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how do you ban abortion?

i'm pro-choice because i can't figure out any sensible way to ban abortion. banning it in the 70s didn't work because we have a culture that unfortunately would rather abort than bear a child in many cases, even with the option of adoption. i'm not excusing that, but it is the reality. how would you pro-life people handle the ban? would the mother and dr be charged? how would you tell a chemical abortion from a miscarriage? those pills can be ordered online and that happens in the countries where it is illegal. so, any answers?


ok, i'm sorry i'm not hardcore enough for you guys. standing and screaming "pro-choice" or "pro-life" doesn't work. it's no way to make any progress. you folks who say this is like supporting communism because we can't overthrow china are right. i'm sorry i've bothered you by acknowledging reality. that is where the law begins. it was never illegal to have an abortion before we could do it. eventually, we'll be able to put a fetus of any stage of development in something to grow it outside the womb. should you still have a right to abort it then? you guys are being short-sighted.

Update 2:

fine***... thank you. i was really hoping that some people on the pro-life side notice how unrealistic it is to have an outright ban, and that's what my concern is. banning it wouldn't keep it from happening. i'm pro-choice because i think it would be a worse world where girls leave more babies in trashcans and more women bleed at home instead of going to the hospital because they might get arrested. it isn't a very good solution, but i want to know details of other ones before i support any.

Update 3:

thank you too smelly foo(t?d?)

Update 4:

idlebud... how can you say the government should leave us alone when you just said they should be extremely interested in my visits to the doctor? even if you believe the federal government and the state governments are completely different, they are still being invasive. how is this not obvious hypocrisy? if the government shouldn't have a vested interest in our wellbeing, why should it care about babies that it does not even know are there? how does it know when i can't go to my doctor or have a cigarette?

that is what is ludicrous about what you propose. if i get pregnant in kansas, can i go to texas for my abortion? can they prevent me from leaving and force me to bear a child? what if i'm just there on vacation? how is this not incredibly invasive?

Many of you who are answering this Q. are among those unaborted, cherished lives. Thank your Mom.

my mom is pro-choice. i have to jump in and say it's "all" not "many". are you channeling someone for us?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm pro-Life, but I'm not for banning abortion. It would only make the problem go underground like it did in the 70's. But I think that there are ways to lessen the "need" for abortions.

    Teaching about safe sex in schools. Obviously kids are going to have sex whether you teach them "Abstinence Only" or not. If you let them know the risk factors, and how to protect themselves, then you are at least making them prepared for something they will inevitably do.

    Decreasing the negative stigma of being a teenage mother or an unwed mother. Although neither of these situations are ideal, which does Family Values support more - killing babies, or helping to raise a baby as a family unit?

  • 1 decade ago

    You ban it by law which closes down all of the abortion clinics and legal ways of getting abortions where like 99% of these abortions take place.

    I know that some people are going start doing it under the table but then again if it's better to do something than nothing.

    I also agree with the first answerer. That's a poor excuse to be pro-choice. That's like saying "I support Chinese Communism only because I can't figure out any sensible way to stop it". Common, you gotta give a better reason that that.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Overturn Roe V Wade and revert the matter to the states. The 10th Amendment leaves matters not specifically in the Constitution to the states.

    2. There will be states that ban it completely and some that do not. The federal government must ban aborting pregnancies that the child could live (exception mother will die if she does not)

    3. Any person doctor or not who performs an abortion in a state that bans it must be charged with murder.

    4. Same thing for the mother.

    5. I do not know enough about abortions to answer the rest of your questions.


    All this sex on tv sends the wrong message to people. Parents have to work extra hard just to make it even again.

    The person above me who wrote that it takes a constitutional amendment to ban abortion is flat out false. Roe v Wade was bad law for many reasons. Mostly because the court did not have the authority to rule the way it did.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im pro life. I think that there is no reason we should be handing abortions out like candy mainly because you should prevent it before it happens. The goverment will give you medicare for women to get birth control, your tubes tied wahtever you dont even have to pay for it. I think we should stop it before we have to even come to the decision if you should abort or not. I mean its so dumb that people cant be more responsible for themselves. I see so many people point the finger the other way and not to them selves. Im 25 years old I have been sexually active since i was 17 I do not have children because i made the effort to go on the pill. Also i have never had a sexually transmitted diease. I think if you are going to have sex you need to be responsible enough to take actions to prevent pregnancy and STDS. Also i dont want to hear the raped and molestation claims cause that makes up less than 3% of abortions. Sadly though if we would ban abortion i think we would just find a lot more babies in garbage cans. People are just to damn irresponsible now days. its sad.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From "Using this sort of mindless logic, nothing should be illegal. After all, outlawing rape, armed robbery, murder, and car theft has not stopped them either. So if we are only going to implement those laws that are 100% effective, by the pro-choice gang’s reasoning we should make these things legal as well." For more answers to the issues raised here, see:

    Every abortion kills an innocent human being. Killing innocent human beings should be illegal. It's not complicated:

  • 1 decade ago

    Banning very seldom accomplishes that for which the ban is intended.

    So banning abortion has litttle affect. What needs to be done is explain why the child,if not wanted by you, is sincerely want--desired by another couple. USA couple will go out of the country to adopt a child. Their desire is that strong. Killing the child does nothing for the mother ,for the father, for society. Adoption does something, it gives a couple an opportunity to love and support a child.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The banning of abortions received't end the termination of pregnancies, it is going to although end the authorities from being waiting to regulate the procedures in any respect. Abortions ought to go back lower back to lower back alleys and upstairs attics, achieved with coat hangers and regardless of else would properly be discovered, and the shortcoming of lives in the course of the procedures ought to sky rocket. As you'll discover through a number of the anger right here "enable the moms wade through and die" and using the note "Murderers" it isn't as in many cases about God and faith as we assume of. Christianity's God teaches you now to not guage, teaches you to love they neighbor, it does no longer teach you the 'screw em' approach. Seperation of Church and State is area of u.s.. non secular beliefs must have little or no to do with regulation, and the authorities isn't in value of identifying what's and is no longer morally or religiously damning. regulation of abortion must be strict and helpful, yet a ban on abortion only makes it a 'free for all' with the authorities no longer having any say or administration interior the priority. the base line continues to be that it's not one human being's position to make a range for some different person in accordance to their personal non secular or moral values. it is a call, and it is a precise, and it belongs to the girl. all of us must have the right to make the options that we ought to stay with some thing of our lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK, it's good to try to prevent "deaths from illegal abortions".

    How about deaths from legal abortions (so often cited as a reason for allowing legal abortion)?

    According to the unbiased Center for Disease Control (CDC), here are the numbers of deaths from illegally performed abortions in the U.S.:

    1972 (before Roe v. Wade): 39

    1973 (year of Roe v. Wade): 19

    1974 (year after Roe v. Wade): 6

    So it can be said that we saved at least 23 women's lives which would have been lost in an illegal "back alley abortion".

    To accomplish this we killed 1.3 million babies last year. To say that the trade-off makes sense in order to "save lives" is bizarre.

    Today, we abort nearly 25% of all viable pregnancies (CDC), up from 5% before Roe v. Wade (CDC). Somehow we managed to take those unaborted 1 million babies into our lives each year and care for them.

    Many of you who are answering this Q. are among those unaborted, cherished lives. Thank your Mom.

    Can we "ban all abortions" as the Q. asks? No, I don't think we can (nor should we). But each state (at their option) should be allowed to regulate the procedure in ways defined by the will of their voters.

    People who break laws should be dealt with according to the law as written in that state. A doctor who openly defies provisions regulating abortions should be prosecuted and lose his medical license. A woman who seeks an illegal abortion should be charged with a lesser crime than the practitioner who killed her baby, but she should be held liable in some way.

    Finally, I do support abortion to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest. And I support the use of birth control, up to and including the "morning-after pill". There is no reason for an unwanted pregnancy anymore.

    I think there are FAR too many abortions. If we would stop the knee-jerk defense of EVERY type and EVERY reason for an abortion, and allow community standards to be set, I think we can save many of those 1.3 million dead babies.

    And I don’t think we'll have the 39 back-alley abortion deaths either.

    As for those who talked about "dead babies in trash cans"...we've got 1.3 million of those right now. Let's agree together then, that no baby belongs in a trash can.



    OK, are we now combining various Q & A's in search of "inconsistencies"? I'll play along.

    I NEVER said that "leave me alone" means that there's no role for the federal government. I said that the government (first local, then state, and finally federal) has a responsibility when all else fails.

    As to abortion...all else has failed.

    So who will speak for the unborn children? INDIVIDUALS you say? (now who's taking the opposite / inconsistent POV?)

    If personal responsibility (choice) is the correct way to deal with protecting unborn babies, how does the fact that 1.3 million babies were killed last year stack up as evidence of the success of "personal choice"?

    Yes...let the states regulate and define "legal" abortion. and if you want to travel to a state that has less restriction on abortion so as to kill your baby, then so be it.

    After all, I never heard liberals screaming about other differences in laws among the states, like income and sales taxes, gambling and mandatory sexual predator sentencing.

    Is killing your baby so sacred a personal right that big government loving liberals become instantly converted into hands-off libertarians at the slightest hint of regulation?

    You guys want the federal government to regulate manufacturers emissions of greenhouse gases because of alleged "global warming" (which has never killed ANYONE) but then you scream HANDS-OFF when someone suggests that 1.3 million dead babies might be worth some government interest???

    Who's being hypocritical?

  • 1 decade ago

    All I know is that if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a God-given right and we wouldn't even be having this debate. I don't see all these pro-lifers running out and adopting all these unwanted babies either, so they really have no room to talk. It's so easy to judge other people when you don't have to walk in their shoes, isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    Abortions are disgusting but cannot be avoided. There is no way the government id going to outlaw this particular medical treatment. There is way too much money to be made.

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