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uncle osbert

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  • how do you ban abortion?

    i'm pro-choice because i can't figure out any sensible way to ban abortion. banning it in the 70s didn't work because we have a culture that unfortunately would rather abort than bear a child in many cases, even with the option of adoption. i'm not excusing that, but it is the reality. how would you pro-life people handle the ban? would the mother and dr be charged? how would you tell a chemical abortion from a miscarriage? those pills can be ordered online and that happens in the countries where it is illegal. so, any answers?

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • welcome to ask a liberal!?

    i notice that there are questions that really fixate on ignorance in either party. usually the one the asker isn't in. well, if you think liberals seem ignorant or uninformed, answer this with your complaint and i'll try to explain it.

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • has "no child left behind" worked?

    if you say yes, please tell me how it specifically improved things in your area. i don't want to just hear about the aims of the plan, i want to know if it did anything it was supposed to do. thanks!

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why is the right obsessed with the left?

    you guys have run things for 6 years and you took it directly into the ground. yet, what do i hear?

    "clinton was responsible for 9-11" only if you ignore the fact that rice herself told bush this was a concern months before it happened.

    "democrats didn't vote against the resolution to go to war" not only did they not have the numbers to prevent it's passage, should they be in the habit of expecting the president to lie? he told them iraq was a credible threat, and now he is angry he was believed?

    "democrats are losing the war" not only did the president get to wage the war exactly as he wished, ignoring his generals who said the initial force was too small, now it is the fault of the democrats that it has gone so poorly?

    i don't understand how you guys function while you believe all of this. can someone explain it to me?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • when you ask a question, do you already know the answer?

    are you looking for people to bring you the answer you wanted? or are we like an anthill you poke with a stick, just trying to get more and more of us to pay attention?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • why are celebrities asking us questions?

    and what do they do with the answers? is jay-z going to bring our suggestions to the un? if we can't drink water can i have his cristal?

    11 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • this is it?

    i don't know what anyone believes anymore, but i am saddened by how little americans do to maintain this experiment we've inherited.

    i am asking, do any of you believe this country is worth saving? then save it. it is not threatened by terrorists any more than it has been before. it is not threatened by immigrants any more than it has been before. it is threatened, as it always has been, by our own weak and selfish natures.

    that is the nature of freedom. the president can't save you from terrorists, because he never could before. that is the lesson of flight 93. 3/4 of the targets the terrorists aimed at were hit, and regardless of whether you believe real terrorists accomplished it, or the government magically enabled it... both were thwarted by regular folks who chose not to be weapons of mass destruction when they put the plane down in a field rather than a building.

    you always have a choice. who chooses not to live in fear? it begins when we remember our birthright.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why won't americans ever see this?

    this film is two years old. i hadn't heard of it until a few weeks ago, but i am passing it along to everyone i know. we need to know our enemy, and imagining they are evil rather than determined is a mistake. evil can be written off too easily. if we understand the origins of the terrorists we face, i think we will know better how to fight it...

    here is a link to start the movie:

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • how valuable is morality?

    if i can degrade it by simply disbelieving in it?

    once it was moral to own slaves, then to employ children, then it suddenly wasn't. so when someone says morality is important, should we be careful to find out if the flavor of their morality is better or worse than the one we have? or cling to morals as they erode around us and hope they are still the right ones?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • why is yahoo working on this site so much...?

    yet they never think to make those free gifts they promise on the faq! thanks guys, not interested in the wallpaper... what else ya got? free t-shirt? brontosaurus?

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • when did conservative start to mean weenie?


    please save us from the evil immigrants! build a giant wall over by mexico so they can't come over here and never be seen doing anything besides mowing lawns, bussing tables and loitering at home improvement outlets. those lawbreakers have to go!

    please send the army to a nation that was so utterly unable to attack us that they failed to even defend themselves with a recognizable army dooming our soldiers to terrifying house to house searches to root out an invisible enemy! we're scared of their korans and their ability to get on planes!

    please make everyone speak english so i don't have to learn any other languages ever!

    please don't ever point out how few facts i have to back up my reactionary ideas!

    how have i misunderstood? you guys don't really believe all those ridiculous caricatures, but in my eyes you're not far off either. help me figure those out so they're more like what y'all really think.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • how did america forget what freedom was?

    we live in a country founded on the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    but our bill of rights entrenches personal liberty and freedoms. being alive is really the bare minimum if people have the ability to silence you and take your property away.

    is it acceptable for the government to listen to everything you say without your knowledge?

    is there a limit to what you can say about the president or the government?

    do i have the right to make my own beliefs and state them?

    these three all hinge on each other: will i say what i think about the government when the government can arrest me for doing so?

    do we have to make this choice?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why does immigration matter to you?

    i am stumped. i haven't noticed any new problems with illegal immigration over the past decade or so. i grew up in texas and have spent the last 4 years in california: i am considering that an exhaustive study of border states... so what gives? i am hoping for answers that will help me understand what problem we hope to address with legislation, because most of the debates i find are limited to whether someone should be here illegally or not. i don't care! if they're here, i want to know why it should matter to me enough to spend the money to deport them! because right now, the government is pitching the same plan from two decades ago that didn't work. and i'm not anxious to try it again, when it seems like we're stuck in the same position!

    so my question to all of you is... why is immigration a priority for you? what do you hope the government can fix?

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • why don't people speak the truth?

    before you answer, take a moment to read some responses to some of the politics questions. a lot of people seem to just make stuff up, or they just repeat something they have heard... you can see this too if you google some of the claims made.

    for example, leogirl just wrote that michael moore became a multimillionaire overnight making a documentary. on what planet? which documentary? he's been a filmmaker for 20 years. i guess what i'm asking is, do you have any standards for what you will believe or say when you argue politics? do you bother to check if what you are writing is even remotely true or defensible?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what were you doing the day the war began?

    mark it for posterity, because your children will ask you. and on what day did this war begin? was it actually on 9-11? or was it when the israeli soldier was snatched? today was the day i recognized the possibility, so i'm just going with that.

    when history casts its gaze back over these events between israel and her neighbors... how will the war be cast? which party is instigator, which is the victim and which are we?

    i can't help but find this somewhat familiar... if ironic:

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • how do you know what is true? do you recognize it or learn it?

    i ask questions, but when i look for answers, sometimes i can't tell if the information i get is true or not. how do i determine the truth of something if i have no way of observing it myself or lack the tools to understand what information is available? what is truth?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago