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Do you believe, seeing the rampant std's, e-bola, avian flu, etc. that the Lord is beginning to loosen the seals on the scroll of judgement? What about the earthquakes and massive flooding? Are we at the beginning of the end?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are living in the last days. The current situation in the world is set up exactly the way prophecy says it will. I think it could happen very, very, soon. I am trying to reach every one I can with the gospel of Christ because I think our time is runninng out. Soon Christ will come for his church. by church I mean those who have repented of their sins and put their faith in Jesus Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Friend that scroll you mention is not the scroll of Judgement but of redemption, If you know history & study the bible, the revelation of 6 seals has already been opened & that 7th seal Brings Christ Off the Mercy seat, Rev. 8:1 & Rev 10:1-6 You see Jesus in angelic form with one foot on the sea & one on the land saying time shall be no more, Time of what, Time for the Gentiles to be saved, Christ is off the mercy seat & every soul that was in that scroll of redemption, Christ has interceeded for. We are now living under that 5th seal & the 6th seal has to do with the great tribulation, Therefore in order for the 6th seal to become a reality, The 7th seal has to be open first, so the 7th seal in fulfillment will happen before the 6th seal. Yes it does bring Judgement under that 6th seal,

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do, has anyone heard any trumpets ? I have a friend that was awakened by one, and I do believe that Matthew 24 speaks of the beginning signs of the times. Yes we are in the beginning of the end, but it is not yet. When the beginning of the TRIBULATION hits, all that believe will know without questioning it. I dont think that God would leave us hanging and wondering. Some will be blinded. Has anyone heard the biblical stuff of our president ? Congress told him to stop mentioning his faith so knowledge is scarce now. Also Iran president is going through spiritual warfare and made it public knowledge. He may be muslim/islamic, but God can reach anyone. He is our creator !

    Source(s): The Bible, prophecy, and several prophetic sites, and Christian sites.
  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't think so.

    If you look at history you will just see that it is repeating itself. The Black Plague, The Korean War, The Great Depression these were all horrible events in history. The world will always have some horrible event that will make people believe that "The End" is coming. If people as a society, would learn from their mistakes maybe the world would be a better place to live.

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  • At times I wish I knew the real answer to this. But then I begin to think that if I knew for a fact that the seals on the scroll were being released I would overwhelm myself trying to lead others to Christ then suffering with the frustration and anxiety of those who refuse to accept him. I would be in such a panic I'd probably kill over and miss the whole thrill of being raptured.

    It's better if we just live as we always have, serving Him, worshiping Him, trying as we normally do to lead others to Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Welll, that depends to what bliefes and religion one is. However this life is a test, from very begining, the Adam's time to now. And we are not at the very begining of the end of judgement period. It has three stages, as explained in Quraan (K), the first stage passed when durig Muhamad (PBUH) time, the second stage passed too as the kingdome age changed to presidential, and today we are at the begining of the third stage, which is the last stage.

  • 1 decade ago

    Today's Std's, e-bola, avian flu and the like are nothing compared to yesterday's Tuberculosis, cholera, and small pox. And there were some serious trouser soiling earth quakes and floods back in the day.

    I think we're fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    this "beginning of the end" or the "last days" question has been raised and championed for so many years. When I was a kid, Comet Kohoutek was supposed to spell the end. I have heard even since then that all the natural disasters were increasing in magnitude and frequency, yet here we remain. You may take care of your spiritual side, but don't worry about the end. Enjoy life. You can't do anything about the end anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Things are starting to heat up, but we're not into the tribulation yet. The tribulation isn't about judgment, its a last ditch effort to try to get us to acknowledge God before the final wrath.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, I believe the church will be raptured first. The great tribulation will be so much worse than what we have currently seen.

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