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I have recenly reconciled with my husband(wonder how long that will last), and am a full time stay at home Mom again. I believe in Jesus and try to serve Him to the best of my ability right now. I want to win the lottery some day!

  • Crysler Pt Cruiser 2003 Limited Edition...problems with horn and radio.?

    So the radio started to go in and out randomly, while I was driving. Then I noticed that it would work just fine if the key was turned in the back position. But still sometime for days I couldnt listen to the radio while I was driving. Then one day I tried to beep the horn and found that it was unsusually hard to I hit the steering wheel hard a few times until it blowed and the radio came on. Now evertime the radio goes out while I am driving...I just hit the horn...hard...Cause a little push wont make it blow and then the radio willl come back on...but then the radio goes out again and then I have to beep the horn's a never ending cycle.

    So what the heck is going on with my car. I bought it as is...and I love my is my dream car...but I dont want problems with it all the time. I've only had it a month. Can anyone help me out please?

    1 AnswerChrysler9 years ago
  • If a one year old dog is used to his name, how could I change it without making him confused?

    He is a one year old chihuahua/min pinn mix, his name is Tank and he is blonde. He is lively and sweet. I want to change his name...but I have heard that you should keep the new name sounding as close to the old name as possible. But I really don't like Hank or anything that sounds similar. Can anyone give me any suggestions.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • whatis the difference of the study of economics and sociological perspectives on the econmy?

    Need this for sociology question? Please detailed and only go by text book smarts and not your opinion...

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • I need help as quick as possible with my 9 year old kids math problem.?

    So here is the problem:

    Marcus and Jarome are playing a game with a subtraction rule. If Marcus says "745," Jerome says, "577." If Marcus says "233," Jerome says "65." What is the subtraction rule? Explain how you found your answer.

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How can someone be convicted of a Class D felony and only get probation?

    The crime was embezzlement and this was the fourth time that he had been brought to court and sued for the same con but with different people involved. Basically he is a self contractor/construction and the victims would give him a lump sum of money, around 5 grand, and instead of getting the materials and beginning the work, he would spend it and never do the work.

    So, the victims would take him to court and sue. Now, in all the other cases he was never charged and paid the money back, a plea bargain,I guess.

    But what he is saying, is that because this is a first time conviction, he didn't have to serve any jail time. Just four years of probation and making payments of 150 a month to the probation officer. And supposedly he has lost all gun privileges except a muzzle loader. What the hay??

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I need help unlocking a Verizon cell phone so that I can get a PEDOPHILE caught.?

    I have a friend that needs to unlock her 13 year old daughter's cell phone because we believe that there are messages on this phone from the MOM's 50 year old ex boyfriend. Come to find out he has been coming over acting like he is visiting the Mom and the whole while he has been sneaking around with the 13 yr old and calling her on this cell phone that he bought and gave to her so that he could set up meetings with her. She has been sneaking out of the house at night to have sex with him in the woods. Also when the Mom isn't home she would call him to come over. The Mom has reported this to the police and the are investigating it, but it is up to the Mom to get the evidence up from the phone. he is in jail (he got busted for a METH lab) that he had set up in his shed. The cops do not have his cell phone and the mom is trying to get into the child's cell but she has it set up with a pass code. And she is refusing to tell it.

    So what we want to know there a way that we can by- pass the lock/code that the girl has set up in the phone. We are trying to get at the messages and the call log.

    Please help!!!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Out Look Express help?

    I was trying to send a picture from my computer to my yahoo email account...but error messages keep popping up. And it wouldn't go through, soooo...I removed it from my windows components , hoping that it would fix the problem. Well ... it didn't. Somebody hepl me!!!

    Here is one on the messeges that would appear;

    The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address was ''. Subject 'Emailing: t192', Account: 'mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.1.0 Authentication required', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

    Don't forget that I have removed Out Look Express from my windows components.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Am I married? Or Not?

    I got married in a church by an ordained Pastor and we filed for a marriage license in the Court house. The pastor signed, my husband and I signed and it was completely filled out.

    Here is the tricky part.My husband never took it to the Court house to be recognized by the law. It said on the back that within 10 days that if it wasn't turned in that there would be a 50$ fine. Well, my husband refused to do it and wouldn't let me. That was 10 years ago. Well, 6 years after our "marriage", I went to the Social Security Dept. , and wanted to get my name change from my maiden name to my Husbands so that i could update my Drivers license. She said that there wasn't a court house seal on it and so she couldn't do it.But after talking to her and saying that we have 2 kids together and been together all this time I should be able to. So she did.

    And now I would like to know cause if we are not married it would save me money on a divorce. And I don't think that common law marriage would play a factor in this , because we have not lived together consecutively for the amount of time it takes. Also he has never used our mutual address, when we had one together, as his mailing address. He has always used other family members' addresses.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why is it legal for homosexual marriages, in Cal and against the law for Plural hetero marriages?

    Plural hetro marraiges mean that one man can be married to more that one woman with their consent. It is illegal throughout the U.S. The Bible states that homoseuality is wrong, but many men of the Bible that was in great standing with the Lord had more than one wife. Also in many places,Canada for instance, paligamy is legal.

    Just curious.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If someone was convicted of a 1st degree murder in San Diego, Cal, where would they be sent to prison?

    Partically, a man named Sean Goff. I knew him and would like to write to him for personal reasons. I have his cdc#, birthdate and full name but, I need the Institutions Name and the P.O. Box Housing number. There is a number of California Prison that I could call but it is long distance and I can't do it. So if there is another way, someone let me know.

    And before anyone lectures me about contacting a murderer, like I said I have known him since I was 15 and I have personal reasons and issues that I need to resolve with him.

    If anyone has any info please share.

    Also I would like to know what 29 to life means. That is what he got for killing his wife. Actually the 29 part is what I don't understand. If he got life how does 29 more or less years effect the sentence?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who out there believes in multiple marriages at the same time? I am talking bigamist or poligamist marraige.?

    I am a Cristian and I , based on my own findings and studies of the Bible, do not believe that it is a sin for a man to have more than one wife. So long as he is following the standards of God , as any man should follow according to the treatment of his own wife. I do not wish to debate the issue, but only wish for the ones who pratice it or know about it to answer and let me in to there lives a bit. For a man, why does he desire it , I know some of the resons why a woman would. Tell me about your reasons, please.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this song and who sings it?

    "when the lights go out in my city,.... and the sun shines on the bay,... well I wanna be there... , in my city... , oh oh oh ohhhh ohhhh oh oh oh"

    Also there was this one song from the early '90's late 80's....a dark haired woman sung a song was a slow rock ballad about love and in the video she was living in a building and her neighbor was a priest and they both had a forbidden love for each other and it showed the 2 of them wanting each other and pressing against there apt. walls to be close.Does anyone know who sings this one and the name of the song?

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • I need help finding a title to an 80's song. I though the name of it was Bright Eyes...but I cant find it.

    I cant remember much but here is what I do. A woman sings it and I guess you could call it soft rock...the only words I can rember are "...Every time I ....tearing us apart...Bright eyes...Bright eyes..." I have always thought that the name of the song was Bright Eyes...but it is no where to be found.

    Thanks ppl!!

    6 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Do I still have a chance at true love at my age?

    I am 31 and still attractive. I have 3 kids 12, 6, and 5. I am 5"4' and and a size 8. I have a very pretty face or so I have been told and I have always been a good girl. My only mistake is that I maried the wrong man. I thought that he was Mr. Right, but he doesn't love me. He just wants me around for the benefits that I carry. I am divorced.

    I am ready to move on but I am afraid of spending the rest of my life alone. I want some one to love me. I have all of this love inside of me that I want to sare with the one, but where is he? Did I miss my only chance or has it not came. Am I too old or is it that I have children from a previous marriage. I just want a tender man.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What about Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh as Superman?

    I will always love the original with Christopher Reeve's, but that Brandon Routh is something else. The play of emotion is so evident and intense in his facial expressions just blew me away.

    Also I noticed that he captured Clark Kent and Superman in such a perfect way that it totally made me think of how Christopher Reeve's did it. I am a great fan of Superman and I just want to know ya'lls take on it.

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • I have down loaded a program that is in a zipped file...some help please?

    I have dowloaded a registry cleaner that is a free ware , but it went into a zip file. When I attemted to open it , a wizard prompted me to down load in to another file, bit I still can't get the thing running. I dont know how. How can I get the thing running and get it to give me a short cut on my desk top. I have a windows xp computer for home. Please help?

    9 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this ? " Will pay to have Americans or Canadians killed"?

    You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was

    actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper

    an offer of a reward to anyone who killed any American or Canadian.

    So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let

    everyone know what an American or Canadian is, so they would know when

    they found one. (Good one, mate!!!! )......He wrote:

    An American or Canadian is English, or French, or Italian, Irish,

    German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be

    Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean,

    Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan. An

    American or Canadian may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot,

    Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as Native

    Americans or Canadians.

    An American or Canadian is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or

    Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America or

    Canada than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they

    are free to worship as each of them chooses.

    An American or Canadian is also free to believe in no religion. For that

    he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs

    claiming to speak for the government and for God.

    An American or Canadian lives in the most prosperous lands in the

    history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the

    Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of

    each person to the pursuit of happiness.

    An American or Canadian is generous. Americans or Canadians have helped

    out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need,

    never asking a thing in return. When Afghanistan was over-run by the

    Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans and Canadians came with arms and

    supplies to enable the people to win back their country! As of the

    morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation

    to the poor in Afghanistan.

    Americans and Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best

    products, the best books, the best music, the best food, and the best

    services. But they also welcome the least. The national symbol of

    America, the Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the

    wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed.

    These in fact are the people who built America. Some of them were

    working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a

    better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade

    Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and

    first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

    So you can try to kill an American or Canadian if you must. Hitler did.

    So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung, and other

    blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be

    killing yourself, because Americans and Canadians are not a particular

    people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human

    spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an

    American or a Canadian

    Please keep this going! Pass this around the World. Then pass it

    around again. It says it all, for all of us.

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • My yahoo voice is not working! I had to do a system restore cause my Mom deleted all of my cookies and I lost?

    my sign in seal with yahoo mail and couldnt get it back. So I did a system restore to the day before my cookies were deleted. It worked to get my Yahoo Mail back up , but I still cant get my Yahoo Voice to let me log on. It remebers my Id and pass word but it wont complete the log on process. The little face in my task bar is dead and it just keeps asking me if I want to try again. This has been going on for a week now and I would very much like to have that acess back. I just got the phone in and out and I am sure that I have missed very important calls.

    I dont know if this is the fault of Yahoo or if it is my computer , but I am guessing that if my Mail account came back up and the Voice did not , when I restored the computer, then it is not the fault of the computer. I have looked and looked in the Help at Yahoo site and there is nothing there about Yahoo Voice Help. So if any one can tell me what the Heck is going on I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • I just paid for the PC to Phone, $25 dollars worth and I...?

    have tried to dial a number and it keeps wanting me to sign up , but I just did.What do I do , I want to use the phone !! helppp!!!

    I know that this isnt the correct site for this Q , but I havent recieved any A on the yahoo site. Please help me.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago