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is there current surgert available & RWJ for repair L4L5 disc repair (osteoporosis) w/neuro sympto (amb)?)?

have had workup 8/06 & conserv. tx with 3 epidural ( decadron) with minimal pain relief: walking with cane now, loss balance , neuro symptoms worse, on temp disability. PT min. help (Can't climb stairs so can't function @ work).CAN SURGERY HELP? (previous neurosurgeon unavail> until May)

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have same disc messed up. Doctor want fix mine because they say will end up worse off after surgery. Have been to 5 doctors all say the same thing. I have just kept under control for last 5 years with pain management. Shots didn't help me either. I take morphine and norco everyday for pain.

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