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cirestan asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is Yahoo using Answers to promote liberal ideology?

More and more often I see liberal minded celebrities and political figures having featured questions on Yahoo Answers, or even on the Yahoo Homepage as "Current News".

Is Yahoo using Answers to promote liberal ideas and arguments without the burden of backing any statements with fact?

Isn't this the perfect forum to push quasi-utopian concepts onto people without needing to educate them on all sides of the arguement?

Isn't asking a loaded question, the same as telling everyone what to think?

Personally I think Yahoo is very close to a line they may not want to cross.


I know most people just vomit their answers and continue on without a second thought except that they got two points, but I like to give the courtesy of reading and talking about the answers when I can.

I must have missed McCain's question. I don't live on these boards, and although I saw DiCaprio, Lucy Liu, Bono, Hillary, Gore, and many many more questions featured (some on the Yahoo home page) I missed McCain.

Good single callout though.

I did find it interesting how "Top Contributors" for the most point had the worst answers. Often resulting in name calling, labeling, and gibberish. Goes to show that Yahoo Answers is still just a numbers game.

MOST Americans have Liberal views? Last time I checked only about 48% had liberal views, arguably 52%.

As far as asking the same question if 90%+ of the "celebrity questions" were Conservative, I would hope somebody WOULD notice and ask the exact same question I just asked.

Update 2:

So, besides the name calling, the skewed concept that apparently a lot of you thinking I am conspiracy theorist, can anyone come up with a single viable answer to ANY of the above questions in a logical format that makes sense?

Update 3:

And the diversionary tactics of bringing up every weak argument against Republicans since 9/11 to avoid answering the intial question doesn't really work here.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The whole point of the forum is to educate. And personally I see a large number of conservative viewpoints being represented on this site.

    I don't understand what line Yahoo is close to crossing? They are a private group and may run it in whatever way they may wish. Simply because a question posed by their celebrities and political figures doesn't go along with your values does not mean anything.

    Could it be instead that the political figures to whom your values subscribe do not feel it necessary to be part of this forum or wish to participate.

    Personally I have also seen a large number of people on both sides of the fence present inane arguments with no "proof" or citation from peer reviewed articles.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "Politics" section of YahooAnswers is nonsense and pointless, no matter what political orientation the asker might have. I'm extremely politically active, yet that's the only section of YahooAnswers that I don't even bother visiting.

    Every question is a loaded question, like "Why are we slaughtering so many innocent people in Iraq?" and all the answers are like "for oil!" and "because Bush is evil!" etc.

    Or a conservative question will say, "Why do democrats hate America so much?" and all the answers are "because they like seeing troops die," etc.

    It's all pointless. The one time I went to the politics section, maybe 1 out of 50 were actual legitimate, sincere questions. Don't even waste your time thinking about what they are trying to promote, just join in in ignoring the section altogether.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll remember this the next time a Liberal asks the same about Conservatives.

    If you're really afraid of Yahoo trying to brainwash you,there are literally billions of other places in the ol' intertubes my friend.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, in the minds of neocons that's undoubtedly the case. Of course, you're the same crowd that persists in believing that things are looking up in Iraq (or, if you can admit that they're not, it's of course the fault of "tree-hugging liberals"), and that refusing to tell the truth about extramarital bj's is more serious than suspending Habeas corpus, illegal wiretapping, secret trials, or being an apologist for torture. By that "logic", I suppose you might be onto something...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree. Since most of the Conservatives are backwoods hicks without computers, they can't voice their opinion on the subjects when they come up.

    Its time to stop this foolishness. The question comes up, every conservative on this site has a chance to fight against it and get their own ideas out. You'd be surprised at how little Leonardo DiCaprio actually figures into my thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes the liberals got together and decided Yahoo answers was the place to focus there agenda

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a question and Answer forum and I think Yahoo is doing an excellent job!!! Keep up the good work Yahoo!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    No but most Americans have very liberal views.

    The media is worse, at least here you can express your view.

    Its sad in schools we don't teach logic...

    Its not yahoo its Yahoos users.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anywhere a LIEberal can get in, they will. It is there way of doing things. What they have done is no0t bad enough, they want back in to do more damage. Thank Good God, it seem more and more people are stepping away from them.

    Should Yahoo be doing this, YES it would be crossing a line that they should not. I have not been a member long enough to notice a trend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yahoo is in the money business - if that were proven to be true, they'd see a huge drop in subscribers. They aren't that stupid I don't think.

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