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i'm twenty one yrs ols and i'm really unhappy with my job. Should i quit?

I work as a accounts payable clerk. But i'm really unhappy i hate coming to work in the mornings every morning. and it's starting to affect how i do things here. i'm late every morning and i'm starting to not care anymore.

I am only 21yrs old and this is a good job but i just don't think it's for me. should i quit and give somebody else a chance or just continue to feel like i hate my life.

please some one help.

oh and ps my parents would flip if they knew that i was thinking of quitting.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are SOOOO young and should be experiencing what is the prime of your life!!! So DON'T continue doing what makes you unhappy.

    Don't tell your parent you're thinking of quitting. Rather make clear to your parents how unhappy you are - if they were ever young at heart, they should really understand this.

    If you can afford to do it, take a gap year and experience the world - you can support yourself while doing this! During this time, do a bit of soul searching, and if you feel inclined, study further or pursue a career that intrigues you.

    You have MANY years ahead of you, so there's NO reason why you should dig in now and work, work, work...

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most places of employment have a 2 week notice rule if you are going to be leaving a job. Instead of quitting your current job first, begin looking and applying for other jobs. When you are hired by another company, simply tell them you have to give your 2 weeks notice before beginning (it's pretty common) and give your 2 weeks notice at your current job. If you are 21 years old, your parents really shouldn't be overly concerned about you switching jobs. You are an adult and must make your own decisions. Don't call it quitting, call it changing careers. It happens to most everyone at some time or another. People are unhappy in their jobs and often a change of employment makes a big difference in their lives. You can check with your local community education center or community college to see if they offer a class on finding a career that is right for you. My 22 year old daughter did that and she applied for a new job just yesterday. She feels really pleased with herself for taking that step. Even if she doesn't get this job, she feels more confident about going out and applying for other jobs now that she has done it once. As a parent of 4 children, ages 27, 25, 22, and 9. I would not want any of my kids to feel as though they have to stay in a job that makes them unhappy and would encourage them to go out and find something that is a better fit for them. Dont underestimate your parents, they want what is best for you and what will make you happy, I am sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bless your heart! I know what you mean about hating work. Been there and done that.

    Well, if you still feel unhappy about your job..then go look for another one while you still have this job. That way..once you find what you like then you can quit and start a new job.

    Your parents shouldn't be upset about quitting the job that you don't like. You are over 18 years old and you are old enough to make your own decisions. I think you will feel a lot better once you find a job that you are comfortable with and better performance! The more experience the better!

    Wish you the best of luck!! =)

  • Dear Lost: First you need to figure out why you are so unhappyy with your job. Is it the job itself, your co-workers, etc, etc. Look into changing the things that make you so unhappy. Talk to your boss when you figure out what makes you so unhapp. If the things that make you so unhappy can't be changed, then look into changing jobs within the company. You are 21, don't start off your resume with job hopping. Check out your local Community College and see what evening classes or on line classes you can take to enhance your skills. Don't ever quit a job without another job, don't ever burn your bridges behind you. If you decide the company you work for has nothing to offer you in the long run, then you need to decide what you want to do with your life and go towards that goal. Please do not quit before you have another job. Jobs are not a dime a dozen, a good job is hard to fine. Build your skills with education, you are young. Good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't you take a class in the meantime in typing and grammer? Just by looking at your question, it is very apparent that you need help in this area. Until you can improve those skills, keep the job you have and be grateful to have it. After you have improved your office skills, look for another job. It's easier to find a new job if you already have one. I you "hate your life" because of a job, you are placing too much emphasis on how much impact it has on your emotional well-being. A job doesn't define you, it's only part of your life.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have a look around for other jobs while your still been paid, its far less pressure as money is still coming in. Your parents will be happier that you haven't just quit! And also it will look better on your C.V that you have been in continuous employment. If you can't find a job that you like, then quit and re train.

    I'm sure you will make the right choice as you sound sensible...... now get off of Yahoo, and get back to work!! (only joking cause I should be working myself!) ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really one to give emotional advice especially in living one's life.


    Unfortunately not every job is full of glamour and fun.

    At 21 years of age, you should look at what changes your current job would have to make to adjust your outlook on your life. Be realistic about what you expect. If you do not see the job changing in that way, moving on may be the option. Mom and dad should not be a factor in your decision, UNLESS your decision causes a financial burden on them. If it does, you should be prepare to weather the storm if you vacate your current position.

    Source(s): MOO-SAU-UB
  • 1 decade ago

    yeah make sure you have another job lined up first. If you need out now (i'm assuming you live on your own) make sure you have enough money to fall back on. But remember if you quit and can't find another job right away u can't get unemployment cuz u weren't fired.

  • holly
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you should take some annual leave and look for another position. Don't quit yet good jobs are hard to come by. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are unhappy then I would say yes quit your job but not until you find another job first.

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