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Women is it me or are things getting worse ??.......?

Is there anything we can do to turn this world around?

Could women in the free world pull together and just do whats right and what needs to be done?

Could we work as one?

Could we be stronge enough to go the full distance?

And are we willing to bring the necessary sacrifices?

And the greatest question of them all.....

Would our men follow?

Or would we loose some of them on the way?

Take you time and think about it.

Tell us your worries, thoughts and ideas.

And mothers tell us what you are doing to prepare your daughters for life.

Please state your country - so we can see how different thoughts are around our world.


11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a very worthy question for women and men to contemplate.

    I do not think things are getting "worse". However, what is occurring is the realization of just how bad things have been and will continue to be. Our new "global worldview" has allowed this information to permeate our societies. Still unless we all unite and step up to the plate together little change will occur. For example, Female genital mutilation is at the forefront of worldwide attention. Countries which once encouraged this horrific practice are now beginning to educate their citizens against its practice.

    We will have to find ways to work as one voice - demanding human rights violations against women be brought to an end immediately. As women, sacrifice and strength can be used as our 'niche' to meeting this challenge. These two traits are embedded in the female psyche, we engage in these selfless acts daily, caring and nurturing our children and others. We can also care for our own selves and our sisters.

    As for men, yes, some are already acting on these issues, others fight against it out of fear or ignorance. Believing that if women are empowered it will in some way infringe on their masculinity. They simply are not secure enough with their own gender to help their wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters. They see this issue as an antagonist to their masculinity.

    My worries concerning this subject is that it will not happen fast enough for the many current and future victims suffering with no help in sight. For them they can see little hope. We need to let them know that we do care about their suffering.

    To accomplish many of the goals of this endeavor we will have to demand accountability and responsibility from those who seek to harm women, from our own leaders, and the leaders who turn a blind eye to the suffering of the women in their country.

    On the bright side, the Catholic Church has demonstrated a willingness to help. The Church formally apologized for its part in the oppression and suffering of women.

    As for my daughter, I have taught her that strength and courage to effect positive change comes from within and diffuses outward to those she touches. She knows that her generation is not only the first one with the chance to end poverty, but that she will be called upon and presented with opportunities to be a part of fixing many of the things that were once simply accepted as having no solution.

    I am from the United States...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in a lot of jobs, females do get equivalent pay. There are some the position they do no longer, yet regularly occurring that is about an same. It has opened occupation fields (or having a occupation in any respect) that females did not imagine about one hundred years in the past. the real turn away of equivalent rights is that a appreciate for women have dropped. adult men no longer manage their females like a woman, establishing doorways and so on. And we do an same jobs, they nonetheless anticipate a woman to do lots of the living house projects and newborn care. I do sense females have equivalent rights. i understand females who make decrease than their male opposite numbers, yet additionally they did not negotiate a higher gross sales- or were given added advantages, like operating from living house section time. yet females have an same opportunities and interest thoughts as their male counteparts. they have an same academic opportunities, if no more effective- having more effective scholarships accessible to females. Alot of females in basic terms have not gotten to the point the position they capitalize on them.

  • 1 decade ago

    The truth of the matter is that women spend more time obsessing over look and themselves to ever unite for a better cause. The world today is very self absorbed and self indulged. Men only get away with what we let them and if women can't respect themselves then why should the men? Houston, TX USA

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in the U.S. and I have always thought of women as sisters. I have also believed that if some women would quit believing that married men are fair game, would quit gossiping about one another, and support each other in this world without jealousy and envy, then we could be truly united.

    But I don't see that happening, unfortunately.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing can stop the man or woman with the right mental attitude from achieving his or her goal, nothing on earth can help the man or women with the wrong mental attitude. If everyone shifted their ideas and inspired the world, what a wonderful place this would be.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm worried about that also. there seems to be a divide among women, more than one. there's the group of women who are of the 'extreme feminists' that seem to hate men; there's the 'anti-feminist' population that seems to think all feminists are extreme; there's the balanced feminists that just want to see the world as equal & without the objectification & alienatin of women; then there's the population that has been conditioned by society to objectify themselves for the attention (porn & beauty pageant types).

    i hope someday women as a whole will come together, but we seem to be bickering among ourselves too much-- like the native americans whose cultures were destroyed by the europeans because they couldn't stand together to defeat them.

    somehow, i think we need to really get the true word out and overcome the proppaganda and misconceptions about women in general and feminism in particular.


    you're a perfect examply of WHY we never will. you basically hate yourself and therefore all other women, we are not all "vindictive, controlling, spiteful, selfish, manipulative, whiney, paranoid" why would you say that about yourself? much less the billioins of women out there that you've never even met? was your mother like that too? why do you hate women so much?!?!

    Source(s): from America (oregon)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No all women will never unite and we don't need them to all unite to effect change anyway. Yes women do obsess over their looks but keep in mind that their worth is usually judged by their looks so I don't blame them for obsessing over it. Women would never unite under one cause anyway, even one that benefits us because most of us are follow what men do and what we think they want.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Could women in the free world pull together and just do whats right and what needs to be done?"

    Haven't done it so far.

    "Could we work as one?"

    Not with Phylis Schlafly about:

    "Could we be stronge enough to go the full distance?"

    Well, the full distance is you destroy civilisation, so... if you consider suicide strong, yes. If not, no.

    "And are we willing to bring the necessary sacrifices?"

    Like getting rid of affirmative action, sexual harassment lawsuits, alimony, child support and big government just in order to be 'independent'? I doubt it.

    "Would our men follow?"

    We're not lemmings.

    "Or would we loose some of them on the way?"

    I dunno, heard of a men's movement called Men Going Their Own Way:

    And yeah, things are getting worse, because your fingers are in it.

  • Jane
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Women will never unite in anything. I hate women. I hate working with them and especially FOR them. I have a male boss now & if I have anything to say about my future jobs, I will NEVER work for another woman. They are vindictive, controlling, spiteful, selfish, manipulative, whiney, paranoid.

    We are preparing our daughters by encouraging them to get their education so they can be self-reliant.

    I'm from USA

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure they could manage to come up with at least one more cliche.

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