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The Nerd asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

What can I do to make my body sweat?

What can I do to make my body sweat?

I have challenged a friend of mine to a 30 day diet and excersice regime to see who loses the most weight, and get Fit.

But no matter what I do, I do not sweat.

I drink plenty of water (3 liters a day average), and Its imposible to make my body sweat, I barely pee as well.

Any sugestions?

As of now, I am doing TAE-BO and eating Subway (Veggie Delite).

Any Sugestions?


I am eating 1,200 calories or less per day

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a personal fitness trainer and enjoy helping people like you every day. :)

    Here are basic recommendations that you can start with in order for you to loose weight.

    Food as Fuel:

    Going without breakfast because you planning a big dinner is as silly as filling up your car's gas tank after you finish the trip. Eat all of the foods that are good for you; all of the grains, vegetables, fruites and lean proteins that you enjoy. Eat 6 small meals a day. Eating smaller meals more often will help to speed up your metabolism. Missing meals slow your metabolism. Also chew your food at least 30-40 times every time you take a bite. This will slow down your meal time and it easier to digest your food.

    Hunger can stress the body and trigger the release of cotisol, a hormone that encourages the storage of fat in the abdomen. To keep hunger under control, split your meals and snacks into 5 or 6 minimeals.

    Water - Drink TONS of water!

    If you add 2-3 liters of water to you diet you will feel better - PROMISE. You will have to use the restroom often, BUT you will loose weight, inches, feel less bloated, and retain less water IF you add water to your diet. Men who are overweight should add up to galon of water a day. Sip throgh out the day for best result.

    Your Body Needs Daily Exercise.

    The only way to be fit is to exercise on the regular basis: daily if possible. Some benefits of daily exercise are: you don't get sick as often, you have more energy and you sleep better. Exercise doesn't have to be structured.

    If it is something you enjoy doing, you'll look forward to it. Walking or riding a bike with your children to school is fun. Even though it may only be a couple of miles, it is something.

    If you aren't looking forward to your next workout, do something else. Walking is probably one of the best fat burning exercises you can do - just walk more!

    Have Realistic Expectations

    You dont get out of shape over night so do not expect to loose weight over night neither. You can loose 10-12 pounds a month just by exercising more - without dieting! I promise you will feel better, get more fit and reach a higher level of satisfaction by starting slowly and expecting moderate weight and measurement losses.

    Think within longer time frames, and a pound or two on a scale won't seam so important.


    Every few weeks plan a change in your routine. Note only will your mind be more challenged, your body will have to adapt and the body will benefit from the new stimuli. The body is an amazing adaptable machine. It will begin to burn less fat as an energy source for the same activity if you don't change your programe regularly.

    Get 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye a night

    Chronic sleep deprivation can raise cortisol levels. It can also drive down levels of the appetite-control hormone leptin, making you feel hungry.

    Laugh more

    Here's a tactic anyone can stick with! In a study conducted at Loma Linda University, men and women who watched a humorous video had 30% less cortisol in their blood not only while watching the tape but also up to 24 hours later.

    Now about sweating. First of all you need to speed up your metabolism (see info above).

    Sauna will not help you to loose weight but will help you to clean your system since skin is the biggest breathing organ humans have. You can do it no more than once a week since it rases your blood pressure and body temperature.

    Before you go in sauna:

    Don't eat if it's in the morning, or eat very light snack (like fruites) half an hour before you go in.

    Drink plenty room temperature water before AND during your time in sauna. If you will drink cold water your body will take it's time to heat it and you won't start to sweat. Yes, I know, the info that you burn extra calories when you drink cold water is true, but in your case you need to start sweating, it's not the best time to give your system extra work to do.

    In the sauna:

    wrap a dry towel over your head to keep your head cool. The session must be no more than 20 minutes. Keep drinking water in sauna as well. After 5-10 minutes your will start to sweat.

    IF NOT the main reason for it would be a major DEHYDRATION. Even if you drink 3 liters of water daily it must be not enough for you to keep your body hydrated. I don't know your weight and hight to tell you how much do you have to drink.

    Get out of sauna and jump in to the COLD shower. The contrast shower will activate your immune system and will help to boost your metabolism.

    Wrap yourself in a towel or sheet and rest for 20 minutes. Keep drinking water or hot herb tea. Avoid any coffeine, it dehydreates.

    Go for the second session in sauna for another 20 minutes. Keep drinking water or hot tea. Believe me hot tea will make you sweat. :)

    After that take a warm shower, wash your hair, what ever and you are good to go.

    Sauna is good for you but it's pretty heavy on your heat. If you have any medical heart problems talk to you physcian before it.

    Another option for you is a steam room. Especially in case of dehydration. Limit your time in the steam room to 30 minutes. One session will do it. Of course, I don't have to mantion to drink water.

    After session you can take a shower and be done with it. The temperature in steam room much lower than in sauna and it's not dry heat but steam.

    If you have a reumathoid arthritis doctors do not recommend steam only dry heat.

    I hope this will help. Email me if you have any questions

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes indeed it does. If you think bout mostly everything we do causes us to sweat. Think about it, mostly everything we do, whether it's run, ride a bike, our body heats up because it is working hard. Our sweat cools us down so it may not seem like it but we sweat when we swim.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This is the same technique I have taught over 138,000 men and women in 157 countries to successfully treat their excessive sweating condition over the past 7 years!

    Remember: Watch the whole video, as the ending will pleasantly surprise you�

  • 1 decade ago

    Play your favourite music on your laptop---a combination of energetic dance music, Good celtic soundtracks, New Age soundtracks, some good disney scores and dance to them for at least thirty minutes. I started having a minor sweating in just 15 minutes!

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  • 1 decade ago

    simply go for a good long speed walk in somewhat of a warm day don't run because you will tire out quick the farther you go the better & just keep drinking those liquids try propel fitness water it taste good plus it help's you sweat while it replenishis your body p.s. try old fashion apple juice to help you pee

  • 1 decade ago

    Do a lot of workouts in heavy clothing. You ever see people working out in the gym and they have a sweat shirt and sweat pants on. hince the name.

  • 1 decade ago

    go to a steam room and take a long run in a sweater, lay out in the sun (makes u sweat and gives u a nice tan lol)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sweat is a way to lose a lot of weight, and a lot is about 5 pounds a week. 2 pounds is the safe way to go, either crapping sweating or urinating.

    Eat lots of fiber, not fatty foods, take a vitamin pill, because you probably won't eat haelthy during this challenge. Drinks lots of clear fluid to flush the system and deter your hunger pangs.

    No cheating.

  • Pango
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Try a Sauna

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not good if you can't sweat. Take a really really hot hot you can hardly stand it and make yourself sit there for at least 30 minutes. I bet you'd sweat then. Also, what about wearing sweatpants and going to a sauna; wrestlers do that kind of stuff

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do you want to? Sweating doesn't make you lose weight. It's just temporary water loos that's replaced as soon as you drink water.

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