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bookmom asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

why would anyone lie about their dog like this?

I know someone who has routinely lied and made up accomplishments about her dogs. I just don't get it.

Her dogs seem great and they DO great stuff. But she can never just qualify at an obedience trial, she has to tell folks she placed second in it, etc...same with agility and other events.

If you have a great dog and she is truly wonderful--why would anyone feel the need to lie and make stuff up about her accomplishments?

And wouldn't you worry that someone would realize what you claim was not possible and confront you?

She seems so nice I don't want to her her feelings, but someone else might slam her the next time she brags about placing at an event.

What should i do?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ignore it. there are many parents out there who speak the same way about their kids lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    How well do you know this lady? I know a few people like this and it is really hard to know exactly how to handle the problem - especially when you are a caring person like you seem to be and you don't want people to get hurt.

    Sometimes I think it is easier for people like this to live in a world that isn't real, like this lady, and she gets off on the way that people are really interested in both her and her dog. She might just be unhappy and lonely and not realise that she is at risk of getting herself a reputation and isolating herself further.

    In the past, I had a similar situation and it became a problem - I couldn't stand it anymore! I took the person for a coffee and a chat and just gently let them know that I was aware of the truth of the situation and that I wasn't judging them but people were going to start noticing soon if they didn't stop. They were embarrassed and it didn't really do anything to change the way they were acting - they were just careful around me!

    For people to change they really have to want to. If it is working for this lady then what you say to her may have no impact whatsoever.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people are natural born braggers. That's the way they make themselves feel better about life. Just ignore it. When you truly possess something wonderful you get enough satisfaction from having it, maybe she's really not happy enough. To confront her may be humiliating. To knowingly embarrass someone isn't a noble thing at all. Let her be in her comfort zone and just smile with her,she's probably sad and lonely on the inside.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you might want to drop a hint that you know she lied. Maybe say something along the lines of "well i heard some people saying someone in the competion was claiming they placed way higher than they actually did" maybe not that exact thing just hint that you know and if she admis talk about it share your feelings on the topic and maybe she'll put more pride into what her dog can do instead of lying about what didn't happen.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With some people, lying uis an illness. They can't help themselves. We know this one guy that my husband sayd you can easily tell when the man is lying, because his mouth is moving. Such may be the case with the person you refer to or she may just be someone who likes to brag about their accomplishments because it makes them feel big. I am sure if you know that she is lying, a lot of others know too. Let her live in her fantasy world. Even if you say something, it is unlikely she will change.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some times, people's whole world are their dogs. Especially if they have no kids. They can get caught up in their dog and want to impress everybody. Understandable, to a point.

    If you want to approach her about it, ask who placed above and below her. You could say "I thought so-and-so placed 2nd" or something like that in conversation. I dont get why some people would make extravagent claims about their dog like that either.

    Unless it really tweaks your strings, smile and nod. Just knowing she is lying could be all you need to bring her down later.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your friend doesn't feel good about herself and makes up impressive stuff to try to impress you. Yes, she might very well get slammed for making stuff up.

    She probably needs a good counselor. Imagine, feeling so insignificant that you can't help bragging or making up things to make yourself look better.

    I think it is a sad thing. Perhaps gently confronting her with the truth and letting her know she and her dog are fine the way they are, without having to make up stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    She must have self esteem issues.

    I wouldn't worry about it, maybe she will feel more secure about her accomplishments when she has done more.

    I am sure others see through her claims as well. You can brag all you want, but if you don't have the knowledge to back it up, people will see through it.

    Oh, shes back! LOL!

  • 1 decade ago

    She may just think that her dog is really great. I guess she's not hurting anyone by lying. Just nod and smile.

    If you see some one hurting her because she lied about her dog, I think that person needs some help.... It's just not that big of a deal to get that upset about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you ever know a proud parent ,that takes their kid to serious.I think you have a proud dog owner .We have a person in our class like that ,when she goes to events and doesn't place she will cry.This takes the fun out of events for most of us,we go just for the fun of it and the socialize.So hope this does not happened to you

  • 1 decade ago

    That person probably wants everyone to envy her and be jealous and think she's awesome and perfect because her dog is soo cool! All I would do is ignore her and don't fall into her schemes and little "traps". Take it from a girl with expirence

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