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Troy Bilt riding mower won't start?
I inherited a Troy Bilt Bronco riding mower that belonged to my dad before he passed away. He only used it twice and it has been sitting for over 2 years now.
It is a 2009 or 2010 Troy Bilt Bronco with a Kohler Courage 20hp engine
I have replaced the battery.
drained the old fuel and replaced it with new gas. I replaced out the fuel filter and the fuel line is open and gas runs from the tank to the end of the line that goes into the carb.
I have removed the solenoid and the plunger moved up and down easily and you can hear it click when you turn the key on.
I have removed the carb and the bowl and cleaned them out. The cleaner flows through the jets and the bowl fills. The float is mobile and moves up and down easily and the needle is open. There really wasn't that much gunk from the old fuel in there to start with. This carb looks like it's brand new, and really it is.
I have checked the spark plug and it is working and producing a spark.
Air filter is clean as well.
The engine will crank but not turn over, unless you spray gas or carb cleaner directly into the carb adn then it only runs until that burns off.
Any thoughts? I really thought this might be an easy fix, but now I'm not so hopeful.
10 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoDoes anyone have the gymboree coupon code from the parents magazine that's current?
There was a 20% coupon in the Jan. issue of parenting and hubby tossed our copy. Would really appreciate it! Thanks.
5 AnswersParenting1 decade agoAdoptive parents who work?
Ok i'm sorry if this seems like i'm stirring, I don't mean to be. But this has been bothering me since I've read a few, not all, of the answers to a question earlier about adoptive parents who place their children in daycare.
For those who were so quick to judge and make comments that looked down on parents who put their children in daycare because they work.
I'm a vet tech. Not once has someone ever told me I should be at home after i saved their furry baby's life.
What about when you desperately need a police officer, firefighter, doctor, ER staff to help your child?
These service professions have high instances of working parents. Do you feel that same way when you need their services for your child? What would happen if that person was home with their child that day and not taking care of yours?
21 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoHow can an adoptive parent help to get states to open records?
I'm an adoptive parent who fully believes in adoptees having access to their OBC's. But our child was born in and we live in a state that has had open records for decades. So how could i help fight for this since it's a state by state law?
6 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoHow should I respond?
I keep getting this question time and time again. From Dr's and strangers, etc...about my little one.
Where did you get her from? and
What part of Asia is she from?
For one, she's not a puppy i answered an add about. There wasn't a vending machine on the corner.
Second she's NOT Asian! She's Hispanic. As if it matters.
I'm so tired of hearing this question and would like some ideas on how to respond properly.
24 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoHow to fix the foster care and adoption industry?
Everyone has such strong opinions and feelings toward these systems. What is your plan to fix the problems you feel so strongly about? From the ground up?
What will it take to fix the problems you are so passionate about fixing? What is your plan?
12 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoWhat is a Veterinarian?
I've heard of these creatures. But it seems they are like unicorns. Everyone dreams of them but actually never sees them. I hear they go to a school of some form like any medical doctor. And there they are taught to treat, diagnose, and yes even correctly prescribe medications that can make animals well.
my ?'s would be
didn't you know your pet could get sick when you choose to care for one?
why would you spend more money with home remedies, without any knowledge of what's really going on, instead of taking your pet to a Dr. that can correctly diagnose and treat your pet?
Chocolate, grapes, table scraps, bones, know they're bad for your pet. Why does it matter why? Don't feed them to it. Should it matter if Sally's dog next door does fine eating hershey bars? You understand it's bad, why argue?
Where do the vets work that are in it just for the money? I'd like to meet one. It seems so many think this, but have you seen the car your vet is driving?
13 AnswersDogs1 decade agoToddler Help Please??
My toddler who won't even be 2 until next week will not keep her clothes on. i know it's common. but she undresses every morning and potties all over her bedding. This morning i found her naked and she was going pee out of her crib like a boy, lol. We tried the potty chair, but she learned fast that by going potty in her big girl panties she just gets a new pair and sometimes a bath. So she'll hold it and only potty a small amount in the potty and then another small amount in her panties and then the rest when she gets her new pair. I'm spending all day fighting with her about keeping her clothes on, no activity seems to distract her, and i have yet to find a clothing item she can't get off. any help or thoughts is much appreciated.
11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoCan't afford a vet visit?
why do so many people believe they can't afford a vet visit? but they are willing to spend money on home remedies and take the advice of untrained strangers to help their pets. i don't know where you live but in my area the most expensive office exam is $70 and that's at the emergency clinic. most exam fees are around $30 and even less. How much are you spending on shampoos, different foods, benadryl, over the counter dewormers, walmart flea control, creams, lotions, additives, etc....? i would think most of these over time cost far more than $30 and you still don't know the answer to your question. why not spend the small amount of money to have a vet at least look at your dog and then decided from there with a trained professional what is the best course of action to take to help the dog and not let the dog continue to be miserable while you try great grandma blah blahs home remedy that worked for her back in 1952?
25 AnswersDogs1 decade agoQuestion about adopted children?
ok i'm an adoptive parent and after reading several questions and answers on here i have many questions. more than i had before the adoption now. i take no offense to answers, unless you're just being obviously mean. my daughter is almost 2 and starting to really understand things and know different people so i'm wanting to start making her adoption a positive thing for her. it's an open adoption, one where we keep in touch through letters, phone calls, pics and visits. we adopted her as a newborn, were involved in dr's visits, sonograms and even were present at her birth. my husband cut the cord and i was the first one to hold and feed her. she has known nothing but our love and home from the beggining. so for my questions.....i'll try to keep the questions short and to the point.
19 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoI have a question about Pit Bulls?
i would like someone to give me an intelligent well founded answer for why they hate pit bulls so much. i want to know why it's ok to say ban the breed because one time you had a bad or scary experience with a pit. there are many other breeds of dogs that can do just as much, and have done just as much damage as a pit bull. i understand pits are the ones you see on the news the most. ever wonder why that is? is it possible that the main poulation readily accepts the evil pit bull accounts. why have other breeds of dogs magically stopped attacking sine the pit bull hysteria? could it be because the type of owner that has that dog could be responsible? that the type of person that would want a dog simply because they're tough looking is the exact type of person that shouldn't own one? these people aren't going to change, can someone please tell me how banning pit bulls will stop these type of people from just going out and getting another breed that has the same capabilities
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoKeeper league question. who to keep?
i have a draft in 3 hours and at a loss at who to keep from my tream last year. we get to keep 2. i have shaun alexander, steve smith (car), lawrence maroney, maurice jones-drew and donovan mcnab. which 2 and why would you keep them? also i have 10th pick this year so it's unlikely i'll be able to pick someone good back up by the time i get to draft in the 3rd round.
thanks for the help.
4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoadoption and abortion?
why is it that so many are quick to jump to telling someone that choosing abortion is murder? and then also condeming a woman for choosing adoption? women who choose to make an adoption plan for the child are often told how someone else "could never do that" how "could they give their own away to strangers?" they are often asked how can they not know what happened to their child, how they're doing and many other questions to make them feel like a horrible person. but if they'd chosen abortion these same people would be telling them they killed their child, that abortion is murder. i see people all the time on here say abortion is murder, then also tell someone who placed a child for adoption how they could never do that. what is wrong with this picture? seriously what is the problem here? how many of you think being a hypocrit is an ok thing?
13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoadoption and abortion?
why is it that so many are quick to jump to telling someone that choosing abortion is murder? and then also condeming a woman for choosing adoption? women who choose to make an adoption plan for the child are often told how someone else "could never do that" how "could they give their own away to strangers?" they are often asked how can they not know what happened to their child, how they're doing and many other questions to make them feel like a horrible person. but if they'd chosen abortion these same people would be telling them they killed their child, that abortion is murder. i see people all the time on here say abortion is murder, then also tell someone who placed a child for adoption how they could never do that. what is wrong with this picture? seriously what is the problem here? how many of you think being a hypocrit is an ok thing?
7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agodogs and worms, 2nd attempt, please read entire ?
ok gonna give this one more try, then i'll give up. let me first say i do not feed my dogs anything but a high quality dog food, nor do i plan to feed them anything but dog food. ok with that said...earlier i asked about answers being givin on here that not only are not factual but downright wrong and dangerous. for the 3rd time today i have seen someone answer a question about feeding a dog human food with the answer of no it will cause worms. a dog only gets an intestinal parasite from eating the eggs and larvae of other parasties. wether that be from another dog's feces, fleas, wild animal, etc...i have seen a question about a dog eating chocolate answered several times by "it won't kill them but it will give them worms." my question is, am i the only one here that is disturbed by this? and the amount of people that agree with those statements? and does anyone really read this far into a question to give an intelligent answer?
14 AnswersDogs1 decade agoworms and dogs?
ok, a dog that has intestinal parasites gets them from eating things such as fleas, other wild animals and picking up the eggs from other infested animals. a dog cannot get worms from eating meat, chocolate or any other human food that a dog should not be eating anyway! is anyone else but me really bothered by the amount of people that seriously answer, that you shouldn't feed your dog chocolate, pork, etc because it will give them worms? unless there are egg segments on this food, your pet will not get worms from this. am i alone here? am i the only one that finds the advice of not feeding these foods because of the fear of worms, and not the actual health problems associated with these types of foods disturbing???
11 AnswersDogs1 decade agojust wondering about pit bulls and dangerous dogs?
now why if someone posts about a pit or asking about dangerous dogs they will get several answers, but someone with a genuine question will only get a few? ok now i know i have a question right now about something silly as to which dog is cuter, but it's to settle a silly argument. i admit. but in all seriousness why would people rather spread hateful fear and propaganda about something they know nothing of, just what they've seen on the news, then answer and offer to help someone who really might need it?
15 AnswersDogs1 decade agodog question?
ok sorry this has been so terrible. the links got messed up the last time and i simply forgot the link the first time. two of the dogs are mine and the other two a friends and we are having an argument about which is cuter and want opinions. so please which dog is the cutest?
and for you who went bezerk about the other link going to a baby. well good for you, but just so you know it's my own baby, and i already know she's cute. :)
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agomy little one, isn't she cute?
not sure why this didn't go through the first time, so apologize if it posts twice. she's my little doll
please add your own little ones........
14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat can be done?
about the pitbull issue? i mean am i the only one to understand, if you ban the dog and rid the world of this so called "evil" dog what would happen? that the people causing this breed to have the conotations of danger, and mean, and untrustworthy would just find another breed? and once we've banned all of the big scary dogs, would these same people then be ok with banning shelties, goldens, labs? where are we going to draw the line? when are we going to make the owner responsible? more parents themselves are responsible for the death of childen that any dog. when will we step of and support preventative measures to prevent this? why do we continue to add to the media frenzy and keep on this? any child killed or harmed by any dog is a tragedy, and should be dealt with. why not work on the big issue, and not focus on the fear of the day? take a look at the other breeds of dogs that have attacked, did you see them on the news?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago