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What has Obama done that qualifies him to be Pres of the US?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's half black, he's clean and he went to Africa. Aside from that, I haven't a clue.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He is legally qualified to run; but if most past elections are any guide, his perceived lack of legislative experience will be no guarantee of losing, just like the lack of qualifications did no stop (flill in the blanks with your most hated President) from winning.

    Case in point: as a child (this is REALLY going to date me) I saw Adlai Stevenson give a speech in New York. To most democrats out there at the time (which included me then, but not now) he was the living essence of what a democrat and a leader should be. All I can say, people, is if you thought Clinton had a way with words, after the conclusion of his speach, not only was there about a 15 minute ovation, but Stevenson could have asked us all to jump over a cliff and we would have done it gladly. Yet he could not even get nominated.

    So I sense that, whether Obama's qualified to be our commander-in-chief or not is irrelevant because next year, unlike any in the annals of our election history, either a Black or a Woman will get in there, maybe both. I only wish that whomever we get may be the right person, and that even though it's true that it's time to not be so exclusively white male in this thing, that I personally would never welcome a Black "Adolph Hitler" (Idi Amin) - this is not a flame comment, just that I'd rather be led by a purple with pink polka-dotted hermaphrodite than a tyrant (and I am not saying Obama is one of those because that is obviously not the case).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's gotten the seal of approval from the owners of the Federal Reserve just like Clinton, McCain and Guiliannie among others. Or are you so naive you actually think that America is still a completely free nation not ruled by a few powerful people. Joseph Stalin was right about one thing. Tell a lie long enough and soon enough most people will believe it.

    Show me the law that says an individual is required to pay income taxes. Yet most people do. The question here is now that you have a glimpse of the iceberg that lurks below surface what are you going to do about it?

    Doing nothing is a choice in and of itself. For by doing nothing you are relegating yourself to support the owners of the Federal Reserve and become an economic slave to them. And from this point you will lose more of the freedoms you say you cherish.

    So what's your decision?

    Source(s): Owen-Glass Act, 1913. Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins.
  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing qualifies anybody to be the President of the US. There is nothing that could possibly prepare a person for that job title, especially not politics. If he has the tenacity to get there, he's qualified.

    He who wins, wins.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What did Geroge Bush do. Being the governor of Texas or owning a baseball team do not qualify!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In addition to his term as U.S. Senator, Obama was a state legislator. Prior to that he was a community organizer.

    In law school, Senator Obama demonstrated his leadership ability as editor of the Harvard Law Review, one of the most most prestigious publications in the country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing. The only qualification to be President necessary is to garner a majority of Electoral College votes.

    A better question would be why should you vote for him. In actuality the question boils down to do YOU think he would do the best job as President.

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember how Howard Dean was the darling of the liberal media in 2004? Obama is the current media darling -- nothing more. He does not have the experience to be President. Perhaps in another 8 years -- but not now.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you have to be in politics forever to qualify. I think it would be refreshing if some fresh politicians gained power instead of the old guard. He has experience in alot of things that apply to running a country just on a smaller level. I wish he would of ran for vice this time and tried for Prez later. His lack of experience will hurt him in alot of peoples eyes.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is a natural born citizen.

    He has resided here for at least 14 years.

    He is at least 35 years of age.


  • KIB
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


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