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adoption and abortion?

why is it that so many are quick to jump to telling someone that choosing abortion is murder? and then also condeming a woman for choosing adoption? women who choose to make an adoption plan for the child are often told how someone else "could never do that" how "could they give their own away to strangers?" they are often asked how can they not know what happened to their child, how they're doing and many other questions to make them feel like a horrible person. but if they'd chosen abortion these same people would be telling them they killed their child, that abortion is murder. i see people all the time on here say abortion is murder, then also tell someone who placed a child for adoption how they could never do that. what is wrong with this picture? seriously what is the problem here? how many of you think being a hypocrit is an ok thing?


and for all of you who use the word "give" please learn that a child is not a car, and children are not given up, etc..they are placed or have an adoption plan. this does nothing but harms their self image when people tell them they were given up. if you're going to be all for adoption at least know the proper teminology to make it a pleasant connotation to the person or people involved. this is not a car or puppy we're talking about her, it's a living feeling human being.

Update 2:

i'm not stating i'm pro anything. i just have a hard time with someone saying abortion is murder, and that there's a long list waiting to adopt them. tell this to the hundreds of thousands of kids in the foster care system. how many children have you taken into your home that were in the system?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not everybody is ready to be a parent. There is nothing wrong with with a mother giving her child to a family that will love him/her and give him/her a better life than she can currently offer (whatever the reason.) Look how Dave Thomas tuned out.

    I do not agree with abortion. Just because the baby has not been born yet makes it no less a baby, and I have never seen a case where the child really is better off dead. If the mother cannot care for her baby she should give it to someone who can. There is a long waiting list of people who are willing to take on this responsibility.

    I do not see anything hypocritical about this view.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Abortion will always be a "hot button" for many people. So many have different opinions on this topic. In a sense, yes, it is murder, however, we, as Americans have a "choice". Abortion is also, very personal. Not many "talk" about having an abortion, and normally, it is done so soon after learning of a pregnancy, that most do not suspect. A "secret" that the woman keeps or shares with only a few close family members or friends.

    With adoption, many people witness your 9 months of pregnancy. For those who are closely involved in the "adoption option", they have hopefully been through counseling, and "know the terminology of adoption." For those who do not, it's not their fault for not knowing, call them ignorant, yes, but it's up to adoptive parents, and adoptees to be advocates for adoption. If you are not personally involved, you "just don't know".......

    Adoption is a beautiful thing. It takes guts for a birthmother to carry her child for that long, and make the heartbreaking decision, or realize, that she is not prepared to give her child "what they need". I cannot impagine having to be in that position. My husband and I are currently waiting for our adoption placement. We have been waiting since September of 2005. It is also emotionally trying for us, however, I am very thrilled that soon we will be honored to be PARENTS. That is truly all we want, to be the best parents we can be.

    As far as hypocrits go, they are out there and will remain out there. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That is what makes us such a diverse country, and also, individuals... can you imagine how it would be if "everyone had the same opinion or thought process"???? How boring!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because a lot of the women who 'hang out' in the Yahoo!Answers section on Pregnancy and Parenting are full of 'mommy hormones' and it clouds their judgement and a lot of them are just stupid. I think it's selfish for stupid people to breed.

    Just answer the questions about abortion and adoption with real answers and hope that who ever is asking can see the difference between fear mongering/social control and truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    What an interesting and wise question you ask. There are even more sides to it. A pregnant woman who is young and without much money can be called selfish for choosing to raise her child herself. A pregnant woman who is young and planning to finish her education can be called selfish for planning an adoption for her child. A pregnant woman who does not wish to continue her pregnancy can be called selfish for choosing an abortion. A childless couple who makes plans to adopt a child can be called selfish for wanting to raise a child born to someone else. A childless couple who chooses to remain childless can be called selfish for spending their money on vacations instead. These are all highly personal decisions, and I thank you for bringing this question up in this forum.

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    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not everyone is like that. And abortion is murder. I comment Women who give their children up for adoption. Yeah they might not know their child but they did the right thing. For all they know their child could grow up to be a very important person in history.

  • 1 decade ago

    weeeellll..... being a hypocrit is part of being human. but i see nothing wrong with abortion or adoption. especially adoption, after all, i am adopted. i always believed myself to be completely pro-choice, until my whore of an ex-girlfriend told me she was pregnant (claiming it was mine, but its not) and asked me to pay for half the abortion cost (which i gave her, and she never got it done). its a very very heartbreaking thing to go thru, after all, your DNA is in danger. i am still pro-choice, but i do have contitions to it. i dont think aportion should be a means of birth control, but if you really need one then by all means you should be able to get one. the pro-lifers are just f**kin retarded.

    *added at 2:48 pm mst* ultimately, its the womans choice, and we have to respect that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is nothing wrong with adpotion or abortion. it is a woman choice to deicide what happens to a child and i dont evern listen to a mans opinion on abotion they "abort" thousands of kids a day lo

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