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Do you think it is right for Demon crats to do this?

The liberals are at it again! They want to use hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to insure that PBS and NPR can continue to spew forth what is America’s most liberal slant on the news. And they are determined to force you to pay for it!

Already, has gathered more than 370,000 names on their petition to send to Congress demanding that PBS and NPR be funded permanently with your tax dollars.

Those who believe that government has no business funding liberal news outlets have a lot of catching up to do.

In case you are not aware, is heavily funded by George Soros, the billionaire who spent $27 million of his own money trying to defeat George W. Bush. Bill O’Reilly calls him the leader of the secular progressives in America.

Every other non-profit broadcaster (which is what PBS and NPR are) has to raise their own funds, not go to the government to get hundreds of millions of your tax dollars for their media outlet

(I just recieved this as an e-mail)

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not right for the Demoncrats to do this. They do a lot that is not right...

    Disclaimer: The best attempt was made to answer this question. This statement is rhetorical; any use of personal or other pronouns is done for literary effect and cannot be construed as 'chatting'. In addition, any statement which is offensive or may be found to be offensive is not meant for any participant of the Y!A community.

  • Elana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The funny thing is that before the Neo-Cons,

    most of the public broadcasting systems were

    considered non-oriented or middle-of-the road.

    The majority of the country has swung right

    and so the neo-cons feel justified in saying

    that many of the older media outlets have

    swung left. President Nixon would be

    considered a liberal by today's standards.

    Do I think it is right?

    Yup, I do. I think the fact that so many people

    were brainwashed by corporate news management

    for the last 12 years is pretty good proof that

    we need news that isn't guided by the

    corporate boardroom.

    Fox doesn't produce "news" - it produces

    propaganda. They fully admit now to cutting

    stories that their advertisers didn't want to see.

    That supports something doesn't

    mean it is wrong. NPR etc gets as much money

    as it does from donations from people who

    don't want their news guided by corporate


    Otherwise, these stations would have died

    long ago.

    Edward R. Murrow would be working for NPR

    now, not Fox news.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I fail to find the clause in the Constitution that allows Congress to dispense public moneys in this fashion. Because, as we all know per the 10th Amendment, what powers are not specifically given to the Federal Government in the Constitution or Amendments, belongs to the people or the states. So, where is this power to take our money for a media outlet given?

    Perhaps an NPR advocate can help me find this? After all, they are very adamant about following the Constitution, no?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should admit yourself back into the hospital for medication regulation. PBS is a Cartoon network like FOX, family guy, American dad and such. Besides Rush Limbaugh spews spin and right wing spam daily with Sean Hannity and Bill O'Rielly. Do you remember when FOX posted Foley as a Democrat for a whole day. They should be removed from the air waves permanently for that lie themselves. I think your up-set over the documentation from Frontline and Nova that is valid information. If you don't like it them change political party's like the rest of America has already. You Republicans slay me with your censorship and Fascism. The Constitution guarantees freedom of the press. I would be looking at what Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby have done with the espionage. You do know that Scooters trail isn't going to the right don't you?

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, those are government funded stations, always have been, its PUBLIC radio/tv. Second, cutting it would end a lot of great children's programs. Third, they aren't liberally biased, they are neutral, it just sucks for you that the truth hurts. And fourth, cutting funding just shows how much the gov't cares about our social and educational aspects of our lives. What's next, making all schools privatized and run by corporations? Also, they aren't adding money to the funding, they are just trying to stop it from being cut, but I doubt it is hundreds of millions of dollars.

    The conservatives are at it again! Spewing a bunch of half truths and getting all up in arms about it. Go figure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Calling us "Demon Crats" shows how much you would rather have this country run on a theocracy than a democracy.

    This country was founded on freedom of religion. That freedom means if you want to worship the Christian God then so be it. If you don't that's also cool... that's what Freedom is all about.

    Oh yeah, and i'm fine with PBS and NPR being funded by tax dollars, at the very least, our children will be able to watch sesame street without sitting thru a telethon.

  • 1 decade ago

    NPR is funded by listeners, that is why it is called 'listener sponsored radio'. It is no more subsidized thanoil companies are, infact they are subsidized far less than oil companies. As far as their content, the listeners who donate the money determine the content, so it must be largely liberals who donate that money. Do you expect liberals to pay for it, but then have to work content around the cons? Start donating money and getting your voice heard. Same goes for PBS. Or, you can start your OWn petition instead of b*tching about someone else's ability to organize. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY!

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So Sesame Street is subversive?

    And Big Bird is 'secret code' for Stalinism.

    Of course Upstairs Downstairs is communist.

    Stick to your diet of "Fear Factor" I think its working just fine for you.

    We need a variety of intelligent programming that is not done to the lowest common denominator. I think we can be proud that both government and the fund raising they do with the general public provides such interesting programming. And just because you don't agree with what is said on their news programming doesn't mean that they have a particular slant, it just means you don't agree and you can go watch FOX, I hear they are doing All Anna All the time this week.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do the people who complain about NPR and PBS ever watch them? Or are they ranting based on what Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Hannity say? The new Hour on PBS is the best hour of News on TV.

    BTW, Quoting O'Reilly doesn't help your argument.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got an email that said people using cell phones at gas stations are bursting into flames all over the place. Funny, you'd think something like that would be in the newspapers and on TV.

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