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butterfly asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

can you use birth control as the morning after pill?

A friend of mine read that you can take a high dose of birth control as the morning after pill. So in stead of calling her doctor to get it, she took four of her low dose birth control pills. Is this going to hurt her? Or even stop her body from produsing a baby? seems like it could, but it sounds so unsafe. I tried to talk her out of it, but hell she did it any way. So is it going to work for her, or is it just going to hurt her? Im worried about her.


by the way neither she nor I are children. We are 25 and 26. She wasnt taking her birthcontrol, but had some extra I guess, and took them. I really dont know everything that happen, she just called me tonight and told me what she did. And Im just worried about her

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The morning after pill has the same ingredients as a birth control pill. Its just the dosage difference. I would not recommend trying this yourself!! Since she did, I think my Doc told once, it was around 4 you are supposed to take.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is NEVER a good idea to double up on medication. Its a very good possibility that it will hurt her or the baby. It will not work the same as the morning after pill. Tell her to be smart and go to the doctors. If she doesn't listen, talk to her parents.

    But if she was on the pill, why the need for the morning after pill?

    Also, the BOTH OF YOU should take a trip to your local planned parenthood. They will inform you on choices if you are ever in such a situation. They can also help you obtain morning after pills just in case. It seems like you could both use a lot more education on this stuff. IT will help you make smart informed choices.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Although there isn't really too much of a risk of overdosing on birth control, It's really not worth it taking extra pills when the morning after pill is relatively cheap and easily obtained. Also, why did she want to take the pill in the first place? If she had the birth control pills to take extras, isn't she regularly taking birth control? Even with low dose she would have pretty solid coverage.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are correct in being concerned. Never ever take medicine except for how it is prescribed. She could get a blood clot and have an episode with depression due to the hormone change. I am sure there are other things as well that could go wrong. Tell her next time to call the doctor.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Assuming you do not want to take birth control except for the morning after, than the answer is NO. Birth control pills can be effective if you miss ONE the day before, but that is assuming you have been taking them regularly.

    If you want a morning after pill, buy a morning after pill.

  • 1 decade ago

    the morning after pill is basically double dose of the normal bc pills and you have to take it twice. she pretty much made her own morning after pill but its still not as safe and effective as actually having the real one. she'll be fine tho and modern day bc pills have hormones low enough so that pretty much there is barely any chance of affecting future fertility or health. if she doesnt like using the pill tell her to get the shot every couple years

  • that,s my wifes nick name butterfly. well ask your doctor i don,t think so because the moring after pill works diffrently then jest the birth contral pill the news says you need the moreing after pill because it,s too late to use the birth contral pill that.s why the have the pill called moring after pill but ask you doctor first. but can not all women bodys work the same.because i know some girl that use the birth contral pill and still got pregnet.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No, that is not a good form of Birth Control. It is best to follow the guidelines and instructions and not abuse it. You are right, it is not safe. >.<

    She should go see a doctor immediately to find out if there are other options available.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not recommend trying this without the supervision of a physician. You could be setting yourself up for other problems such as having a stroke and other problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease or increase your risk for developing ovarian cancer, or developing a blood clot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. You can get emergency contraception from a women's clinic or possibly, the pharmacist. I suggest going to see a doctor.

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