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contradiction of terms?

self-righteous Christian?


if you do not think this is a contradiction,you do not understand the most basic thing about christianity

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Many Christians have problems with self-righteousness. That is because they don't realize who they are in Christ.

    That is where you get critical/ judgmental Christians. Judge not lest you be judged. When people realize that when they were first born of God, that they are clothed in Christ righteousness, and they can't do anything to make them more or less righteous. That when they are convicted of a sin, to just confess sin to the Lord in prayer. God promises & is faithful & just to forgive us the sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

    Too many think they learn a new law or can do this and that to score more points with God, thinking they are more righteous if they do these things. But, then wonder why so & so isn't doing the same thing. Then get critical of that other so & so. Then with a judgmental, critical spirit they get angry all the time. Then they realize they have an anger problem.

    All religions based on works and making self deserving of God's Grace, etc. is self righteousness.

    A Christian is made the righteousness of Christ the moment person is born of God. But the Christian will do things Christians do, because that is what Christians do. They will go to the Church the Lord directs them too. They will participate in the praise & worship & love God. They will hear & hear the Word of God preached, because faith comes by hearing. Because that is what Christians do. Not to be more righteous. They will mow the neighbors lawn if the Lord asks them to. Not to be more righteous, but because if the Lord directs us to do something, we will do it. And the Christian who knows who he/she is in Christ, won't be critical of the baby Christian if the baby Christian is smoking outside the church, etc. Because that baby Christian is made the righteousness of Christ, also.

    Anyway, something the Pastor preached on a little while ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Children of GOD can get into Pride.

    Ego (wrong kind of) is hard to OverCome befor and after Salvation.

    Thinking your O.K. with GOD just cause you do Good Things (and we Always should) can keep you from Getting Saved (asking for Help).

    Pride, it is a Terrible Thing to Overcome at Times.

    The Contradiction of terms comes in when a Child of GOD says he,she is a Christian (Christ-Like) and they are NOT Walking in Holiness.

    Now theres a Contradiction!

    Thats why alot of the World Thinks were Hypocrites.

    Say one Thing, do another.

    Jesus Said it and Did it!

    When your Walking in Holiness, you Appear Sinless (your not Really--but doing Everything you know to do that GOD said to do) to GOD, and Signs and Wonders AND Miracles will follow you.

    Its the Power of GOD that Causes that, the Power won't Flow Freely till you Walk in Holiness.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes Christians cannot be self-righteous. Unfortunately some think they are. Pride should not be apart of the Christian's life. Christ died on the cross to save us of our sins, we nothing apart from Him. And we have been clothed with His righteousness. As John the Baptist said- "more of Him, less of me".

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is no one who is righteous, no not one....except Jesus Himself. When a person trusts in Christ (becomes a Christian) he or she makes an exchange--their sin for Christ's righteousness. Our sin was poured into Christ at his crucifixion. His righteousness is poured into us at our conversion. In the world, bartering works only when two people exchanged goods of relatively equal value. God offers to trade his righteousness for our sin-- something of immeasurable worth for something completely worthless! Now you know why there cannot be a self-righteous Christan. There can only be a person who thinks their own right-living can get them right with God, but it can't.

    Source(s): 2 Corinthians 5:21
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, Oxymoron would be another term.

    edit: You are absolutely correct. Anyone who has seen for themselves the cost of their sins cannot consider themselves righteous. That cost was the death of the Son of God to pay the price for their sins.

  • CC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It would only be contradictory if you define christian as those self-proclaiming christians whose bad behavior has not yet been exposed. This is the "true" christian fallacy.

  • 1 decade ago

    yep, it is.. =)

    Christians should posses the thinking that i've been thinking, hehehe..

    "Christians are not sinless, they sin less."

    being a Christian do not exempt us from sin or make us a little "holier" than non-Christians.

    we have the right, tell about it and not to brag about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    "For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God." (Romans 10:3)

    Very few have any grasp of what true righteousness is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *No, not at all because that shoe fits a lot of people. Don't you thinnk so?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those terms are completely symbiotic...

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