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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingTrying to Conceive · 1 decade ago

3 boys(one 8 year old and a set of 5 year old identical twins) and trying to get pregnant with a girl?

Hello! Well here we go again! First pregnancy it did not matter the sex and actually the second did not matter either. Then I had twins!! 3 boys later and we want a girl. We will happily take what is given to us but my heart is aching for a girl. With my two previous conceptions I know we had intercourse on the day I ovulated. So this time we did it differently. I started my period on Jan. 19, 2007. Last night on Monday Jan 29th we had intercourse missionary style, no female orgasm, douched with vinegar & water. I am supposed to ovulate on Feb. 1st or the 2nd. Actually as of now I believe I feel the start of my cervical mucous forming, slightly. Input would be appreciated with the information I gave. I know noone has the answers but hearing stories about others experiences will put me at ease.

I have worked my way through nursing school with my three boys and now I want ONE more. A baby boy would be splendid but a baby girl would be enlightning!! Thanks in advance!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    never thought I would be answering a question like this...? but.. if you are due to ovulate 2/1-2/2 then you should have intercourse before for more chance of a girl... within the 24hr before time frame... 30th, 31st and the 1st.....

    here is the reasoning:

    of the "x" and the "y" the "x" bigger, slower more of a chance of breaking through the egg then the "y" but? if the race is on and the egg is already released, then the "y" is more likely (or boy) because they are faster, smaller.... more likely to beat that little "girl/x" to the "prize"...

    so as long as you are pretty sure of the when you ovulate? then theoretically (and what drs have found to be most accurate) is that if the sperm are waiting around already for the egg, girls are more likely... if the egg is released before the sperm reach it, then more likely a boy...

    different positions are fun... but I do not think I have been able to find any drs or reports that say "this position brings on girls... not boys.." etc...

    also keep in mind that all "parties" need to be at their best.... sperm live I think 24-48 hr within us? eeww.. I know.. disgusting.. even worse? they are canibals... how's that for inane, useless knowledge? okay... moving on? I am trying to point out that one of the shows I saw (discovery or learning channel) did one research that stated even with these factors, it is still a miracle... and if just the basics were needed? this world would have even more babies! so do not get discouraged if it is not this month or even next month.... but relax and have fun...

    ummm... just in case it is important? they (experts) also did find that having intercourse daily urt a couples chances where every other day increased it.... due to more sperm were ejaculated with fewer meetings as opposed to more often.....?

    hope this is of assistance...

    added after reading answer below mine:

    I went and found online a site (many really) with info on this subject, since the answer below mine is the opposite of mine? as far as boy vs. girl! here is a copy/paste of one site:

    One basic theory is that that sperm will determine what sex a child will be, not the egg.

    Male sperm - Y chromosomes are smaller, lighter, faster and more fragile than female sperm. They like to live in alkaline environments.

    Female sperm - X chromosomes are bigger, heavier, slower and not as fragile as male sperm, so tend to live longer. They prefer acidic conditions.

    So if you are trying to conceive a boy you should time intercourse on the day of ovulation or just after so that the fast swimmers can reach the egg first.

    And if you are trying to conceive a girl you should time intercourse as far as way from ovulation as possible, while still being in your fertile window.

    Source(s): the site address I got this from is:
  • Kat
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    OK i read this somewhere when i was trying with my second child. We had a boy already and we wanted to try for a girl and it worked!!

    Starting tonight have sex, you have to be on top, he has to ejaculate inside of you with you being on top! after he does stay there for about 5 mins or so.

    Tomorrow No sex

    Thursday do the same as tonight

    After thursday do not have sex until either A) you get a positive pregnancy test or B) you start your period.

    The key is to have him ejaculate BEFORE you actually ovulate, because the lilttle girl sperm are slower but they also live longer then the faster male sperm. If you have sex the day you ovulate or the day after you ovulate you have a higher chance of having a boy. Sperm can live inside you for at up to 2-3 days. I forget the reasoning behind having sex every other day as opposed to every day, but i just know that's what we did and it worked!!

    Good luck and have fun trying!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well firstly gotta congratulate u on having 3 children so far

    It is quite natural for a mother, espcially an experienced mother who has had boys to long for a girl, i know first hand a relative of mine who has had 2 gals and that the husband would like a boy and that after trying - as im sure she went with her husband to a doctor in that they wanted to know what days were best for her to have a male child - im not 100% sure of that even works but thats what my relative told me.

    Anyway in the end she did fall pregnant and thankfully for Neil (her hubby) she did have a little boy.

    As for you if you do want a little gal, perhaps you will get one, im not a believer in 'fate' and 'things happen for a reason' but maybe you will get a girl when you fall pregant and maybe because of you having boys b4hand will mean that this little gal is very very special.

    And even if you dont have a baby gal, as sum ppl have stated you could adopt because there could be a little gal out there that isn't in a nice environment / hasn't had a nice upbringing and perhaps you or your hubby could look in2 that...but its your choice.

    I wish you luck and who knows maybe you will get that lucky gal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do hope you get what it is you are after, but in saying that would like to tell you of the woman who was in hospital with me when I had my daughter. (And yes I do have a daughter and also 2 wonderful sons. I can also say that although my daughter is the best there is no way I would have liked to have a whole family of girls as they would be a bitchy pain)

    Anyway this woman had just had her 3rd son. She spent the whole time at the hospital in tears due to having another boy. The grandparents didnt seem to show any interest due to the fact she had had another boy either. I was concerned for her as she was just so down over it.

    The only reason I wanted to tell you this story is that having an extra child just to get the sex that you want is not the reason to have a child. You should only have another child if you really want another child of any sex. Hopefully you will get the girl you want, but I have found little boys to be a wonderful things (well most of the time, when they arent killing one another).

    Goodluck anyway, and remember when you find out the sex to be happy either way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi ok I first of all have to say that I have read the other answers and some people have explained to you about having sex in different possition hahahaha Darling its a load of rubbish. It has absolutly nothing to do with the sexual possition I used something called the baby recipe and this is what works I have given it to many of my friends and it hasn't failed any of them or even myself its worked everytime and I got told this by my Gynae he said that by doing it this way your chances are as good as going to a hospital and having the male and female sperms seperated in a lab. This is how it goes you need to wait till you have your period again then the day your period ends you start counting the days (you must not have any sex or climax in any way inbetween) Niether you or your partner! Then on the 15th and 16th day after your period and of not having sex thats when you have sex as many times as you want and in any possition as you want reason being that you both need to build up before you have sex on those days and also one sex in sperm swims faster but dies quicker wich is the female and the male swims slower but lasts longer and thats why there are so many girls in the world 4 to 1 male to be presise. and the time of the month after your period eg. The time you ovulate it all depends where you eggs are at the time to be fertilised if its closer to the entrance of your womb and low in you fallopian tubes the female will get there first cos she is faster if its further back the male sperm will get there first cos it last longer trust me on this one I have done it and many more and its the best method to good luck hope Ive helped you which Im sure I have :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    FROM the internet: Facts about Twins by Vincent Iannelli, MD, FAAP 'Are they identical or fraternal twins?' Answering this question can help you answer the other one about the genetics of twin births. In general, it is believed that having fraternal (dizygotic) twins can be genetic and that this predisposition can cause women to be more likely to release more than one egg at a time, offering the chance for more than one egg to be fertilized at a time. Other factors that can increase your chances of having fraternal twins include using fertility treatments and a mother being over 35-40 years old when she becomes pregnant. The chance of having identical (monozygotic) twins is usually not thought to be genetic. Although it is possible to do genetic testing to determine if you have had identical or fraternal twins, you can sometimes tell by the pattern of development of the placenta(s) and its inner (amnion) and outer (chorion) membranes. Fraternal Twins Fraternal twins are the result when two different eggs (ova) are fertilized by two different sperm. This leads to the development of two separate placentas, each with its own chorion and amnion. Fraternal twins are more common than identical twins and account for about 2/3 of twin pregnancies. Identical Twins Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas. In general, the later the spit occurs, the more likely that the twins will share one placenta. Fraternal vs. Identical Twinning Even after they are born, it is sometimes difficult to know whether twins are identical or fraternal. It can be easier if they: * share one placenta (identical) * are different sexes (fraternal) * have different blood types (fraternal) It is harder to know if they are the same sex, have the same blood type, or if there are two placentas, since they could then be either fraternal or identical twins. Don't be fooled by a fused placenta (fraternal twins), which can look like it is just one placenta, or if the twins don't look alike. Sometimes, factors during the pregnancy, especially twin to twin transfusion syndrome, can lead to identical twins that have very different birth weights and are mistakenly thought to be fraternal. And sometimes, fraternal twins can look enough alike to be confused with identical twins. If you or your doctors aren't sure of the zygosity of your twins, you can consider having DNA testing done.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you really want a girl so much, then go to the fertilization clinic, they will take one of your eggs with your husbands sperm and the doctors can perform the miracle! They can make that the fertilization gives a girl! Do not loose time in douches with vinegar & water, which can be harmful for you!

    Source(s): Medical doctors!
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    there's actually a way you can choose the gender of your baby just ask your doctor

    ps douching can give you Bacterial Vaginosis

  • 1 decade ago

    go to baby they got lots of info on trying to conceive they sex you want good luck

  • pooh
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    when I got pregnant with my daughter it was marathon sex with many positions. so have fun trying.

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