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What can we do about non-custodial parent that lets seven year old girl watch R rated movies?

First he has her around second hand smoke for 3 hours inclosed in a house, then two weeks later he picks her up, takes her to his dad's house and three adults and one teenager boy sit idle why teenage boy watches R rated movie with seven year old girl? What do you think? We have no way to stop her from this damage.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your child will be exposed to things regularly outside of your home that you can neither prevent nor will ever even know about...

    The key is to raise your child with a good foundation. If your kid has a good head on her shoulders she will be able to filter out the negativities of her environment.

    You can sit her down, explain to her the unhealthiness of second hand smoke and that if she's in a room with smokers she can learn to excuse herself and go play in a safe place outside the realm of the smoke.

    Same with the R rated movies, if you give her the decision making tools she needs, you can likely lead her to remove herself from situations that are not suited for her. She's old enough to say "Hey, I'm not supposed to watch this kind of stuff" and get up and go somewhere else.

  • 5 years ago

    Watch Free Movies Online

  • 1 decade ago

    Make a HUGE issue of it and let all people involved know that it is innapropriate and irresponsible. This is something you can report to authorities for sure--threaten to take that action if you are met with resistance or a bad attitude. As for the smoking (I'm assuming this is your child), make it clear that you do NOT want her exposed to second hand smoke, and respectfully ask that he smoke outside--appeal to his sense of compassion for the child. You do have a way to stop her from this damage. If the adults around her are acting inappropriately or irresponsibly, or even illegally, you can talk to them and appeal to their sense of appropriate bahaviour and your expectations. If this doesn't work, you can talk to authorities (social workers, etc.). GOod luck. I hope this can be dealt with for the girl's sake!

  • 1 decade ago

    First i make sure that custodial parent did every thing they could

    do. Then i would take the non custodial parent and show him the damages that he is causing to the child. if it dosent help the i would make sure that theres the house. as for the r rated movies some one can turn them off..

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  • 1 decade ago

    These are not issues dss or the police give a crap about. You can go to family court and raise a stink but I am not sure they will do anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to her real parent and if nothing changes, call child services.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hassle him with calling the police and having them do repeated child welfare checks.

  • 1 decade ago

    get a lawyer & go back to court

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, you can do nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    its not ur problem get over it

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