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drezdogge asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Why do people feel the need to preach instead of honestly helping others, especially with spay/neuter stuff?

im 100% spay/neuter positive but if someone has a question i dont see the need to belittle the person because they arent enlightened yet. education is beautiful


i acknowledge that altering your pet is the answer, but when someone is like.. help my dog had puppies and another person says, SHE SHOULD BE NEUTERED GO TO THE VET YOU DONT DESERVE A DOG, it makes me irate, because i have been involed with recue too long to beleive that a home has to be perfect to be adaquate

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have noticed that on here also, why answer a question for help with sarcasm and a must do attitude of having an animal fixed. It is a choice to fix or not fix,its a choice that should stay a choice, for those that make the choice not to fix then be RESPONSIBLE with your animal and if you do want to perhaps have a PLANNED breeding to better the breed then do so with responsibility knowing that these will be special pups that can improve the breed you working with. Everyone is welcome to their opinions and we all need to listen. Some on here would have laws passed that every dog be fixed and every pitbull type dog be put to sleep no matter what, I recall people like that in history, Adolf Hitler was one of that type. So now i tossed it out there and those who want to can wrinkle their faces in disgust at me and think what they want. But I am entitled to my opinion as well as you and I hope some stop to think before belittling others who are trying to learn, understand and be educated.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess a lot of us have worked in shelters and have seen all the dogs and cats that were dumped, many because they had litters and the owners didn't want to deal with that. I have done volunteer work at a no kill shelter and a stray rescue group, and they are completely filled. When an owner brings a cat with kittens there and finds out they are full, the owner dumps them right next to the shelter where they think nobody will see them. You are right. We shouldn't belittle the person asking the question, we should educate them. But sometimes we get a little carried away because we've seen so many unwanted animals. And the one way to stop a part of the population of unwanted animals is to spay or neuter. Right now, I have one 6-12 month old kitten that a neighbor tossed out because she just didn't want it anymore. His brother or sister is afraid of everyone, and I'm having trouble getting her inside. Every time this person gets a pet and they go into heat, or smell another animal that is in heat, she throws them out. Then, she'll get another young pet, and in a few months, she'll do it dump it, too. Unfortunately, she feels it is easier and cheaper to keep getting pets while they are small and dumping them instead of spay/neuter. She is well aware that she can have a puppy spayed or neutered for $40 and a kitten/cat for $30, but she would rather dump than spend the money. So, in her case, education is not the answer. I guess some of us just get so mad that when someone who doesn't know asks an innocent question, we just think back to all the abused and/or neglected and unwanted animals we've dealt with, or taken in. Sometimes, the only message a person can understand is when it is said with force. Sorry if I do that, I really am. But I have a dog and 2 cats in my home that people dumped, and my home is small. But I have a huge heart for animals that are tossed out because someone didn't spend the money or take the time to have them spay/neutered. It's extremely cold here... in the single digits and these animals are trying to find warm places to go, and trying to find food. Yes, I get mad and I may take it out on someone that hasn't taken their pet in to have it spayed or neutered, and sometimes, it just spills over!

    Source(s): By volunteering for rescue groups and no kill shelters. By living in a neighborhood that is a dumping ground for animals that have gone into heat.
  • Stark
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I SO completely agree with you. I don't understand why people give mean answers. People just ignore mean answers. You can get the same point across "Spay or Neuter your pet" when you say it in a nice way. And people are more likely to read it, and actually listen. Some people need to get off their high horse and actually try to help the owner, and their pet. Rather than make them feel bad or stupid. It doesn't help At All.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think because in this day and age how can some ppl be so under knowleged of the fact so many homeless pets get put down every year because noone took the small amount of money that it is to have a pet fixed... and if u are low income most shelter have a program to get your pets fixed...

    there is no need to belittle anyone for any reason but hey noone knows who ya really are so why not be a b*tch.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exactly. I come here to help people with the knowledge that I have gained over the past 50+ yr of dog ownership and as a breeder for the past 9 yr. I would rather help someone than call them names like morons. We do not have to agree with what they do, but for the animals sake, shouldn't we try to help and educate them instead of screaming insults at them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's just human nature. People make a decision in their own limited frame of reference and extend that to all others - all the while firmly believing they are right and anyone that disagrees is wrong. It irritates me too (and sometimes amuses me) but I'm probably as guilty as anyone else who is human. There's an old saying about these types of utterings: "consider the source".

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not that they are being belittled..they are being enlightened. I believe if someone is clueless to their responsibilites as a pet owner they need to know about it. The more the word is spread maybe more people will do the right thing. GET OVER IT!

    Source(s): I'm a full time vet tech
  • gldjns
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree. There is no need to belittle anyone. I try to give helpful answers to legitimate questions. I only get annoyed at questions that are stupid or obviously calculated to be offensive.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. But, I believe quite a few problems that are described are directly related to not spaying or neutering.

  • 1 decade ago

    People think by pushing what they think on others it will come across as the thing the other should do. little do they know that a simple educated answer would be more effective.

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