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Do you wash your child's mouth out with soap for saying a cuss word?

Just wondering how many parents still wash their child's mouth out with soap for saying cuss words. I would get mine washed out with soap when I said a bad word.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, you should try to find the source of the new vocabulary. Then, have a conversation with the child about what words are appropriate where. Soap is a last resort. Biting a bar of soap during a time out seems to be the most effective. Liquid soap is the fast reaction way, but is really gross. Biting the bar gives time to think about the punishment, and it takes a while to get the soap out of the teeth too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, I remember the soap in my mouth from my mom and it wasnt even bar soap it was liquid Dawn. Yuck! That brings back all of the discipline that was enforced back then, whew, I sure hope parents still don't do this because there are other ways to discipline! My son has never indured any of the old school discipline tactics that I had to suffer through as a child! I have different methods and it sure does help with all the nanny shows for tips or even research we are able to do with the internet!

    But, I do have to say that when I did get into trouble and got disciplined I never did it again! And, I had a HIGH level of respect for elders! Kids were alot different when I grew up than they are now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's child abuse!!! No, I'm kidding. Actually, my girls are still a little young for the soapy mouth. I had my mouth washed out with soap twice when I was growing up. I'm 21 now, I still don't curse in front of my parents. I think it's disrespectful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got mine washed out with soap, my brother got his washed out with soap, and come the day that my son says a cuss word he will get his washed out with soap (once he is old enough to understand what a cuss word is) I not going 2 wash out my 2 years olds mouth for saying something that he doesn't understand.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yeah, seem on the returned of the bottle. If it says call poison administration center at modern if by hazard ingested then you've your answer. She shouldn't shove something down your throat. human beings choke that way. say sorry for swearing and don't do it returned. this is not any longer a reasonably habit besides.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can tell them that you are going to do it and it scares them more then actually doing it. I washed out my sons mouth and after that he still used the word. I tried to use the soap again and he opened his mouth for me. what i am trying to say is that after you do it and they know that it isnt really that bad they need something else to scare them. Try talking to tehm about the word and telling them that it hurts people when they use that word. I find that kids really dont want to hurt anyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that we have progressed in our parenting skills these days or i hope we have as there is no need to do that.If your children respect you they will listen to you when you explain to them why they cant say those words and they don't really know what they mean so how can you do something like that to a child that does not really is better to talk to your children at the end of the day as they learn better from kindness.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I tried it once on my son...gave him a little dab of Dawn and he loved it. He actually pitched a fit at the kitchen sink because I would not give him the bottle. It was one of those moments you wish your kid came with an owner's manuel, you know?

    Apparently Peretz doesn't have children. Or if he does he has never had one of them call you a meanass in the middle of Wal-Mart using their loudest, raised-on-a-farm, full-lung redneck voice.

    And just for the is soap toxic? It's soap for goodness sake! Parents have been using this method for YEARS and have you ever heard of someone actually getting sick or dying from it? The back of the bottle of dawn Detergent says that in case of swallowing, give a glass of water to dilute...nothing about calling poison control. I don't think one drop on your finger constitutes child abuse. Get a grip people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh boy, does this bring back memories.

    My daughter isn't of the age to do this yet (she's only 2 and doesn't KNOW any curse words), but I imagine it WILL happen when she's old enough.

    I had this happen when I was young and so did my husband. We're OK, and this punishment is MUCH more humiliating and less abusive than smacking their mouth or just getting on to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I did that once when my daughter was in the 1st grade.

    She said the b-word.

    She is 14 now and I have never heard her swear since that washing.

    I got my mouth washed out for saying smarty-pants when I was little.

    Source(s): ivory soap, it floats
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