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Isnt it true that wisdom comes from being able to question everything that you have ever believed in ??

Including religion. We may believe what our parents told us . Or what we were taught in school . Or what we see on TV. These influences are cultural and have been passed down through the generations . So the actual truth cannot be discovered until we question the very essense of that culture and what we have been led to believe . Then and only then can one find true religion and peace with God. The bible said to test the spirits . And Jesus said that many would come in his name , but that they never knew him. I believe in Christ and that my sanctification is attributed to me by his grace and his sacrifice . I believe this not because I read it , but because enough evidence of his presence in my life . Good times and Bad .

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obviously, there are those readers and respondents who do not have ears to hear eitther your question or a valid response. However, because your question is quite exclusively centered in the context of your christian faith I will respond from that perspective.

    The Word tells us that "Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." You already have that as evidenced in your confession.

    It also tells us that "the road to wisdom is paved with a pathway of peace." As His child you can trust the leading of an inner sense of peace directing your decision processes in wisdom.

    The rub comes here...He also says, "Do not lean (depend) upon your own (natural mind and culturally influenced) understanding, but in ALL your ways, acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your path." You are so very right to question cultural, relational, environmental and even familial and religious sources of influence. To not do so is described in the Word as the mark of a fool.

    Even so, He has given you the very mind of Christ (who is the truth), and the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit, with the promise that He (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into ALL TRUTH.

    So, my friend, you are in the best possible place you could be! The Word makes it clear that your Father is not a liar like man who would break his promise. He says His Word will accomplish in you everything it is intended to do. He promises to perfect (bring to completion) the work which He has begun in you. What is that work? To conform you to the express image of His Son.

    Hold on to your trust in Him ruthlessly and do not be moved by the cunning and crafty persuasions of man. Submit yourself continuously to the HS within and follow after the peaceful sense of guiding He provides and you will grow and walk in WISDOM.

    When you find yourself seemingly void of wisdom, making bad choices and frustrated (and you will experience this), remember your Father's Word that says if you lack wisdom, ask Him for it and He will give it to you...but you must do so in faith believing, or don't expect it to come.

    Take Jeremiah 33:3 into your heart and really dwell on its possibilities for your life on a daily basis.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice idea, but from that perspective you will never really know because you can never fully get rid of your biases and our little tiny brains and small amount of experience that we accumulate over our short life span is never enough to really understand the evidence of what is, what will or could be true or the messed up history of most ideas that brought us to the ones we have right now. Just because there seems to be evidence that something is true now doesn't mean it won't be disproven tomorrow or 100 years down the road.

    But you are right that we do experience the love of Jesus every day. That much seems clear.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if you've questioned everything and still believe then your belief is more worthy than those who just accept blindly.

    Personally, I am not a believer. I question everything, even my own motives. To believe in anything, though, at some point you have to accept things you don't understand....and you tend to under-emphasise things that contradict your belief, and over-emphasise things that confirm it.

    There's no doubt that Jesus, the man, was a fine example of tolerance and humanity. Beyond that I don't know. But so much reactionary rubbish comes from those who believe without question. Although I don't share your faith, I respect your attitude to it.

  • 1 decade ago

    we absolutely must check that what we are accepting as truth really is truth, we will be judged on our own merits, so we cannot just accept the religion of our heritage.

    We need to measure what we are being taught, with what the Bible teaches, Jesus said that his disciples would be recognised by their love for each other, and he also said that we would know how good a tree is-by the fruit it produces.

    I am one of Jehovahs witnesses and became one, by my own study of scriptures. I believe that I have made the best choice.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God made us in his own image. Christ Jesus lived as one of us and died a sacrificial death in our stead so that we may have the grace and forgiveness of God. Faith can move mountains, truly faith is something that is so wonderful to have because no one can take it from you except yourself. God gave us our intuition and inquisitive minds. Being that we are human and susceptible to sin we will ultimately, each one of us question the vast, incomprehensible existence of God. All have had tests of faith, only through prayer and meditation on the word of God does one truly find the answer. God's Blessings to you all

  • 1 decade ago

    True. Faith should be questioned.

    Truthe is acquired through gaining knowledge about God and his son (John 17:3).

    I used to believe that science books really were telling the truth.... =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, wisdom comes with experience (that's why the Bible says that wisdom comes with age).

    What you're talking about is anarchy--questioning everything, including authority.

    Questioning leads to nothing. Eventually, you also have to question the answers you get when you're in the process of questioning.

  • 1 decade ago

    What evidence is that? You get to claim your good times are brought on by god, and your bad times are god testing your faith? Things can't just happen?

    To answer your question, wisdom comes from being able to draw insight from ideas presented to you, and to make decisions based on your knowledge, and to be able to learn from your mistakes. To hold an idea, have it tested, and if it fails, to not come up with excuses for it, but to improve it, or discard it and create new ideas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Faith with a capitol F is a powerfull force with a lower case f. Questioning everything will leave you without any Faith and that can leave a lot of people feeling empty, everyone needs something to believe in including the belief that you have to question everything in order to obtain wisdom, but at the same time don't you have to question that same concept based on your belief...

  • jude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i believe our wisdom either comes from some mentor we have believed, or through consequences that have happened in our lives. the best way to learn is through a mentor but we don't always get wisdom like that and sometimes have to go through some pretty rough stuff in our lives before we learn the right way and gain wisdom.

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