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Feedback on my art web site?

Hi, I have created a very basic web site for my mom, who wants to start selling her original art online. The website is Can you please take a look and give me any suggestions on how I can improve it? I have paid for a google ad campaign and am getting a lot of hits, but still no sales, so I'm wondering what I can do to fix this problem. =( Thanks for your feedback!


Thanks, everyone, for your feedback. Ok, so I see purple is very unpopular. The only reason we have this color scheme is because my mom's business cards are those colors, and we wanted some continuity with the business cards (which have a hot pink/purple lotus flower in the middle on a dark, blackish looking lake). Is it more important to lose the purple or stay consistent with her business cards? Thanks!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Looks good to me.

    you need to put some google ads on your site, so you can help pay for the clicks you are paying for.

    you are going to pay alot of money for clicks and get no or little sales, thats just how it is.

    You have a title in picture form on your pages - Art by your name

    You should take off that Gif and use text to write that, Then the search engines will see the word ART in big letters, they won't see a picture.

  • 1 decade ago


    No designer would advise you to superimpose a purple to your mom' s art. Who say nice n peacefull nature pictures look better on a high pitch purple wall?

    Advise> visit professional photographers sites... the eye goes to the images not the framing!!

    Hits, on the other hand, can be money collectors if you place as many banners and advertisement as you can.. but that wont sell your mom' s work either.\

    third, presentation goes by techniques , oil watercolor, etc.... and maybe people browsing your search are looking more about a type of image showroom? You need a real feedback to see what is happening.. ASK THE VISITORS!

    And last, check carefully wich pages the viewers stay more or the opposite.. then you will see wich ones to change...


  • 1 decade ago

    You did a wonderful job on the website and your mom's art is beautiful! I think the colors you have chosen are great, especially since she is a Hawaiian artist. The only recommendation I can make is to perhaps reduce the colors to a main three. The purple that is one the sides (background/sides) perhaps could be changed to the purple that is on the bars that read Contact Info and Payment Info...that would keep the purples matched up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I actually think that the website looks great. I wouldn't do too much more to it, just because you would want the paintings to sell themselves. Too much other "stuff" and it will distract from the artwork.

    If your mom has a business card or something along those lines you will want to put the website on that so that she can hand those out. The more that are handed out, the more awareness others have about the site and her artwork. So if there are other ways to promote it as well, that will help you out. The problem is getting people to know it is there and they can visit it. I will definitely bookmark it and tell my friends.....

    Have a good day and I hope this helps....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The color issue has already been brought up and I agree with the whole super purple black thing. Try to stick to more passive colors, something neutral not something that looks 'cool' together.

    The number of items are very limited. if she has 16 pieces all of these could be on one page thumbnailed there's really no need for 4 different categories for such a limited selection. even breaking it down into portraits /nature

    Also, encourage her to do commissioned paintings so you could add that to the site. More people are interested in personalised things of something they have a particular interest in then of random images. That would widen your buyer range.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the above comments on colour. Odds are, people looking to buy good art aren't going to be hanging them on purple walls. Perhaps try classic, basic colours. Not necessarily black and white, but something that will bring out the warmth... off-whites or creams. Best of luck!

  • Joan H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You have three different shades of purple. Simplify, simplify simplify and let the artwork be the focus. Enlarge the art and ditch the purple. Best of luck to your mom-

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