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Would you still rent "Snow Buddies" knowing puppies died during the filiming?

No, this isn't a myth, puppies were brought from the US to Canada at too young an age in order to film the movie and they died. They got sick because they were too young to be away from their mothers and properly vaccinated.

We won't be renting this movie but an older family member was irritated when I said I wouldn't get it for my kids. Personally I can't feel good about renting a movie knowing puppies died because they were mistreated in order to make it....

What do YOU think? Would you rent the movie anyways? Does it matter to you?

More info:

FYI American Humane is the group that puts "no animal was harmed..." blurbs at the end of movies. They rate this one “Monitored: Unacceptable”


FYI: The first three that died had giardia and coccidia---two illnesses that are usually prevented by keeping kennel areas clean.

Parvo is a completely PREVENTABLE and potentially fatal illness that has no cure--you can only treat the symptoms.These pups were too young to be vaccinated and out & about.

mgnavadomskis: I realize that the film crew started treating the pups once they knew they were sick---so it wasn't "active" neglect, but the fact is they took pups that were too young have all their shots and put them in a place where they would be exposed to lots of opportunities for illness. I am sorry your pup had parvo, I'm glad he is okay now.

Greeneyedevil: Yes, I would skip a movie if a child was endangered and died during its filming.

Bottom line: the company responded to AHumane after the pups got sick, but they wouldn't have been sick if they had been older and better cared for.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    American Humane would like to acknowledge that the production cooperated in every way with the Animal Safety Representative’s recommendations, and once the unhealthy puppies were removed from the set to receive veterinary care, healthy puppies were then brought in -- using proper procedures and following all guidelines regarding age limits, vaccinations, illness prevention methods and other safety protocol -- to ensure that healthy puppies were ultimately used during filming.

    Featured Animal Scenes

    All adult dogs appearing in the film were experienced sled teams that had worked together. Mushers (human drivers) for the teams were professionals, including the child actor who played Adam (Dominic Scott Kay). Before filming began, cast and crew members were instructed on the safety and handling of the animals. All grounds were thoroughly inspected and slopes were tested for snow stability. Only necessary cast and crew members were allowed on the set and all were quiet during filming. Animals were housed in a warm location. Any yellow snow seen in the movie was made using chicken broth. Whenever dogs barked or performed mild action, like jumping on an object close to the ground or walking from point A to point B, they were cued by an off-screen trainer. Before dogs pulled sleds, the snow was groomed with a machine so there would be no footprint holes that dogs could fall into. Before dogs ran uphill, the snow was packed to make it more solid and give them better footing. All food was safe for animal consumption. Camera angles enhanced the steepness of cliffs and hills, and adjacent roads were closed off to traffic during filming. All costumes worn by the dogs were custom-made for comfort.

    You cannot judge an entire movie by an unfortunate incident. Do you refuse to watch a movie when an actor is hurt or killed while filming.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Would you still rent "Snow Buddies" knowing puppies died during the filiming?

    No, this isn't a myth, puppies were brought from the US to Canada at too young an age in order to film the movie and they died. They got sick because they were too young to be away from their mothers and properly vaccinated.

    We won't be renting this movie but an older family member was...

    Source(s): rent quot snow buddies quot knowing puppies died filiming:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Parvo is NOT completely preventable. It can occur in young dogs whether you vaccinate them or not, age has alot to do with it, but it can still happen to any puppy with or without vaccination.

    As far as I can see, the treatment by the production company itself was okay, but the treatment by the breeders is shady.

    You can read more from the American Humane Society's website on exactly what they are investigating.

    It's apparent that the breeders gave them underaged puppies, and they were illegally exported to Canada.

    Disney should take some claim as to why they didn't do background checks. Alot of breeders, no matter what country you're in, are very bad. Too many puppies in crappy environments.

    As far as letting kids watch it, it is a movie. Although I don't like the thought of dying puppies, the movie is for children to see. If you want to make an effort to do something, write letters to the AHS and Disney.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow...i had no idea about this...and i was looking forward to seeing the movie because I am a huge animal lover....

    this is so sad...and it makes me angry at the breeders....

    Above all others, they should have known about taking the puppies away too early...come on...i even knew that.....and before 2 weeks ago i never even owned a dog

    when we were looking for our puppy..i was quite surprised at the number of underaged puppies in shelters or rescues...people should know better...a child needs a certain amount of time with its mother to do puppies...

    I cannot yet say that I would never watch it if it is on TV...but I sure won't buy or rent it...and I will also make sure that if I see anyone getting it...that I will make them aware of what happened as I'm sure a lot of people don't know about this....

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  • 1 decade ago

    From your link:

    "Fifteen golden retriever puppies were on set, and American Humane learned that 15 others had been treated by a local veterinarian since Feb. 7."

    The animals were not being neglected

    "The company producing Snow Buddies has complied with each request from American Humane and has made changes so that working puppies will not be put in any position where they may fall ill. The film production company has been very cooperative and has suspended filming until further notice. All of the dogs in the production now have been checked and are being cared for by a veterinarian. "

    One of our dogs had parvo when we first got him. It is a very dangerous & potentially fatal disease, but it is not a sign of neglect.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Snow Buddies Cast

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Santa Buddies Cast

  • 5 years ago

    Yes, I would. It's a movie, as if you could've helped the dogs anyway. I hate it when people bring out the bad in a movie just because so and so happened off screen. Stop bîtching about a goddamñ movie and just watch it. That's what a movie is for, not to exploit it for what lies beneath. If you actually got the part where they wasn't intentionally killing the dogs through your thick fūcking skull, you would be enjoying the movie instead of researching through all it's X-files.

  • 7 years ago

    It would be serious abuse if young puppies were actually harnessed and hooked to sleds and actually pulled weight. They also showed them pulling heavy logs and tires for training. Unless this was special effects. No serious musher or even hobby breeders that sled their dogs would ever have young puppies pull heavy weight. Their skeletons are like rubber, very loose, unable to withstand heavy weight pulling without skeletal damage. You also cannot load muscle like that, enough to pull heavy weights, on young dogs. While adults may understand this was gross exaggeration and entertaining only, young children would not which is who this film is presumably aimed at. Children need to be taught early to have respect for animals. All living creatures experience abuse and pain in the same manner. It is true that puppies died of parvo and giardia which are parasites. Parvo is especially deadly to puppies because their immune system is not mature enough to fight it off and parvo is everywhere. Especially if adult dogs were on set also, which it appears they were.

    That is also part of the problem with young racehorses, 2 and three year olds, breaking down during races and training. Immature skeletons and heavy muscle loaded onto their immmature frames.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is terrible that the puppies needed to be put down but you need to get the facts correct before asking people opinion the puppies contracted parvo a deases common in dogs that is how they died. It is believed not proven that they were purchased at 6 weeks but that is not why they died even if they were older they still could have contracted the sickness

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