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Ok this will upset some?

I just watched the 60 minutes special on the duke rape case and I am angry. Yes it is a shame that those boys were falsely charged and are still being charged when evidence proves otherwise. But what upsets me is why the black protestors a lot of them were important members of the black community feel that they can do what the did and insult and threaten those boys and not be held accountable? They made michael richards apologize for his actions.. I am not defending either group but I am saying that what is good for the goos is also good for the gander? Like it or not. Sorry if this upsets you and you think I am a racist. I am not, I am just highly upset over the one-sidedness that seems to take place.


There is really no good way to say this. Some things are wrong and some things are right. For example the young men who were shot in NYC after leaving a bachelor party. That was uncalled for by the police and accountability for the officers actions is deemed neccessary. Yes one of the officers was black. Yet there was mininmal protests there. The new orleans situation is another. Those officers should not be back at work. Yes I do agree there is a problem in the media with these items. But I just feel that this was uncalled for and that the protestors there were wrong. You don't threaten family members or others. Protesting is fine if done right and if you are wrong step up and admit it. Don't hide behind race to excuse it. Race relations will never get better until all races are accountable for thier actions and are not afraid to admit that they were wrong or even mislead.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well here in Australia, a person (black) was killed in custody of police (white)

    Did the police get introuble at all.... NOPE.

    It's a two sided thing, every race has their downfalls. racism will continue for as long as we live...............

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I also saw 60 minutes on the Duke rape case, annoyed deeply of many aspects. You said about the blacks protesting, well to me that was because of the news jumping on the case, anxiously to get the top headline of which made those protesters act, wrongly, then you had the DNA ( expert) who ( errously ) so he says left out that the DNA did not match those accused. The DA, I think he behind it, should be barred. Now, the black female, who falsely told of her ( alledged rape) Why not the white folks protest against her, she ( lied ) false info to law enforcement authorities. What those boys and families went thru, terrible, can happen to anyone, by ( anyone in power ).I also do not agree with the Dukes president, he too folllowed what the news media quickly blew out of proportion, they all should be sued. Poor guys based on a word ( r ape) by an unworthy black female, Put her away for her untruthfulness, again you will see the black protestors out sick of it the way things are today

  • I agree completely.Not everyting is a race thing, but any side that falsely brings up the race card should be held responsible for it. If they aren't, then people begin to feel that a double standard exists, and that will never help race relations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sad to see justice denied in any aspect of society.........hence your anger. Its actually quite refreshing to see an objective person with a valid opinion in all this

    Nevertheless, Deep_blue brings up a very good point here!

    I am not American,

    but I am going to guess that an elderly black person (kind of like what we saw in New Orleans a while back) is gonna get brutalized by a bunch of cops........... then nothing will be done about it!

    Unarmed black men (kinda like what just happened in NY) are gonna get sprayed to death with bullets by a bunch of cops, well cause they looked like drug dealers (even though they are not)... ....and America will simply move on!

    Thats your America alright! ;)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well simply, race is a double sided ***** slap.

    Black people as a general whole make themselves different, and expect to be viewed the same. Its the same as teenagers. They expect to be treated like adults, but as a whole, they are somewhat less civil and respectable. (I'm 15). Also at the same time, while a white peerson could never insult a person because theyre black, being called white by a black person is supposed to be derogatory.

    Thus, no matter if your black or white, in a highly racial case *such as this one*, the race card will always be played.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you and I would like to go a little further and say those who do get upset are the ones who are going to be most guilty of this. Peace>

    BTW Please don't apologize for the way you feel, it isn't right or wrong, it's the way you feel.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is because black peope want to blame everything on white people. And those people protesting whre idiot sand point and case of my first statement. If it was a blakc student, they would not be yellin for jstice.and also they obvioulsy did not know the facts of the case. Instead of complaing that white poeple are rascits, maybe blacks should work on improving problems with in their own race

    P.S.- i am biracial and not rascit, just a person with common sense

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree. It's another example of playing the race card.

  • 1 decade ago

    One -sightedness has been going on for centuries with every race. It's pretty hard to swallow, when it takes place,irregardless.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you 100%, if she was wrong she needs to apologize.

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