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Did you know everything is George Bush's fault?

I didn't, until I came upon this website. After all, before George Bush became president, we had a wonderful domestic economy, the Twin Towers still stood in the heart of New York, there was global peace, no global warming, and now all those things have changed.

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    "4 legs good, 2 legs bad, err better!"

    Wrong on that count, Bush inherited from Clinton an economy that was just devastated by the dot com bust, so was on the decline, a terrorist group that had already declared "war" on the USA, so was in the middle of planning the 9/11 attack, define global peace...there is really no such thing, and there still is no global warming...Speaking of, the attack on 9/11 just made the economy worse, coupled with the entire halt of the travel industry just served to destroy our economy for a few years...

    You know, I wrote all that when I thought you were serious. Now reading it again, it's one of the funniest things I've read in a while!

    Keep up the satire!

  • 1 decade ago

    No global warming? Just because America pretended not to notice until now doesn't mean the rest of the world wasn't taking notice.

    In any case if the problem is down to man made pollution then it has been forming for over a century. Did Bush arrange for that before he was born? I suppose he also arranged for the global warming on Mars too?

    It is nice to know you have such a high regard for his abilities.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I cannot blame everything on bush, but all of his appointees he knows them and how they operate so all the crooked judges he has appointed on the Supreme Court are mostly his fault, along with Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, the Middle East as a whole yes this includes Israel, the cleanup and the now homeless of the Gulf Region from hurricane Katrina, the corruption in his cabinet, cause he won't tighten the screws and fire them, the energy policy, drug and medical insurance programs, the national debt, I think you guessed it he is just taking up space at your and mine expense and spending spending, remember who said to go shopping after 9/11, Yes it was the monkey man, decider, GW Bush the one and only.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What website? Many of them are nothing but trash.

    Bob Woodward's books on the subject of George W. Bush and the Iraq war don't blame Bush, or Cheney either, and Bob Woodward is a liberal. If anyone is to blame, it's a little known intelligence operative named Stu Cohen, who decided not to be wishy-washy, so he stated unequivocally in the National Intelligence Estimate that Saddam had WMD's and EVERYONE believed him.

    Must we continue to blame Bush for the sneak terrorist attack on the World Trade Center? What was he supposed to do? We don't blame FDR for Pearl Harbor or Hitler's attack on Poland.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    -The $a million.3 trillion spending deficit? No -The $15 trillion nationwide debt? no longer all his own, he had help from Reagan and different Presidents. -lack of our AAA credit status? It turned right into a collection attempt, yet yeah, he receives some credit. -$4.00 in line with gallon gasoline? lower back, crew attempt. this theory that we may be able to "drill our way out of it" is one he has help spread. yet jointly, Obama must have conventional extra appropriate to grant it. -8% unemployment? Yep. That one is one him. -international warfare II? satirically, his grandfather (a Nazi supporter) tried to renounce international warfare 2. -Jesus being nailed to the pass? Nope -overweight youthful ones who's moms and dads feed them too a lot quickly foodstuff? Nope -Gays who're gay who can not get married? in part. -too a lot rain interior the rainforest? Nope -ailments spread by porn actors who do not use condoms? Nope -The Tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in 2004? Nope -The Tsunami that hit Japan in 2011? Nope -No air to respire in outerspace? Nope -"Are you there Chelsea?" getting cancelled? Yeah, that one is him - 17R3W

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing is his fault. He hid the sign Harry Truman put on the desk in the oval office that said "The Buck Stops Here". Dubya just passes it along. Thus, he is not at fault everyone else is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yup, I knew that! Before george america was made of cowboys who made love in the moonlight. On a serious note, people need to open their minds to all possibilities. Thing is, it's a scarey thing to admit. That you're president would kill his own people? I can understand why poeple want to believe him, and are so defensive...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dream dream dream

    wake up

    is it one man situation??

    where are Americans once we started to hear lies bin told from the very first line responsible

    do nt you remember Collen Powell and tennet in the famous UN session

    did not they both produced pics of these vans in which Saddam (bless his soul ) was manufacturing wmd

    why then America said nothing for that

    we are 3rd world

    we know our leaders try to be dictators

    how about you?

    remind me

    what was the percentage in England who were against war in Iraq

    how was it in Spain?

    in Italy?

    yet there was war and these countries has forces in Iraq?

    we know that we are 3rd war

    how about you?

  • 1 decade ago

    your kidding right????? global warming has been going on since b4 bush was ever in politics, the plan to knock down the towers was in effect since b4 gearge bush senior, and thier has never been glbal peace you just never read the paper b4 9/11........get a life

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a flat the other day and as I was changing it, I look up to see the presidents limo going by flags waving in the wind .. I jumped up and begin to say bad words and kicked my tire.. It was his fault I know it !!!

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