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Why is it legal for homosexual marriages, in Cal and against the law for Plural hetero marriages?

Plural hetro marraiges mean that one man can be married to more that one woman with their consent. It is illegal throughout the U.S. The Bible states that homoseuality is wrong, but many men of the Bible that was in great standing with the Lord had more than one wife. Also in many places,Canada for instance, paligamy is legal.

Just curious.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no problem with polygamy.If you want it, talk to your legislators.Of course they are Christians, most likely, and so they probably will tell you that is a sin or some such thing.So, put it to a vote.Let your fellow citizens decide on if that is what they want.Of course many states have enacted a ban on gay marriage and so you might get the same resistance with that issue.The ones who are always saying no to something are the Christian fundamentalists who try to push their beliefs on American politics.But, it should always be up to the voters and not a few loud mouthed religious special interest groups.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What the Bible actually says is that homosexuality is wrong among God's chosen people and nobody else .

    What Christians don't seem to get is that the rules of their game only apply to people who are playing their game -and nobody else

    The proof of that is that God let be the openly homosexual Greek culture -without which we

    wouldn't be here

    It is the State and not the Church which regulates marriages in America .

    When the Supreme Court eventually makes legal gay marriage in America it will use the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to do so and properly conclude that since the State places almost no restrictions on marriage that arbitrarily placing a sexual orientation restriction is a violation of a couples civil rights under the 14th Amendment

    Plural marriage would open up a whole nother layer of compexity to the rights and responsibilities aspect of marriage

    Hypothetically a man has four wives and one wants to get divorced ,How are assets, children and future earnings divided up in that situation?

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    Right, the Bible is our guideline. Homosexuality is not God's choice for us. As the saying goes, he created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. To be one - which is the fulfilled marriage - needs one of each sex to complement each other. However, God still loves the homosexual and in Christ this bondage can be broken . If we look at the men in Scripture who had more than one wife, maybe it's worth also noting the problems they got themselves into because of that!! Scripture holds up people and situations as warnings for us, as well as encouragements and goals. Paul says an elder should be the husband of but one wife. He brought the balance in. If a leader of a church lived a life that was out of order, it would filter down through the congregation, so things must be correct at the top. More than one spouse is risky! It brings imbalance into the family dynamics. What man has done in making poligamy and homosexual marriages legal is not God's will and we will reap the consequences without a shadow of a doubt. We sow the wind and even now the whirlwind begins.

  • no
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Plural Marriage should be legal (and its Massachusetts that has the homosexual marriage legalized). As for one of the answers, There WAS plural marriage "after the new covenant". In Acts it says that a BISHOP should have only one wife. Nowhere does it say that NO ONE should have only one wife. People misquoting the bible is one reason that Christians get a bad name and are thought of as intolerant and narrow minded.

    Hail Odin!


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  • 1 decade ago

    Homosexual marriages are not legal in California! And there were no "plural hetro marriages" in the Bible after the law was given. And those who did have more than one wife (before the law) who were in "good standing" with God, were in "good standing" because of their faith, not because of their deeds.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I never actually got why California picked it's government officials. I mean Arnold Schwarzenegger! The best thing I can come up with of how he got in is by lifting things. And that his opponant always turned up to speeches with baby blood on him.

    I don't know why people ban homosexual marriges. Let them do what they wish. They deserve just as many rights as the rest of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have studied anthropology, and although I have seen cultures in which there is homosexual marriage for reasons of romantic love, I have never seen any culture in which there is polygamous marriage for reasons of romantic love. The reasons given in virtually all cultures which allow polygamy are socio-economic, not emotional or romantic.

  • 1 decade ago

    marriage is nothing more than a legal contract, so, as long as all parties are of legal age and agree to the terms of the contract, there should be no problem.

    unfortunately, these specific contracts are governmentally regulated. if you can get the gov't to privatize marriages like they want to do with health care then you'd be home free.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are you so keen to see one man allowed to marry several women, but show no inclination to allow one woman to marry several men? Isn't that just misogynistic prejudice that is typical of biblical thinking? And isn't that sort of misogynistic dual standard that is so prevalent a pretty good reason to stick with one person

    -one partner?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Leviticus is interior the previous testomony, long earlier the beginning of Jesus. greater effectual to examine the sermon on the mount in Matthew. The Bible tells us to love one yet another and to instruct the different cheek, etc. It additionally tells us to decide no longer, lest ye be judged. it somewhat is a great worldwide and in case you do in comparison to gay human beings you do no longer could affiliate with them. God could have loved them, he made extremely some them.

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