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What are you doing to end the war in Iraq? Who is going to March on Washington on January 27th? is coordinating a march on Washington, DC for January 27th to protest the war in Iraq, and the president's suggestion to send more troops rather than bringing our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers home.

Many other organizations are trying to rally the American public to protest this meaningless war and the continued devastation of lives. What actions have you taken, and/or what references and ideas can you give the rest of us so we can make our voices heard? Please provide links when possible.


Yes, I am a single parent. The March is scheduled for a Saturday, and I may not be able to attend, either. I was just wondering if others knew about it, or were aware of other things we can do.

I agree that the Iraqi people, like all humans, should be allowed to live peacefully; but we can not impose peace on them, and we had no right or reason to go there in the first place.

Our government has made a huge mess and I'd love to see some of them go over and bring their own family members with them to clean it up. Perhaps then they would be more motivated to work with the Iraqis to develop an exit strategy.

8 Answers

  • Anne2
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are going to march you need to prepare a little.

    It may be possible for you to go and not pay a thing, there are always lots of people who would like to pay the bus fare for you to go.

    Dress warmly, in layers, so that if it is warm you may take something off, without having to stop. But remember you will have to carry what you take off and that can be cumbersome after so many blocks.

    Wear comfortable shoes.

    Do not litter the streets and make the marchers look bad, if you chew gum, stow the gum wrapper in your pocket until you can trash it.

    Do not carry a purse or billfold, pin some emergency money to your inside clothes.

    Now if you are thinking of taking a look at the Smithsonium after you are finished marching, remember they do not allow signs and posters to be carried inside the museum.

    Many scam artists prowl these marches, be carefull.

    Get back to the bus on time, just because you left your name with the bus driver on the passenger sheet, does not mean he is going to wait for you forever.

    You are going to be photographed, all along the march, behave accordingly.

    There will be speakers after the march. Please let them speak, without heckling. They have a right to their say also.

    Buy a T. Shirt, I still have one from civil rights march and my children think it is awesome.

    Source(s): Marched.
  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I understand your frustration. I have good friends in Iraq and a Brother that is on his way today. We want peace but not at the expense of another VIETNAM. There were a number of your kind that caused the Vietnam Syndrome to explode into this problem overseas. These people need to be stopped while we are in their country NOT in OURS! I support our President as long as he is in office then I will support our next President whatever his decisions are. GOD expects us to do that as HIS people. Yes, I am a Christian. I will not be attending your "Freedom March on Washington". My wife and I have other affairs to attend to at home. You probably don't have children or have to work but MOST Americans DO! Have a great day.

    EDIT... I am sorry If I was a bit hasty in my statement earlier. I guess that you do have a child. My wife and I also do and we are both strong Christians. We support our government even when we are against a decision that they make as a result of GOD's Expectations in us. HE is certainly mopre important than anything that our government can/has done. I appreciate that you are supporting peaceful demonstrations but I do not feel that this is going to giuve our young men the support that they deserve. In Vietnam there were such demonstrations tghat caused our politicians to be pansies about fighting to win. This caused a great number of our young men to come home hurt or DEAD. Then they were treated like DiRt here and should not have been. They deserve our utmost respect in everything that they do in our name as long as it is sanctioned by the government.


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    All signs and indicators factor to a important drawdown of U.S. troops in Iraq in 2007/2008 — per chance to fewer than one hundred,000 by technique of 12 months's end. notwithstanding that is faraway from certain at the same time as there'll be better savings, or a finished pullout, after that. in reality, it now looks like america would have a lengthy-time period and major protection pressure presence in Iraq.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am going to write my Congressman.

    Support Bush to end the war by winning it.

    End the war like you want and be prepare for more 9/11s.

    If you are a mother are you ready to watch your children become more victims of terror.

    Can peace be imposed?

    Didn't work on Germany or Japan in WWII

    Didn't work on the South in the Civil War

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I voted last time, I did not vote for any that had voted to approve the Iraq invasion. That is what I have done.

    I do not vote a party line, I dont care what party a canidate is, I vote for character and record. If (RD) approved the war, I will not vote for (RD). If (RD) voted against the invasion, I will vote for them.

    link: My brain

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would march with you except that would require hundreds of dollars in traveling and border crossing hassles. I'll be with you in spirit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I support the war, I'm not marching.

  • Hilary
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    srry i'm leaving dc..on the 23 :-0

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