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birth control after a baby---is it up to the woman?
I just don't get it. Why do so many women go on the pill, get IUDs, etc immediately after having a baby?
Yeah, I understand that they don't want two kids less than a year apart---but why does the woman have to get something inserted or take pills???
Maybe most people use condoms and what I am hearing/seeing is wrong, but it seems like it is the woman's job to make sure she doesn't get pregnant again even if it means screwing with her body chemistry.
What do you think? It is normal and acceptable where you live for the woman to be going on the pill/getting an IUD at 8 weeks post partum? or do the daddies use something?
22 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agocreepy tball dad---what to do? what to say to wife?
I help coach tball for 5 & 6 yr olds. One of the parents scares me.
This guy has 6 yr old twins--a boy and a girl. The girl can do NO wrong. He cuddles her ON THE FIELD during practice and has her sit on his LAP in the OUTFIELD. (She's not handicapped or anything)
The boy is dirt to the Dad. Tonight he didn't like the way the son fielded a ball and he ran onto the field to yell at the kid. I thought he was going to hit the kid. I told the kid it was a good try and what to do differently next time and Dad started screaming at me.
This guy really creeps me out. I know his wife from work and I don't know what to say to her. If this is how he acts in public what is going on in private? What do I say if she brings this up? How do you tell someone their hubby is scary?
BTW The wife wasn't there but I will see her at work on Thursday.
10 AnswersParenting1 decade agoBreading, periods, etc---do you ever want to give a really screwy answer? but didn't?
When you see questions about dog breeding do you ever want to give a serious-sounding but really whacked answer to discourage someone from breeding?
I am talking about questions that make you fear for the health and welfare of the dogs involved. Such as breeding a six month old 1 pound "teacup" female and a nine month old 6 pound male (they've already done it three times should I keep letting them go at it??when will she stop making that terrible sound??)
Lots of people will tell them "don't breed" and "it isn't safe"--- is anyone tempted to tell them something outrageous to try and convince them not to do it?
If so, what was the topic, and what outrageous thing would you make up?
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoTwo questions: Is this legal? Will my friend get in trouble?
In past years, a friend of mine has donated large sums to pay for baseball/softball uniforms and equipment for a local league. He thought it was a non profit and they gave him a tax id number. Turns out they do NOT have non profit status and the tax id number is for the town parks and recreation department. The league is NOT part of the town gov't---they've just been using the number.
We found this out when his brother J got his employer (a large chain store) to agree to donate $$$$ to fix the fields. He asked the league for a tax id and they gave him the number but told him it really belonged to parks and rec because they aren't a registered non-profit or even legally an organization. J's boss said that using that tax id was illegal and he wouldn't donate.
Is this illegal? (There's also a bank account with the tax id on it)
Could my friend get in trouble for deducting past donations?
Should he do/say anything about this?
4 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoAnyone else ever want to scare the crap out of a bully?
Has anyone else here really wanted to scare the crap out of a bully to keep him from tormenting your kid? Have you ever gone close to the edge?
A 7 yr old who did things like knock my 3 yr old off a swing, grab his toys, and hit him pushed my button. The mom was useless--he hit her, too.
I tried being nice, I tried getting Mom's help, and I got sick of leaving the playground every time the brat showed up. I was standing just behind my son when the older kid decided he wanted a sand toy. He swung a stick at my kid's head and I lost it. I grabbed the stick in the air and screamed bloody murder at him.(no bad words--just you will never, ever do that again)
Later I was afraid I would somehow get in trouble for screaming at the kid in public like that. So far no problems and he doesn't bug my kid anymore. LOL
So what is YOUR story? Know a bully you want to send packing? Have YOU ever??
11 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWould you still rent "Snow Buddies" knowing puppies died during the filiming?
No, this isn't a myth, puppies were brought from the US to Canada at too young an age in order to film the movie and they died. They got sick because they were too young to be away from their mothers and properly vaccinated.
We won't be renting this movie but an older family member was irritated when I said I wouldn't get it for my kids. Personally I can't feel good about renting a movie knowing puppies died because they were mistreated in order to make it....
What do YOU think? Would you rent the movie anyways? Does it matter to you?
More info:
FYI American Humane is the group that puts "no animal was harmed..." blurbs at the end of movies. They rate this one “Monitored: Unacceptable”
14 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agowhen a dog goes into heat????
When a dog goes into heat don't you wish it DID become more aggressive?
Reading a question about whether or not a dog gets more aggressive with males when she's going into heat made me think about it in a very wicked way.
Does anyone else wish females became super nasty and aggressive with people before they went into heat? Or super destructive and hyperactive? So much so that anyone with an intact female would be begging the vet for an appt. to spay her rather than suffer through one heat???
Wouldn't it be nice to know that the BYB crossing poorly bred "designer" dogs at less than 1 year of age stood a good chance of needing stitches every time one of their females went into heat?
Anyone else think this would be poetic justice?
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agobest place to get display case for football memorabilia?
I need help finding cases for some autographed footballs and mini helmets. I see so many cases online and I don't know what to look for or what to avoid.
Are certain materials more likely to protect the things inside?
Any companies to avoid? or places you would suggest?
1 AnswerFootball (American)1 decade agoWould this pacifier situation make you crazy too? Aren't these kids too old?
Two of my neighbors have kids who still use pacifiers---at ages 4 & 5. They suck on them all day when they are home or with their parents.
The parents say they don't like to see the girls cry so they let them keep them. They figure the girls will give them up on their own. Maybe they will---but when is that going to be? They have speech problems & their front teeth don't meet properly!
It makes me crazy to see them riding their bikes with a binkie in their mouths. I told one mom her daughter couldn't play on my jungle gym with it because I was worried she would fall with it in her mouth and get hurt.
I got a dirty look from a dad when his daughter asked me for something and I told her nicely I couldn't understand her with the binkie in her mouth. He repeated it for her!
Would this irritate you? Would you say anything?
Is it abuse or neglect to let a child use a binkie to the point where her teeth come in wrong and her speech is garbled even when it is not in her mouth
27 AnswersParenting1 decade agoDS vs DS Lite screen size---your opinion please?
I have been looking for a DS and have found only DS lite wherever I turn.
The DS lite is smaller than the original----can anyone who has used both tell me if the screen is the same size?
Does the screen seem smaller? or harder to see? Is the image quality better? or the same?
How does it compare to the SP? Do older games look okay on it?
I know there are specs out there for screen size :) but sometimes a number doesn't match up with experience LOL
Before my son sinks ALL of his earnings into a new system I would greatly appreciate some feedback.
Thank you very much.
3 AnswersGames & Gear1 decade agoIs your dog's food on the recalled lists?
There are two separate recalls of canned pet food going on as of March 17, 2007.
The first is by menufoods which produces foods for 20+ companies.
The second is by Proctor and Gamble, makers of Iam and Eukenuba.
Go here to the FDA site for more information:
Go to the BOTTOM for the P & G portion of the announcement. You'll need to go to menufoods (use the link) to see if your dog's food is listed.
So, the question is: is your dog's food on the list?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs your dog's food on the recalled lists?
There are two separate recalls of canned pet food going on as of March 17, 2007.
The first is by menufoods which produces foods for 20+ companies.
The second is by Proctor and Gamble, makers of Iam and Eukenuba.
Go here to the FDA site for more information:
Go to the BOTTOM for the P & G portion of the announcement. You'll need to go to menufoods (use the link) to see if your dog's food is listed.
So, the question is: is your dog's food on the list?
2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agowhy would anyone lie about their dog like this?
I know someone who has routinely lied and made up accomplishments about her dogs. I just don't get it.
Her dogs seem great and they DO great stuff. But she can never just qualify at an obedience trial, she has to tell folks she placed second in it, etc...same with agility and other events.
If you have a great dog and she is truly wonderful--why would anyone feel the need to lie and make stuff up about her accomplishments?
And wouldn't you worry that someone would realize what you claim was not possible and confront you?
She seems so nice I don't want to her her feelings, but someone else might slam her the next time she brags about placing at an event.
What should i do?
14 AnswersDogs1 decade agoyouth baseball non profit start up experience?
Our small town baseball league is haphazardly run---fundraising in particular in a nightmare. Many local businesses have offered to give donations if ONLY we were an IRS non-profit group.
The folks that run this thing say it costs thousands of dollars to become an IRS non profit.
If you have any experience with this, please tell me if it was a very difficult thing to do? Did it cost you $1,000? $5,000? $10,000?
The program is declining and we would like to turn it around. Money isn't everything, but would enable us to spruce up the equipment and not rely on kids standing outside Walmart one weekend a year as the major fundraiser.
If you have any information about how hard or difficult this is, please answer. We're looking at the IRS pages, what I really need is personal experience info
1 AnswerBaseball1 decade agoWhat would you do if you knew? Dangerous info?
A question a minute ago about folks mis-representing themselves here on Answers made me wonder:
What would you do if you knew someone was lying about their dog experience here in a BIG way? No, a HUGE way. If you knew this person claimed multiple AKC titles for a dog that were impossible?
There is someone here who is doing just that.
Does it bug you? Do you care?
I personally don't care if your dog is has a title, a pedigree or even a tail, you shouldn't have to lie about your dog to make it sound special.
It does irk me a bit to see someone boasting about phony achievements with their dog. It also bothers me to see someone using a string of fake credentials to support their canine advice.
So, does it bother anyone else? Would you contact the faker and let them know you know?
20 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat do you do? Lies? at first I was irritated?? HELP!?
I want to help someone avoid getting emotionally crushed. Please read all the way through so you'll see why I'm asking for help here.
There is an individual (who I believe is very young and well intentioned) who has posted completely false information in her YA profile. Not "fudged"-- total fantasy. She uses her phony expert status to support her answers.
She frequently posts to a rather contentious area of the YA site where folks have actually done what she claims--I fear they will go nutty on her when they figure out she's lying.
If it were someone else I would ignore it, but this kid seems fragile.
The "persona" she has developed on the web (not just YA--she has a blog, a 360 account, other stuff) seems to be important to her and I think she will be crushed when some of the more aggressive folks flame her.
Do I warn her somehow?
I am tempted to post this question (reworded) in that YA area and see if she figures it out and takes down the false info.
4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoIs this enough jail time?
A 27 year old man was recently sentenced to 150 1/2 years in prison for kidnapping and r aping a 17yr old girl in New Hampshire.
Do you think the sentence is a good one? Does your local law enforcement treat sex offenders this harshly?
I am curious about what the sentence would have been in other states.
PS I am also curious why I have posted 2 other versions of this question and have not seen them posted
10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHelp!! Question about Newf puppy?
My neighbor is taking care of her "grandpuppy," an almost 5 month old Newfoundland because her son and daughter-in-law have had to travel overseas to deal with a family emergency. Gramma has food, a crate, toys, etc. and the number of our local vet for emergencies so all is good for the basics.
I have volunteered to help walk/exercise the pup with Gramma who goes on twice daily power walks.
How far is too far to walk a pup this age for this breed? I know we need to be careful with a large breed puppy to protect her joints. (She'll be walking on pavement.)
And we can't call the breeder (don't know them---owners just moved back here 2 weeks ago and now have to leave) and Gramma doesn't want to call the local vet about a puppy the vet has never seen before on a holiday weekend.
So I told her I would toss this onto Answers and see if any breeders/dog people with large breed experience could give us guidelines.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoShould we lower the age of consent to match the age a female can have an abortion without parental okay?
If a girl under 16 is old enough to decide to have an abortion, shouldn't she be old enough to consent to sex?
If society does not believe she is mature enough to consent to sex, then how can she be mature enough to decide about an abortion?
What is your opinion?
Please, no cases about child rape, incest, etc as that is not the question. This is not asking/judging whether or not an abortion is a good idea. This question is asking whether it makes sense to make the age a girl can choose an abortion the same as the age where a girl can choose to create the reason for the abortion.
I look forward to reading your answers.
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoPatriots fans---stadium help???
Hi, our kids are finally old enough to take to a Pat's game, so I bought tickets for hubby last May and we're going this weekend. Hooray!
I have read what is posted on the Gillette site, I'm asking for tips from people who have been before.
What should I know about parking? I know they tell you where to park, but is it "first in, first out"? Is there a really good "off site" spot? Is there an "off site" spot to AVOID?
Are there any tips/suggestions to make it easier for young kids?
The game was moved from 1pm to 4pm, so we will be there at supper and after dark instead of daytime so any "insider" suggestions would be welcomed.
Thanks for any ideas.
8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago