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Favorite Answers27%
  • Why is the new Answers format so slow?

    Often it takes ten minutes or more to load a page while that never happened with the old format.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Top freezer fridge is leaking water into lower section?

    Everything is still working. Manual, however is missing from this seven-year old fridge. Kenmore model: 10664932401; no ice maker; no water dispenser. Any ideas at why; how to be home fixed?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Did the USA Founding Fathers Forget One in the First Amendment (RE: Wisconsin vs big union bosses)?

    We supposedly have freedom of religion and freedom from the formation of a national (or state) religion. The founders understood that religion was vital to western liberalism and well understood the downside to national religions. France required Roman Catholicism to work for the government, Russia required the Orthodox Catholic religion. England required the Church of England religion. Nazi Germany required Nazi Party membership (all other labor unions were banned) for government work such as postal carrier and railroad worker. Many joined these religions and the Nazi Party (actually the National Socialist German Workers Party) so they could get a good job even if they had no real beliefs/sympathy for them.

    How is requiring a person to join a union, in the case of the federal government a government approved union, any different? I felt like such a hypocrite joining the postal carriers union so I could work as a geologist for the US Forest Service when they were at odds with what I believed. I seriously considered offering to take a big pay and benefit cut but knew that offer would just result in my not being hired. Nobody should be forced by government to be extorted in order to get a job. I think the forefathers missed one.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is the USA making the same mistake with Egypt that it made when stabbing the Shah of Iran in the back?

    Iran had a democratic government post Shah until the Ayatollah became paramount a few months after the Shah went into exile but the Ayatollah soon formed a new dictatorship and a bloodbath followed. Iran had been a big supporter of peaceful relations with all neighbors and was one of the first governments to recognize Israel but was replaced with a pariah state. Iran was a US ally then replaced by a religious-fanatic hatred of the USA. It seems terribly familiar when viewing current events in Egypt.

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • What mineral would likely cause boiled water to turn brown and --?

    a dark grey crust (likely oxidation) to form on a stainless steel sauce pan?

    The pan has never been used except to boil water and the lid is always on except when adding/deleting water.

    Water is from a well and has passed the normal tests (bacteria and clarity).

    Reservoir is basaltic in nature so likely that the water is heavily mineralized.

    I don't believe it is dangerous in any way - just curious.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • What could be the reason that my four L-16 batteries use a gallon of water every few weeks?

    Solar Boost 50 Controller, MagnaSine system, inverter/battery/charge settings appear to be correct.

    Has done since batteries were new several years ago.

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • What happened to page two and greater?

    Just today, it has become impossible to track a question by a contact/friend (or whatever it is called) until it goes to a vote because only page one of a person's answers can be displayed. Anyone one know what is happening? Did Yahoo! just go bankrupt or something?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Since the US response to Haiti took as long as that of Katrina, does that mean that President Obama hates ---?

    black people? Well, that illogic WAS used against then President Bush, now wasn't it?

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Which political party stands for:?

    regulating industry

    regulating banking

    political correctness

    superc4eding the good of the individual for the good of the whole

    forced unionization

    war on drugs, alcohol, and smoking

    government regulated health care

    keeping a sense of crisis so regular opposition can be superseded (global warming)

    promising big business that they are "too big to fail" as long as you promote our plans

    using business as local social agencies (child care, health insurance, etc)

    using the unemployed to improve infrastructure

    guaranteed old age pension

    population control

    animal rights


    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Looking for the title of a campy movie ---?

    Confederate officer makes a deal with the devil - provide a virgin to mate with devil to make the antichrist and history is changed - the Confederates win. Switch to 20th century and a bunch of failures. A ghost busters like team of paranormal researchers investigate the hotel that the Confederate officer is based at interactv with all the ghosts of the officer's failures. What the heck is this movie called? Saw it on cable TV but not the whole thing.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Are any plans a foot to combat global cooling?

    Pollution has already been blamed for global warming so that one isn't possible and I doubt anyone wants to pollute more to keep the world from continuing to cool off.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Now that science has shown that the world has been cooling for eight years in conjunction with the sun cooling?

    will all the dire predictions simply run in reverse? Will the hysteria go away or will the global warming alarmists simply claim mankind is the cause of global cooling?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why do suppose that the wrong disciplines cited as experts on global warming?

    Usually cited are climatologists, meteorologists, and biologists. As a multiple degree holding meteorologist, I can state with certainty that we are not at all experts nor are climatologists. Both disciplines look at the short term. Meteorologists are primarily there to forecast weather and climatologists supply us with statistical weather data to aid this endeavor. Climatology deals with 30-40 year averages and, for all practical purposes, climatological data did not exist prior to the late 1800s. Biologists focus on the narrow area of life. The experts are geologists (especially paleontologists), geophysicists, and astrophysicists. Geologists look at the long term (called geologic time scales) and study the Earth as a whole. Geophysicists study how energy affects the Earth (heat budget, atmospheric heat exchange, etc). Astrophysicists study is similar but based on all heavenly bodies such as our heat source (the Sun). Geologists have been debating the current global climate change since at least the have geophysicists. These people, nor the closest thing that comes to a consensus on global warming/climate change, are rarely if ever cited in the media or yahoo! Answers. Instead, we get short-term disciplines and politicized dribble.

    My guess is that their findings are politically incorrect in many cases because the consensus is that mankind did not cause global warming, the influence of man on the climate is unknown and could vary from non-significant to significant (which isn't in the agenda) and that changes in the sun temperature is the primary driver of climate change. They also say we are in an interglacial period of the ice ages and that temperatures now are cooler then throughout most of the Earth's history (mankind's existence is a very small portion of the Earth's history). My take is that it just doesn't fit the agenda of lowering US economic power and increasing that of world government bodies (as for the media) and that the average age on Yahoo! Answers is lower then college age. However, that is just my opinion and i'd like to hear what others think are the reasons.

    9 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Have I sold Obama short?

    His appeal for Republicans to put politics aside is unusual to say the least since he is basically asking them to vote against his political-based stimulus plan designed to buy votes rather then help the economy.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How often do the citizens of the various European counties have to be hit over the head until they understand ?

    that Putin's fascists cannot be trusted?

    Would it be so hard to build an offshore platform to thaw frozen gas from dependable sources like Saudi Arabia where it can then be safely piped inland? Would it not be a reasonable gamble to build a pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Israel, Lebanon, and Turkey? Would it not make sense to ensure the independence of Georgia so the fascists cannot control that pipeline gas source?

    Europe needs to stop hallucinating and join up with the real world.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why are people atound the world so hypocritical about Israel and its self defense?

    What would America do if Mexican terrorists won the border elections then became independent and started lobbing rockets into Texas?

    What would France do if the Basque region became independent and started lobbing rockets into France?

    What would Russia do if Chechnya started lobbing rockets into Russia (oh, never mind)?

    What would China do if Tibet started lobbing rockets into China?

    What would Syria do if Lebanese rebels started lobbing rockets into Syria?

    Etc, etc, etc.

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to add to the Yahoo! Answers spell check vocabulary list?

    I'm getting tired of it wanting me to change Obama to ABM (although it might fit :) ).

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago