the builders even if they're not still there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Should we assume that the universe had to have a creator just because of the complexity of things?

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