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Do I still have a chance at true love at my age?

I am 31 and still attractive. I have 3 kids 12, 6, and 5. I am 5"4' and and a size 8. I have a very pretty face or so I have been told and I have always been a good girl. My only mistake is that I maried the wrong man. I thought that he was Mr. Right, but he doesn't love me. He just wants me around for the benefits that I carry. I am divorced.

I am ready to move on but I am afraid of spending the rest of my life alone. I want some one to love me. I have all of this love inside of me that I want to sare with the one, but where is he? Did I miss my only chance or has it not came. Am I too old or is it that I have children from a previous marriage. I just want a tender man.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can find true love. He may not be Brad Pitt or George Clooney...but there are good men that want love too.

    Just put out a radar for losers. There are alot of them. They drink more than you think they should. They have sex with their ex's. They tell you they are great but live like slobs. They have children they don't support. Or they have really great excuses on why they don't work.

    When you were younger, there was a fine selection of nice men....the pickings are slim in the 30's particularly if you have 3 kids.

    Look out for a man that has a kid himself. One that maybe raises him by himself. Someone that has been single for a while and is not bitter. Look for a thoughtful one that likes your kids.

    Be friends for a long while. You won't be alone. Just look for a kindred spirit. And don't settle. NEVER. There will be bad guys just looking for a woman that just wants a tender man.

    Be wary. Be smart...and success will be yours. Took me a while...but I succeeded. The odds are about 1:100 for highly suitable. So don't get depressed. It takes work.

    Source(s): Been there.
  • 1 decade ago

    You will find true love, there is no age limit on finding love! Believe me, it is very possible. You are still young, anyway! You're 31, sound beautiful, and I am sure you are a great person, which is what counts. You can find someone who loves you, and treats you and your family the way you deserve. Don't lose hope!

    There were no children involved, but long long ago, my uncle got married at 35. He had never been married before. He may have been a "late bloomer," but it worked out for him, because he met the woman of his dreams. She was around his age, and had been married, but did not have children. They made it work and have been together for a very long time -- they couldn't be happier! And they have a daughter that turned out to be a beautiful young lady.

    Good luck, and stay optimistic!

    And make sure your children always know they are important to you, no matter what.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course you have a chance at true love!! You are still young and there are alot of guys out there who don't mind if you have kids... some will have kids themselves... I should know because I met my fiance at the age of 31, and I have a child... and he is truly the love of my life!... You should try It's a great site for people who have kids... trust me you're gonna want a man with kids so he can be more understanding with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's gonna happen -- you will meet him. You just have to be patient and have faith that "he" is wandering around out there somewhere. In due time, you will find him, accidentally. You can't force it to happen and it will seem like an eternity if you count the days and hours. So, enjoy being a single parent, having all of your time to devote to your children and all of your love to shower on them. And more importantly, enjoy your new found independence. Take the time to take care of yourself, remember that forgotten spirit inside you and learn to enjoy life with or without somebody. And when you finally meet Mr. Right with this kind of confidence, the love will be ten fold.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    initially what you experience isn't you may want to allow you to already know its no longer because the sensation is so sturdy. in spite of the undeniable fact that this is been shown that once you mmet someone you basically like the mind releases a huge volume of endorphines, hormones and seritonin. Time mag alongside with clinical American studied this and it confirmed that the mind releases those hormone for upto 3 years. Ever ask your self why human beings fall out of affection with a pair of years? this is because they weren't in any respect in love interior the first position. it really is lust, it really is needed to have actual contact both to be close or to have sex. The greeks defined it maximum perfect the had 3 words for love, first change into EROS it really is for erotic love, then the second one change into PHILIA were we get the be conscious PHILADELPHIA it really is cohesion, therefore the city of cohesion. The very last is AGAPE, this suggests the affection from God or soemthing this isn't any longer organic. I always tell me spouse Love is action no longer a feeling. It produces outcomes or works. Its what makes you get away from mattress and do something for someone once you dont pick to. you're bodily in touch in her, in case you pick it to be lengthy time period. DONT sleep such as her. take the time getting to understand her, construct a sturdy bond which will mkake you particular to her. to attempt this dont be on my own at homestead even as the mothers and fathers are away. it will be troublesome yet in case you advance to love one yet another then it stands proud because the wait.

  • Pat C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Honey, do you know in the grand scheme of life just how young 31 is? Pull up your big girl panties and get on with your life. Great things will happen to you, when you aren't "looking" for them.

    By the way, you aren't alone...You have 3 kids that love you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definately, if you still believe in true love, then you are bound to have one in the future. Refer to below tips, hope it would help.

    As a single parent, you may feel reluctant to date again. Take it slowly, listen to your instincts and try to have fun.


    •STEP 1: Date when you feel you're ready, not when others tell you that you should (see "eHow to Ask Someone on a Date as a Single Parent Date').

    •STEP 2: Ignore guilt. You're a human being and you need adult companionship. You deserve an occasional night out.

    •STEP 3: Take it slowly. Don't fill your calendar with dates all at once. It will take time for you and your children to adjust to the idea of your dating.

    •STEP 4: Make sure your children are cared for by someone you trust while you're on a date.

    •STEP 5: Talk to your children. Explain that you're going to spend some time with a person you like. Do not talk about remarriage or new daddies or mommies, but be honest about its being a date. Answer any questions your children have, but keep personal details to yourself.

    •STEP 6: Decide whether you want the person you're dating to meet your children. On a first date it is probably not advisable. When you do introduce them, keep it light, easy and quick. Don't plan any 'family' outings yet. Try not to talk about your kids too much during dates, but don't feel you need to hide their existence, either.

    •STEP 7: Introduce the new person to your children gradually if you feel that your relationship is becoming more serious.

    •STEP 8: Avoid letting your children see you in bed with anyone.

    •STEP 9: Consider how much affection you're comfortable expressing in front of your children. Follow your instincts. You can always kiss after the kids are in bed.

    •STEP 10: Be prepared for your children to be angry, resentful, hostile, sad, shy or nervous about the situation. Help them through it as best you can.

    •STEP 11: Be patient. It may take time to become comfortable on dates after being out of practice for so long.

    •STEP 12: Keep your ex-spouse out of it. He or she is bound to find out about your dating and may try to discuss it with you or become involved. Remember that you are divorced and it is your life to live as you please, so long as your children are not harmed.

    Tips & Warnings

    •If you or any of your children are having a very difficult time coping with the situation, consult a counselor or therapist.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are just 31.. i would say its not at all too old to fall in love. i think its the right age. each one of us make mistakes in life.. your mistake led you to a worse path because it dealt with marriage,which is ofcourse an important part of our lives. but i am glad you have moved on. just regain your confidence and i am sure very soon you will fall in love again and with someone great who will care for you. but dont do anything in haste. take it easy. start socialising more and more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh you are not too old at all. I didn't know what true love was until I met my husband. I was 40 when I met him. He is the best man I have ever met. I also have 3 kids and he has kids also. Good luck to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    1.You do have a chance at love no matter what your age is. But I strongly feel that when you let God be your match maker you have a better chance at finding the right one without having to date a lot of men. Don’t go looking for it let love come to you, I have a true story to tell you; I did not like going out much because I hated the dating seen, my girlfriends would tell me that I was going to end up an old maid, because I did not like dating. I believed in my heart that god had the right man for me, but that I just had to wait for him. I told them that god was going to send me my husband at my door step one day, of course they laughed at me, but to make a long story short my future husband came knocking on my door, and he came the day after that, and every day after with in a year we were married. We just celebrated our 26th anniversary. There Is true love for you, just wait on God.

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