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All you political doubters do you have the guts to read this?

Many of you out there have questioned many of my politcal answers and have given me thumbs down.

I ask you now, do you have guts enough to read this site in its entirety before you give me a thumbs down.

If you do read it I will give the points to the best answer given.

Here is the site to read:


yes it is very long. give a quick answer and then go to your "edit" after you have read it and add your answer.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have the guts but right now, not the time. That's a looooong page!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well this is why I think that governments allow muslim terrorist to exsist they use them for genocide-no other reason and this is why Bush is freeing them isn't it? I think a better way instead of killing us off seeing there is only 4 billion too many people on earth they should put a ban on how many kids can be born per couple like China! China is so wise in some ways and were so dumb in our ways.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay. Ive read it. where are my 10 points?

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