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Lv 6
cagney asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

dogs and worms, 2nd attempt, please read entire ?

ok gonna give this one more try, then i'll give up. let me first say i do not feed my dogs anything but a high quality dog food, nor do i plan to feed them anything but dog food. ok with that said...earlier i asked about answers being givin on here that not only are not factual but downright wrong and dangerous. for the 3rd time today i have seen someone answer a question about feeding a dog human food with the answer of no it will cause worms. a dog only gets an intestinal parasite from eating the eggs and larvae of other parasties. wether that be from another dog's feces, fleas, wild animal, etc...i have seen a question about a dog eating chocolate answered several times by "it won't kill them but it will give them worms." my question is, am i the only one here that is disturbed by this? and the amount of people that agree with those statements? and does anyone really read this far into a question to give an intelligent answer?


and does anyone read these added notes to better and fully try to understand the question someone is asking?

Update 2:

lol and shepherdgirl i know you do, and possibly raven because you were the only ones earlier to "get" what i was asking. i hope raven that you were kidding about cateracts, lol.

Update 3:

crystal, did you read the entire ?

Update 4:

shepherdgirl, oh yes quite the education on here some days,lol. plus the added entertainment when discussing the answers with others that actually know what they are talking about too!

Update 5:

glaab...thank you for the info. but again, preaching to the choir, i'm quite aware of most parasites life cycle. again did you read the entire ???

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know how you feel..........

    Don't you love the education you get when asking the questions?

    Yeah, I've have some of those and then got reported. Oh well. I try to be nicer but sometimes my patience really gets stretched to its limit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to agree with you...I get so tired and frustrated with some of the answers given to some questions...some are actually down right dangerous and should never ever be followed.

    I sincerly hope that people will be smart enough not to listen to some advice like giving a dog Tylenol(extremely toxic), using oTC flea products & dewormers (ineffective and can cause serious issues including death), self medicating, diagnosing illness/injury (even a licensed vet or vet tech can't diagnose without an actual exam, plus it is illegal to do so) I could go on but I think you get the point.

    Source(s): veterinary tech for 34 years working on 35
  • 1 decade ago

    Ah man stupid answers are always fustrating. The problem is that some people dont take it serious. They are getting "points" for answering. Thats why you get the spectrum of answers you do. Some people cant read and then you get the fired up crazies that answer you. Sometimes its just plan that someone misread the information and was so excited to reply they didnt do the research. Also anyone that takes someones opinion that is posted on the web "as gods finally truth" is really stupid. If you like the answer, then follow up and be sure its not a total crock of poo. Sometimes its as easy as doing a little GOOGLE-ing on the net, other times its only a phone call away to a professional!

    Source(s): 9 Years being an Abuse/Neglect Officer, Animal control, Shelter Manager, Foster mother,and wildlife rehaber. Also breeder/owner of many diffrent types of animals for all my life.
  • Sue F
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have been on this site for almost a year now, and have seen lots of things recommended about pet care that I know can be harmful and even lethal to the animal.

    I enjoy this site as I enjoy helping people when I can, and I also enjoy learning something new.

    I can become greatly disturbed by many answers that are on here, as well as many questions. I have reported some things that are totally against the community guidelines, but have had to learn to ignore some things, or I would be spending all of the time on here reporting and no time answering or learning.

    I do not know if there are a percentage of people on here who find it amusing in some strange way to give bad or obnoxious or even incorrect (and possibly dangerous) answers.

    You do have to realize that this is an open forum, which is open to the world, with all of it's good and bad and ugly. I hope that most people on here will be intelligent enough to not take all of the answers as "gospel" and will use their own common sense to guide them.

    You know that there are people in the world who are going to choose to do everything the way they want, regardless of if they have been advised that it is not the correct thing to do. I feel badly for the poor animals, who are dependent on their owners, and the owners are allowing them to consume potentially harmful foods.

    I am sure that there are many other people on here who find many things on here disturbing. There seems to be a great number of people who either do not read the

    complete questions. or possibly cannot understand the complete questions.

    Have a good night, I hope that you do not give up on the entire site because of the varieties of content. Most people on here are helpful and interesting.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • I am right there with you. I see the same thing when it comes to fleas. I still haven't gotten over the person who told someone to treat their 4 week old puppies with Sevan dust for fleas. Or the woman who said "sprinkle Boric Acid all over your rugs, it won't hurt you or your pets."

    Many of the questions are answered by people who have no clue. What is worse is the fact that someone may actually take their advise!

    It is a shame that if you try to bring it up, your question or answer gets removed, people give you a thumbs down, even though your answer is actually based on fact, not guess work or you ask a "question" and nobody "gets" it! But obviously you see this too! I wish people would open their eyes!

  • 1 decade ago

    I get what your saying. What people are going by is old wife's tales. Things that parents told there kids so they wouldn't share their food with the family pet, Just some people still believe this crap cause that's what they were told.I mean come on, how can some one actually be live that a worm will developer from a piece of food, its a parasite, another organism, not born from food but other organisms!!!

  • D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I expected an actual question.

    Yes, it disturbs me when people don't even have common sense about animals. I try to inform them correctly, whether they want to hear it or not :) Pretty much all of my answers are in pets, and usually regarding care or disease questions.

    I got one a couple weeks ago that someone wanted a cheaper way to feed their dogs chocolate treats (they were using the expensive ones). I told them that they were posioning their dog and how gross it is to take care of a dog posioned by chocolate (I had to wear a rain coat and it reeked of chocolate smelling diahrrea- couldnt eat chocolate for weeks after that).

    Needless to say, I didn't get best answer :)

    Source(s): wildlife and biology major, pre-vet etc
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know it makes mad to the core of my being. Even after the advice i give in which i have years in the vet industry i always say it should not replace professional opinion from the vet.

    I just hope people are not taking things on here said to personally and they do the right thing

    I find myself on here all the time trying to set the record straight because it bothers me so much.

    If in doubt i report them.

    Source(s): Vet Nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    I totally know what you mean. And yes it frustrated me when people know nothing about animals but spout off about them and put other animals in danger. Someone with a question about dogs and chocolate told them asker to let the dog go and he'll be fine. I was appalled. I really agree with you but on the other hand if someone cant find out on their own about obvious pet issues like chocolate o leaving puppies outside in cold weather, then we already know they are terrible pet owners. I just pity the animals that cant do anything about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    poeple are idoits, if you want intelligent answers go to the website of someone like novartis who make dog parasite preventatives. use sentinal spectrum once a month and you'll be protected from almost everything.

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